

  麗塔·薩伊德(REETA SAEED )

  Atist 藝術家



  2006/2007- Post Graduation Fine Arts, Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, University of Arts London, England


  1998/2001- Bachelor of Fine Arts, N.C.A (National College of Arts), Lahore, Pakistan

  Major in Miniature Painting, Minor: computer graphic, printmaking and ceramics





  2009- Access and Career Development Grant by Ontario Arts Council.


  2007- Selected student Artist- Celeste Art Prize, London, England (catalog printed)


  Merit scholarship at N.C.A 1999 to 2000 and Passed with Honors



  Solo Exhibitions:


  2009- “Gift” Instillation 401 Richmond Street, Toronto. Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche (independent project).


  2009- Ignored as if it doesn’t exists’ at Vaughn Public Library (showcased with Asia Heritage month) Vaughn, Ontario.


  2007-De-Construction, Instillation at Concourse Gallery, University of Arts London, UK


  2007- Translation’ sight specific instillation at Royal Academy of Arts, London, England


  2006- Isolation’ -Instillation- Artist Studio, OX-Bow Summer School of Art Institute of Chicago

  2006-“隔離”,美國芝加哥OX-Bow 夏季藝術學院

  2006-Three dimensions of Thread’ Instillation in storage room at Central Saint Martins, London


  2006-Layering’ Instillation at Project Room, Central Saint Martins, London, England

  2006-“分層”, 英國倫敦圣馬丁藝術學院


  Selected Group Exhibitions:


  2010: “Dislocation” by MOSAIC festival, Living Arts Centre, Mississauga


  “Hindsight” Resident artist exhibition, Living Arts Centre, Mississauga

  “后見之明”, 加拿大,米西索加,駐留藝術家展

  2009: Steeped in Sanskriti’ at Gibson and Joseph Gallery, Distillery District, Toronto

  2009:“鉆研Sanskriti語言”,加拿大,多倫多Gibson and Joseph畫廊

  “No Honor in Killing: Making Visible Buried Truth” at National Gallery of Arts, Islamabad, Zahoor-ul-Akhlaq Gallery, (N.C.A) Lahore


  “Bazgashat: Traditional methods and urban myths” exhibition of contemporary miniature painting at Art Gallery of Mississauga


  2008- Dyed Roots: The new emergence of culture at Museum of Canadian Contemporary Arts. Also part of Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche Toronto


  Biennial Fiber Works, Cambridge Galleries, Canada


  “Re-Generation” by SAVAC, presented with South Asia Calling Festival at Harbourfront Centre of Arts, Toronto


  ‘Bend, Fold, Manipulate’ 20 =rtists Stitch for Peace! ACA Gallery, Toronto


  2007- Speculum Mundi, Galerie Davide Gallo, Berlin


  Video Cuts’ Centre of Contemporary Arts Glasgow and Video Cuts’ at Window 204, Bristol, UK


  A Thousand and One Day’ Musee des Beaux Arts of Rouen, France-(catalog printed)


  Honeymoon Phase’ Lauderdale House, London, England


  Inhabiting new spaces’ Kingsgate Gallery, London, England


  2006- Video Cuts’ at Lecture Theatre, CSM, London, England.

  2006- Video Cuts,英國倫敦csm報告廳

  Creation’ by Scarborough Arts Council at Todmorden Mills Heritage Museum, Toronto


  Layering- group show at gallery 1313, Toronto


  2005- A Thousand and One Day’ Academy of Arts, Honolulu-(catalog printed)


  Exhibition of miniature painting’ Art-en-Chart House, France


  2004-Contemporary Miniature Painting’ Asia Gallery B, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan-(catalog printed)


  Playing with the loaded gun’ Fridericianum Museum, Kassel,Germany- (catalog printed)


  Exhibition of painting and calligraphy’ National Museum of Art, Bahrain


  2003- Playing with the loaded gun’ Apex Art, New York-(catalog printed)


  Exhibition of Contemporary Miniature Painting’ K-3 Project Space, Zurich

  當代細密畫展覽,蘇黎世K-3 Project空間

  Exhibition of Contemporary Miniature Painting’ Maison d’ Art Contemporian Chaillioux, France-(catalog printed)

  當代細密畫展覽,法國Maison d’ Art Contemporian Chaillioux

  Negotiating Borders’ Siddhartha Art Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal- (catalog printed)


  Group show of Miniature Painting, Royeat Gallery, Lahore


  2002- Around the Miniature’ Canvas Gallery, Karachi


  Translation’ two person show at Rohtas II, Lahore


  Group Exhibition of Miniature Paintings at Chawkandi Art Gallery, Karachi


  The Next Generation' an exhibition of works by young Pakistani Women artist at Rohtas Gallery, Islamabad


