

約瑟夫.亞伯斯 (Josef Albers, 1888-1976),德國畫家、設計師。 是美國「繪畫抽象以后的抽象」及「歐普藝術」(OP Art)的先驅(qū),他曾就讀柏林、埃森和慕尼黑的藝術學校;1920年轉(zhuǎn)到包浩斯(Bauhaus),并于1923—33年間受聘為包浩斯學校的教師。1933年后移居美國,任教于北卡羅來納州的黑山學院、哈佛大學、耶魯大學。 

他早期作品都是具象畫,但不久即轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)閺氐椎膸缀纬橄罄L畫,而且一直堅持以抽象繪畫形式表現(xiàn);1940年后造型簡潔,探求色彩和造型間微妙的關系,每一正方形沒有圖形與背景之分,被稱為「硬邊藝術」(Hard Edge)的風格。



亞伯斯早年在包浩斯藝術設計學院學習,后來又受包浩斯院長格羅皮烏斯之邀,在那里執(zhí)教?!墩叫蔚亩Y贊》(或譯為《向正方形致敬》;Homage to the Squre),為亞伯斯一九五零年代末期開始創(chuàng)作的一個系列,畫家努力追尋繪畫的純粹感,是一種新的可歸屬于幾何抽象的自由畫風,對其后美國的極少主義藝術(Minimal art)有著直接的影響。 


Josef Albers Biography

1888 Born in Bottrop, Westphalia, Germany
1925 Appointed Bauhaus master, Dessau, Germany
1939 Becomes a citizen of the United States
1933 - 1948 Teaches at Black Mountain College, North Carolina
1948 - 1950 Member of Advisor Council of the Arts, Yale University, New Haven, CT
1950 Appointed Director of Department of Design, Yale University, New Haven, CT
1975 Died in New Haven, CT

Selected Exhibitions

2008 Auktion 26, Lehr - Auktionshaus und Galerie, Berlin
2008 Pop and Op, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, NY
2007 Pop Art and its Affinities, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
2006 Group Show, The Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, MA
2005 Logical Conclusions, PaceWildenstein, New York City, NY
2004 The Daimler Art Collection, Pretoria Art Museum, Pretoria
2003 Minimal to the Max - The Brownstone Collection, Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, FL
2002 Works on Paper, The Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery, Portland, OR
2001 Astratta, Palazzo Cavour, Turin
2000 Art Concret, Espace de l'art concret, Mouans Sartoux
1999 Cool and Square, Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University, Stanford, CA
1998 The Fervour of DADA, ARKEN Museum of Moderne Kunst, Copenhagen
1932 Bauhaus
1929 Bauhaus exhibition, The Kunsthalle Basel & the Kunstgewerbemuseum Zürich, Switzerland