


2006年 11月在中國美術(shù)館舉辦“藍正輝體量水墨”個展
2006年 10月參加中國宋莊水墨同盟首屆邀請展
2005年 12月獲得加拿大安省藝術(shù)委員會2006年度創(chuàng)作獎金
2005年 5月參加美國紐約科特蘭大學“中國日活動展”
2005年 5月加拿大多倫多亞裔藝術(shù)月,參加“飛流直下大瀑布”畫展
2004年 5月應邀為中國景德鎮(zhèn)1000年慶典舉辦“蘭正輝水墨特展”
2004年 4月在加拿大大多倫多中華文化中心舉辦“水墨疾走”巡回個展
2003年 10月應邀在加拿大多倫多IS GALLERY表演水墨行為作品《一跨》
2003年 3月廣東美術(shù)館舉辦蘭正輝“水墨疾走”個展
2002年 以藝術(shù)家身份移居加拿大
2001年 策劃北京凡畫廊“堆積情感”五人油畫展
1999年 赴日本參加“第十四屆亞洲國際藝術(shù)展”
1999年 赴香港參加“水墨裝置展”
1993年 參加第一屆“中國藝術(shù)博覽會”
1989年 參加在北京中國美術(shù)館舉辦的第一屆“中國現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)大展”
1988年 參加“黃山會議”
1987年 畢業(yè)分配任教于重慶大學
1985年 發(fā)表文字、觀念、裝置藝術(shù)作品
1983年 考入四川美術(shù)學院
1980年 畢業(yè)于沈陽冶金機械??茖W校

ZHenghui Lan

Nov. 2006 To hold the Solo Exhibition “Heavy Ink painting by Zhenghui, Lan” , National Art Museum of China in Beijing,China
Oct. 2006 Invited to join “the First Invitational Exhibition of China- SongZhuang Ink Painting League”,Beijing,China
July 2006 Joined “The Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition2006” Toronto, Canada
Jan 2006 Won Ontario Art Council Grants for VisualArtist
May 2005 Joined“Celebrate China” Ink painting show at The Groton Cultural Arts Center, New York U.S
May 2005 Joined “2005 Asian Heritage Month GTA-The Great Waterfalls” as one of two artists ,Toronto, Canada
May 2004 Invited to hold solo exhibition “Contemporary Ink painting Special Show by Zhenghui Lan” for 1000 Years Celebration of Porcelain, Jingdezhen, China
Apr.2004 Held solo exhibition of “Powerful Ink painting Art by Zhenghui Lan”, Toronto, Canada (the first station of North America)
Apr.2004 Joined The Latcham Gallery’s Annual Juried Exhibition 2004, Toronto, Canada
Oct.2003 Joined “X’uan Motion-The Contemporary Language of X’Uan Paper” show,Toronto, Canada
Oct.2003 Joined The Is Gallery’s Annual Juried Exhibition 2003 and presented the creation of the work “stride”,Toronto, Canada
Mar.2003 Held solo exhibition of “Powerful Ink painting Art by Zhenghui Lan” in Guangdong Museum of Art (Provincial),Guangzhou,China
Sep.,2002 Immigrated to Canada as an artist
2001 Organized and joined five-artistexhibition “Accumulated Emotion” in Fan Gallery, Beijing, China
1999 Participated in “The 14th AsiaInternational Art Exhibition” , Fukuoka, Japan
1999 Joined Ink painting installation exhibition,Hong Kong,China
1993 Exhibited at "The First China ArtFair”,Guangzhou, China 1989 Took part in “China Modern Art FirstExhibition” at National Art Museum of China , Beijing,China
1988 Attended “Huangshan Meeting”, which is oneof the most important meeting for China contemporary art
1987 Teaching art in Chongqing Universityafter graduation
1987 BA-Fine Art Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts of China
1986 Publishedfamous works of concept and installation of Chinese letter “ To be unearthed and unexplained an urgent telegraph from B.C. to A.D.”
1980 Graduated from Shenyang University (usedto be Metallurgy Mechanical College of ShenyangChina




