

開幕時間:2016-07-02 15:00:00








暌違一年,西班牙著名粉畫藝術家Vicente游歷中國多地,深入感受中國文化,同時也帶著他在地中海布拉瓦海岸創(chuàng)作的全新系列作品再次來到中國。7月2日,由中國粉畫藝術網(wǎng)、蘇州市美術家協(xié)會、明?美術館聯(lián)合主辦的“情迷地中海Ⅱ”—— Vicente美術作品展即將在北京拉開帷幕。







The new preface:

In the preface of my first solo exhibition at Ming Gallery on June 2015, I expressed the interest that traditional Chinese painting awoke in me when I was a young art student at only 20 years of age. The traditional Chinese influence on Western art could be synthesized in that Eastern have always pursued how to "express" visual reality, while the Western effort has been always aimed in how to "represent" visual reality faithfully.

A year has past since then and I‘ve been in China twice. I have visited regions that have allowed me to get fist-hand knowledge of the cultural diversity of a country that is really a continent, I have begun to study their language... I come from a country with cultural and art traditions which are different and I still feel, as always, intensely attracted by the light and color of the Mediterranean world. My style of classical European artist has not changed. Although, at the same time, it has been growing in me a fascination with traditional Chinese aesthetic, hard to find with the naked eye due to the vertiginous economic and urban development, but that is clearly visible in its wood-based architecture, in the indescribable beauty gardens, in the traditional costumes of women or in so many aspects of their hand-craft, from ceramics to silk.

Therefore I could not resist the urge to represent in a few pictures this familiar world to you but new for me. And I want to clarify that I do not do it from the perspective of those who approach an exotic, fascinating but distant world. Last October, hosted in a beautiful hotel with traditional architecture in the centre of the ancient city of Suzhou, I had the strong feeling that this could be my place, and that I could live my entire life there... something of that hidden but not lost China is already a part of myself, I also feel a little bit Chinese.

icente Romero Redondo(維森特·羅梅羅·雷東多):西班牙藝術家,1956年生于西班牙馬德里,自幼對藝術學習充滿熱情。大學時期,他在馬德里學習雕塑、繪畫與哲學,1982年畢業(yè)后堅定不移地投身繪畫事業(yè)。1987年,他遷居地中海布拉瓦海岸,用畫筆描繪生活自成一派。十余年內(nèi),其作品在布拉瓦海岸聲名鵲起,在全球范圍擁有越來越大的影響力,成為當今國際粉畫界知名畫家之一。