  A Group show of Miniatures at Ejaz Gallery, Lahore


  Distinction & Honours Show’ Zahor-ul-Akhlaq Gallery, National College of Arts, Lahore



  Artist Residencies:


  2009/2010 - Textile Artist in Residence, Living Arts Centre, Mississauga


  June-2006- Artist in Residency at Ox Bow-The Summer School of Art Institute of Chicago

  2006夏天-美國芝加哥Ox Bow夏季學院駐留項目

  June/july2004- Artist in Residency at "Omi International Artist Residency" NewYork



  Relevent activities:


  2009/2010- Member Programming Committee SAVAC, Toronto


  “Introduction to South Asian Art” workshop conducted at Education Conference York University 2009


  2009- “Miniature painting workshop” organized by Mosaic Festival 2009 Mississauga


  2009-Bazgasht Artist talk/panel discussion at Art Gallery of Mississauga



  Selected Bibliography


  Unveiling history: interview with Sabrina Almeida at Canadian Immigrant Magazine issue April 2009.


  “Dyed Roots: The New Emergence of Culture” Fiber Quarterly ISSN 1916-534x Canada

  “染色的根:新文化的出現(xiàn)”:加拿大纖維藝術雜志季刊ISSN 1916-534x訪談

  “Dyed Roots shows wit” NOW Magazine Toronto, September 2008 issue.


  “Survival of revival” DAWN Gallery, September 20, 2008


  “Look closely” by Marcia Morse, Honolulu weekly, November2, 2005


  Caravan cafe' Art from Central Asia-Acas Services-Rome -2004


  The Dawn, Karachi, September 27, 2003


  The New York Times, September 12, 2003


  Daily Times, New York, September 14,2003


  Interviewed by “The Himalayan Times” Nepal- March 25, 2003


  The News, Lahore, Pakistan-02 June, 2002



  Gallery Representations:


  South Asia Gallery of Arts, Oakville, Ontario


  Davide Gallo Gallery, Berlin, Germany

  德國柏林Davide Gallo畫廊

  Gibsone and Jessop Gallery, Distillary District, Toronto

  加拿大多倫多Gibsone and Jessop畫廊


  Art fairs:


