

Luo Zidan is a seasoned performance artists from Sizhuan. He was born 1971 in the small Sichuan town of Luzhou. After graduating from high school in 1989 Luo entered the Chongqing Fine Art University. In 1991 he began to experiment with various art mediums. In the early 90's he moved to Beijing and lived in the artists community of Yuanmingyuan (Sommer Palace). Today he lives again in Chengdu. Luo Zidan has over 50 performances to his credit.

The exhibition at Shanghart (bldg 16) features the oil paintings Luo Zidan created during his stay in Yuanmingyuan artists village in the early and mid 90's. They are his last paintings he created before dedicating himself exclusively to performance art. Included in the exhibition are also documents of Luo Zidan's performance from the same time.


基本資料 1971 生于四川

教育 1995 在北京中關(guān)村實施第一件行為裝置作品
1993 在北京圓明園畫家村從事繪畫

群展 2003 香格納少見的作品-荒木經(jīng)唯,胡介鳴,李占洋,羅子丹,王軍,翁奮,徐一暉,趙一武,周宏湘, 香格納畫廊主空間,上海
2002 首屆廣州三年展-重新解讀: 中國實驗藝術(shù)十年 (1990-2000), 廣東美術(shù)館, 廣州
2001 第六屆中國當代藝術(shù)文獻資料展: 旋轉(zhuǎn)360-中國方案藝術(shù)展, 上海海上山藝術(shù)中心
2000 90年代中國前衛(wèi)美術(shù)家資料展, 日本福岡現(xiàn)代美術(shù)館
藝術(shù)大餐展, 北京
1999 首屆世界華人裝置藝術(shù)文獻展, 香港
超市: 當代藝術(shù)展, 上海廣場, 上海
1998 中國“都市人格”組展, 四川美術(shù)學(xué)院現(xiàn)場展
1996 雕塑與當代文獻展, 成都
1995 成都油畫展, 中國美術(shù)館
聽男人講女人的故事-系列藝術(shù)展, 成都雅風(fēng)藝術(shù)沙龍