2006年 11月在中國美術(shù)館舉辦“藍正輝體量水墨”個展
2006年 10月參加中國宋莊水墨同盟首屆邀請展
2005年 12月獲得加拿大安省藝術(shù)委員會2006年度創(chuàng)作獎金
2005年 5月參加美國紐約科特蘭大學“中國日活動展”
2005年 5月加拿大多倫多亞裔藝術(shù)月,參加“飛流直下大瀑布”畫展
2004年 5月應邀為中國景德鎮(zhèn)1000年慶典舉辦“蘭正輝水墨特展”
2004年 4月在加拿大大多倫多中華文化中心舉辦“水墨疾走”巡回個展
2003年 10月應邀在加拿大多倫多IS GALLERY表演水墨行為作品《一跨》
2003年 3月廣東美術(shù)館舉辦蘭正輝“水墨疾走”個展
2002年 以藝術(shù)家身份移居加拿大
2001年 策劃北京凡畫廊“堆積情感”五人油畫展
1999年 赴日本參加“第十四屆亞洲國際藝術(shù)展”
1999年 赴香港參加“水墨裝置展”
1993年 參加第一屆“中國藝術(shù)博覽會”
1989年 參加在北京中國美術(shù)館舉辦的第一屆“中國現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)大展”
1988年 參加“黃山會議”
1987年 畢業(yè)分配任教于重慶大學
1985年 發(fā)表文字、觀念、裝置藝術(shù)作品
1983年 考入四川美術(shù)學院
1980年 畢業(yè)于沈陽冶金機械??茖W校

ZHenghui Lan

Nov. 2006 To hold the Solo Exhibition “Heavy Ink painting by Zhenghui, Lan” , National Art Museum of China in Beijing,China
Oct. 2006 Invited to join “the First Invitational Exhibition of China- SongZhuang Ink Painting League”,Beijing,China
July 2006 Joined “The Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition2006” Toronto, Canada
Jan 2006 Won Ontario Art Council Grants for VisualArtist
May 2005 Joined“Celebrate China” Ink painting show at The Groton Cultural Arts Center, New York U.S
May 2005 Joined “2005 Asian Heritage Month GTA-The Great Waterfalls” as one of two artists ,Toronto, Canada
May 2004 Invited to hold solo exhibition “Contemporary Ink painting Special Show by Zhenghui Lan” for 1000 Years Celebration of Porcelain, Jingdezhen, China
Apr.2004 Held solo exhibition of “Powerful Ink painting Art by Zhenghui Lan”, Toronto, Canada (the first station of North America)
Apr.2004 Joined The Latcham Gallery’s Annual Juried Exhibition 2004, Toronto, Canada
Oct.2003 Joined “X’uan Motion-The Contemporary Language of X’Uan Paper” show,Toronto, Canada
Oct.2003 Joined The Is Gallery’s Annual Juried Exhibition 2003 and presented the creation of the work “stride”,Toronto, Canada
Mar.2003 Held solo exhibition of “Powerful Ink painting Art by Zhenghui Lan” in Guangdong Museum of Art (Provincial),Guangzhou,China
Sep.,2002 Immigrated to Canada as an artist
2001 Organized and joined five-artistexhibition “Accumulated Emotion” in Fan Gallery, Beijing, China
1999 Participated in “The 14th AsiaInternational Art Exhibition” , Fukuoka, Japan
1999 Joined Ink painting installation exhibition,Hong Kong,China
1993 Exhibited at "The First China ArtFair”,Guangzhou, China 1989 Took part in “China Modern Art FirstExhibition” at National Art Museum of China , Beijing,China
1988 Attended “Huangshan Meeting”, which is oneof the most important meeting for China contemporary art
1987 Teaching art in Chongqing Universityafter graduation
1987 BA-Fine Art Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts of China
1986 Publishedfamous works of concept and installation of Chinese letter “ To be unearthed and unexplained an urgent telegraph from B.C. to A.D.”
1980 Graduated from Shenyang University (usedto be Metallurgy Mechanical College of ShenyangChina