







    1951 生于廣東省翁源縣
    1975 畢業(yè)于廣州美術(shù)學(xué)院油畫系,并獲得文學(xué)碩士學(xué)位
    1980 獲廣東青年美術(shù)展覽一等獎,并加入廣東美術(shù)家協(xié)會
    1985 加入中國美術(shù)家協(xié)會
    1986 廣東美協(xié)舉星河展首屆涂志偉近作展
    1987 獲阿爾及利亞文化薈萃集體金獎,同時赴美國留學(xué)
    1990 獲美國杜瑞克大學(xué)藝術(shù)碩士
    1993 獲全美油畫家協(xié)會大賽銀獎
    1997 獲全美油畫家協(xié)會榮譽會員
    1998 獲第七屆全美油畫家協(xié)會年度大賽金牌
    2000 被美油畫家協(xié)會選為理事,任常務(wù)理事和藝術(shù)評委主任
    2002 獲全美油畫家協(xié)會第11屆年展的大師給會員頭獎,被選為該協(xié)會副主席
    2004 被選為全美油畫家協(xié)會主席














    Mr. Tu was born in 1951 to peasant parents in a remote rural village in Liu-Li Township, Weng-Yuan County [also spelled Wengyuan] County in northern Guang-Dong Province, China. Like other boys of the village, as a child Tu helped to work the land, barefoot most of the time, and performed the menial tasks expected of every peasant child. He spent his days herding sheep and gathering food. Thus, his early life was much the same as that of his ancestors.

    Mr. Tu qualified and entered the Institute for further studies. Two years later he was awarded a Master's Degree in fine arts while perfecting his technique and, incidentally, meeting his future wife, Danny Hu. Ms. Hu was a violinist with the Guangzhou Institute Orchestra and is the daughter of Hu Yichuan, then director of the Institute and one of the foremost Chinese painters of the Twentieth Century.

    Zhiwei Tu's paintings have been added to the permanent collections of many notable Chinese museums, including the National Museum in Beijing. His works have been shown throughout China and featured in Fine Art magazine of China, Painter of Fine Art of Hong Kong, Artist Magazine of Taiwan, and various art books and magazines in the U.S. Articles about Tu and his paintings appear regularly in many major art magazines including Art Gallery of Guangdong, and Art Gallery of Tiangjing, Jiangsu Art Magazine, Guangdong Pictorial Magazine, and Zhejiang Pictorial Magazine, as well as on China's television news and in many newspapers.