  2008-Pulse Art Fair Miami 邁阿密

  2008-Arte Fiera di Bologna , Italy 意大利

  2007- Preview Berlin 柏林

  2006- Toronto Art Expo 多倫多


  麗塔·薩伊德(REETA SAEED )   Atist 藝術家   學歷   2006/2007- Post Graduation Fine Arts, Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, University of Arts London, England   2006/2007-藝術碩士:英國倫敦藝術大學,圣馬丁藝術設計學院   1998/2001- Bachelor of Fine Arts, N.C.A (National College of Arts), Lahore, Pakistan   Major in Miniature Painting, Minor: computer graphic, printmaking and ceramics   1998/2001-藝術學士:巴基斯坦,拉哈爾國立藝術學院,主修細密畫,輔修計算機美術,版畫,陶藝   Prizes:   獲獎:   2009- Access and Career Development Grant by Ontario Arts Council.   2009-加拿大安大略藝術委員會職業(yè)發(fā)展獎勵   2007- Selected student Artist- Celeste Art Prize, London, England (catalog printed)   2007-英國倫敦優(yōu)秀藝術學生   Merit scholarship at N.C.A 1999 to 2000 and Passed with Honors   1999-2000巴基斯坦國立藝術學院優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)生,多次獲得獎學金   Solo Exhibitions:   個展   2009- “Gift” Instillation 401 Richmond Street, Toronto. Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche (independent project).   2009-“;禮物”加拿大,多倫多   2009- Ignored as if it doesn’t exists’ at Vaughn Public Library (showcased with Asia Heritage month) Vaughn, Ontario.   2009-“忽略假裝的不存在”,加拿大,安大略,沃恩公立圖書館(陳列于亞洲遺產月)   2007-De-Construction, Instillation at Concourse Gallery, University of Arts London, UK   2007-“解建構”,英國倫敦藝術大學樓廳畫廊   2007- Translation’ sight specific instillation at Royal Academy of Arts, London, England   2007-“解釋”,英國皇家美術學院   2006- Isolation’ -Instillation- Artist Studio, OX-Bow Summer School of Art Institute of Chicago   2006-“隔離”,美國芝加哥OX-Bow 夏季藝術學院   2006-Three dimensions of Thread’ Instillation in storage room at Central Saint Martins, London   2006-“三維的纖維”,英國倫敦圣馬丁藝術學院   2006-Layering’ Instillation at Project Room, Central Saint Martins, London, England   2006-“分層”, 英國倫敦圣馬丁藝術學院   Selected Group Exhibitions:   群展   2010: “Dislocation” by MOSAIC festival, Living Arts Centre, Mississauga   2010-“轉位”,加拿大,米西索加,生活藝術中心   “Hindsight” Resident artist exhibition, Living Arts Centre, Mississauga   “后見之明”, 加拿大,米西索加,駐留藝術家展   2009: Steeped in Sanskriti’ at Gibson and Joseph Gallery, Distillery District, Toronto   2009:“鉆研Sanskriti語言”,加拿大,多倫多Gibson and Joseph畫廊   “No Honor in Killing: Making Visible Buried Truth” at National Gallery of Arts, Islamabad, Zahoor-ul-Akhlaq Gallery, (N.C.A) Lahore   “殺戮無榮譽:制作顯而易見的被埋葬的事實”,巴基斯坦國立藝術學院,伊斯蘭堡,國立藝術美術館   “Bazgashat: Traditional methods and urban myths” exhibition of contemporary miniature painting at Art Gallery of Mississauga   “回聲:傳統(tǒng)方法和城市神話”,加拿大米西索加美術館細密畫展覽   2008- Dyed Roots: The new emergence of culture at Museum of Canadian Contemporary Arts. Also part of Scotia Bank Nuit Blanche Toronto   2008-“染色的根:文化新現(xiàn)象”,加拿大當代藝術美術館   Biennial Fiber Works, Cambridge Galleries, Canada   纖維藝術雙年展:加拿大劍橋畫廊   “Re-Generation” by SAVAC, presented with South Asia Calling Festival at Harbourfront Centre of Arts, Toronto   “新一代”,加拿大港灣藝術中心   ‘Bend, Fold, Manipulate’ 20 =rtists Stitch for Peace! ACA Gallery, Toronto   “彎曲,折疊,操作”,加拿大多倫多ACA畫廊   2007- Speculum Mundi, Galerie Davide Gallo, Berlin   2007-“金屬鏡Mundi”,德國柏林法國大衛(wèi)畫廊   Video Cuts’ Centre of Contemporary Arts Glasgow and Video Cuts’ at Window 204, Bristol, UK   “分割錄像”,英國格拉斯哥當代藝術中心和布里斯托爾   A Thousand and One Day’ Musee des Beaux Arts of Rouen, France-(catalog printed)   “一千零一天”,法國魯昂   Honeymoon Phase’ Lauderdale House, London, England   “蜜月期”,英國倫敦勞德戴爾機構   Inhabiting new spaces’ Kingsgate Gallery, London, England   “新定居地”,英國倫敦金斯蓋特畫廊   2006- Video Cuts’ at Lecture Theatre, CSM, London, England.   