




    乍眼一看,安德魯•貝爾德的畫似乎在模仿杰克遜•波洛克;但從線條肖像畫中,我們可以看出鮮明的區(qū)別來。一幅巨大的肖像,看似雜亂無章,但從明暗角度一 看,效果就出來了。因為形象是從明暗的效果才顯示出來的,而他正是個中行家。鮮艷奪目的色彩使得肖像神奇的出現(xiàn)又消失,很是吸引人。



    安德魯•貝爾德總是能夠很出色地運用顏色。 讓他筆下的畫面在顏色的縱橫交錯中消失又出現(xiàn),讓觀看者驚訝不已。


    2008年8月, 貝爾德的2幅作品被陳列在丹拂的民主黨代表大會總部.
    2008年8月, 貝爾德在新奧爾良舉辦畫像展示.


    美國 新奧爾良 安吉利娜 金 畫廊
    美國 斯丁堡 史期瑟 畫廊
    美國 阿斯本 E.S.勞倫斯 畫廊

    Andrew Baird, a fifth-generation Colorado native, lives and works in Evergreen, Colorado. He has worked as an artist and as an art educator on the secondary and graduate level for thirty years. Andrew Baird earned his B.A. in Fine Arts and his M.A. in Fine Arts from the University of Northern Colorado, and his paintings and ceramics have been displayed in galleries and exhibitions throughout the United States and internationally.
At first glance, Andrew Baird's current paintings seem to resemble the work of Jackson Pollock; but when the linear portraits begin to appear, the striking difference in the content becomes clear. The large, colorful portraits are created through light and dark values in a seemingly chaotic painting.

    Andrew Baird is free from predictable use of colors. Vibrant color combinations allow the subject to intriguingly appear and disappear, actively engaging the viewer.

    Andrew Baird's linear portraits measure approximately 7 - to - 8 feet tall and 5 - to - feet wide. He drips paint onto the canvas on the floor, first creating a rough sketch of the features of his subject. The first two or three colors are designed to lock in the features of the face, keeping the image from completely disappearing as layers of colors are added. He adds two to three colors each day, letting the layers dry between sessions.

    Artist's awards & showings in 2008:

    February 2008 - showed at the New York Art Expo Feb 27-March 1.
    August 2008 - had 2 pieces hanging at the Democratic National Convention headquarters in Denver.
    August 2008 - held an Icon show in New Orleans this August.


    Also holds exhibitions at these places:

    Angela King Gallery New Orleans, U.S.A
    Schiesser Gallery Steamboat Springs, U.S.A
    E.S.Lawrence Gallery Aspen,U.S.A