2006- Video Cuts,英國倫敦csm報告廳   Creation’ by Scarborough Arts Council at Todmorden Mills Heritage Museum, Toronto   “創(chuàng)造“,加拿大多倫多,斯卡伯勒藝術委員會舉辦   Layering- group show at gallery 1313, Toronto   “分層”,加拿大多倫多1313畫廊   2005- A Thousand and One Day’ Academy of Arts, Honolulu-(catalog printed)   2005-“一千零一天”,美國夏威夷火奴魯魯藝術學院   Exhibition of miniature painting’ Art-en-Chart House, France   細密畫展覽,法國Art-en-Chart機構   2004-Contemporary Miniature Painting’ Asia Gallery B, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Japan-(catalog printed)   2004-當代細密畫,日本B畫廊,福岡亞洲美術館   Playing with the loaded gun’ Fridericianum Museum, Kassel,Germany- (catalog printed)   “玩耍裝滿子彈的搶”,德國卡塞爾,里希阿魯門美術館   Exhibition of painting and calligraphy’ National Museum of Art, Bahrain   繪畫與書法展,巴林國立美術館   2003- Playing with the loaded gun’ Apex Art, New York-(catalog printed)   2003-“玩耍裝滿子彈的搶”,美國紐約,頂尖藝術畫廊   Exhibition of Contemporary Miniature Painting’ K-3 Project Space, Zurich   當代細密畫展覽,蘇黎世K-3 Project空間   Exhibition of Contemporary Miniature Painting’ Maison d’ Art Contemporian Chaillioux, France-(catalog printed)   當代細密畫展覽,法國Maison d’ Art Contemporian Chaillioux   Negotiating Borders’ Siddhartha Art Gallery, Kathmandu, Nepal- (catalog printed)   “談判疆界”,尼泊爾,加德滿都,希達多藝術畫廊   Group show of Miniature Painting, Royeat Gallery, Lahore   細密畫群展,巴基斯坦拉合爾Royeat畫廊   2002- Around the Miniature’ Canvas Gallery, Karachi   2002-“處處細密畫”,巴基斯坦卡拉奇Canvas畫廊   Translation’ two person show at Rohtas II, Lahore   “翻譯”二人展,巴基斯坦拉合爾   Group Exhibition of Miniature Paintings at Chawkandi Art Gallery, Karachi   細密畫群展,巴基斯坦卡拉奇Chawkandi藝術畫廊   The Next Generation' an exhibition of works by young Pakistani Women artist at Rohtas Gallery, Islamabad   “下一代”青年女藝術家群展,巴基斯坦伊斯蘭堡Rohtas畫廊   A Group show of Miniatures at Ejaz Gallery, Lahore   細密畫群展,巴基斯坦拉合爾Ejaz畫廊   Distinction & Honours Show’ Zahor-ul-Akhlaq Gallery, National College of Arts, Lahore   榮譽展,巴基斯坦拉合爾國立藝術學院Zahor-ul-Akhlaq畫廊   Artist Residencies:   藝術家駐留項目:   2009/2010 - Textile Artist in Residence, Living Arts Centre, Mississauga   2009/2010-加拿大米西加索紡織藝術駐留中心   June-2006- Artist in Residency at Ox Bow-The Summer School of Art Institute of Chicago   2006夏天-美國芝加哥Ox Bow夏季學院駐留項目   June/july2004- Artist in Residency at "Omi International Artist Residency" NewYork   2004-67月-美國紐約Omi國際藝術家駐留項目   Relevent activities:   相關活動:   2009/2010- Member Programming Committee SAVAC, Toronto   2009/2010-美國多倫多SAVAC項目委員會委員   “Introduction to South Asian Art” workshop conducted at Education Conference York University 2009   “南亞藝術簡介”研討會,2009年美國多倫多約克大學教育會議   2009- “Miniature painting workshop” organized by Mosaic Festival 2009 Mississauga   2009-細密畫研討會,加拿大米西索加馬賽克節(jié)   2009-Bazgasht Artist talk/panel discussion at Art Gallery of Mississauga   2009-紡織藝術家專題討論會,加拿大米西索加藝術畫廊   Selected Bibliography   精選訪談介紹   Unveiling history: interview with Sabrina Almeida at Canadian Immigrant Magazine issue April 2009.   “揭去面紗的歷史”:2009年4月加拿大移民雜志訪談   “Dyed Roots: The New Emergence of Culture” Fiber Quarterly ISSN 1916-534x Canada   “染色的根:新文化的出現(xiàn)”:加拿大纖維藝術雜志季刊ISSN 1916-534x訪談   “Dyed Roots shows wit” NOW Magazine Toronto, September 2008 issue.   “染色的根展示智慧”,2008年9月NOW雜志訪談,加拿大多倫多   “Survival of revival” DAWN Gallery, September 20, 2008   “復興的存活者”,2008年9月20日DAWN報紙訪談   “Look closely” by Marcia Morse, Honolulu weekly, November2, 2005   “看緊”,2005年11月2日火奴魯魯周報訪談   Caravan cafe' Art from Central Asia-Acas Services-Rome -2004   《大篷車里的咖啡館》,2004年意大利中亞美術   The Dawn, Karachi, September 27, 2003   “黎明”,2003年9月27日卡拉奇日報   The New York Times, September 12, 2003   “紐約時報”,2003年9月12日   Daily Times, New York, September 14,2003   “紐約日報”,2002年9月14日   Interviewed by “The Himalayan Times” Nepal- March 25, 2003   “喜馬拉雅時報”,尼泊爾,2003年3月25日   The News, Lahore, Pakistan-02 June, 2002   “新聞”報紙,2002年6月2日巴基斯坦拉合爾   Gallery Representations:   畫廊代理   South Asia Gallery of Arts, Oakville, Ontario   加拿大安大略湖奧科威爾南亞藝術畫廊   Davide Gallo Gallery, Berlin, Germany   德國柏林Davide Gallo畫廊   Gibsone and Jessop Gallery, Distillary District, Toronto   加拿大多倫多Gibsone and Jessop畫廊   Art fairs:   藝術博覽會   2008-Pulse Art Fair Miami 邁阿密   2008-Arte Fiera di Bologna , Italy 意大利   2007- Preview Berlin 柏林   2006- Toronto Art Expo 多倫多