




展覽地址:箭廠胡同38號 (國子監(jiān)街內(nèi))箭廠空間




在2016年初對四川家鄉(xiāng)的一次探訪中,胡尹萍發(fā)現(xiàn)她的媽媽和鎮(zhèn)上的很多婦女一起在編織一種毛線帽子。她對每頂帽子的低廉價(jià)格深感震驚,也對她們聲稱做這些手工制品只是為了“打發(fā)時(shí)間”而感到沮喪。胡尹萍隨后編造了一個(gè)名叫小芳的“朋友”,這位帽子中間商“朋友”愿意以較高的價(jià)格收購她母親的帽子。在接下來的12個(gè)月里,胡尹萍目睹著價(jià)格的提高給母親所帶來的影響,看著她慢慢的向一個(gè)手工藝者和小生意人的逐漸轉(zhuǎn)變。 為了便于與小芳的交易,胡媽媽學(xué)會了使用微信,開通銀行賬戶,并最終在貨物運(yùn)輸?shù)牡刂诽顚憰r(shí),開始使用自己的名字而不是她丈夫的。胡尹萍媽媽的自信心在這個(gè)自力更生的過程中逐漸提高, 隨著針織帽子變得更加別出心裁且越來越富有創(chuàng)造性,胡尹萍和母親之間也找到了一個(gè)更多交流與聯(lián)系的話題。 箭廠此次展出的針織帽子來自胡尹萍母親一年當(dāng)中編織的360多頂。


盡管是研究生畢業(yè)于中央美術(shù)學(xué)院雕塑系(2010年),但胡尹萍 (1983年生于四川成都 ) 很少進(jìn)行雕塑方面的創(chuàng)作。與此相反,她更愿意將偶遇之事和偶發(fā)情結(jié)引向更深刻的情境營建。 她曾在3號空間 (2016) 和魔方MOCUBE (2016) 舉辦過個(gè)展,并參加過北京佩斯畫廊的群展“不在圖像中行動(dòng)” (2014), 她也是“@黨事件” 團(tuán)體一至九回的創(chuàng)始成員(2012)。 胡尹萍目前工作生活于北京。

Xiao Fang

Hu Yinping


The sixty-five woollen hats that fill Arrow Factory’s window display and signal the arrival of winter are Xiao Fang, a new work by Beijing-based artist Hu Yinping.

In early 2016 during a visit to her hometown in Sichuan, HuYinping discovered that her mom, along with other women in the town spent their leisure time knitting one type of hat—which were then sold to a middleman. Appalled by the paltry compensation and disheartened by the neighbors’ claims that they made these handicrafts to ‘kill time’, Hu devised a circumstance whereby a “friend” named Xiao Fang discreetly purchased only her mother’s hats at a significant markup. For the next twelve months, Hu witnessed the effects of this skewed valuation and watched her mother emerge into her own as a craftsman and a small business owner. Propelled by a desire to facilitate transactions with Xiao Fang, Hu’s mother learned to use Wechat, opened a bank account and eventually began using her own name—instead of her husband’s, as the return address for shipments. Hu’s mother’s self-esteem rose and she gained a sense of self-reliance. As the knitted hats became more fanciful and creative, Hu and her mother discovered common grounds for conversation and connection. The displayed headgear is a small selectionfrom the over 360 caps that comprise a year’s worth of knitting by Hu Yinping’s mother.

Although positive in many respects, Hu’s work Xiao Fang also navigates a treacherous line between fiction and reality, and runs the risk of hurt pride and injured self-worth. To date, Hu’s mother does not know and must never know that her hat dealer, Xiao Fang, is actually her daughter, Hu Yinping.

Despite earning her MFA from the sculpture department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in 2010, HuYinping (b. 1983, Chengdu, Sichuan) rarely works in sculpture. Instead, she channels chance meetings and fortuitous situations into insightful scenarios. Her work has been exhibited in solo exhibitions at 3 SPACE (2016) and MOCUBE(2016), and was included in the group exhibition “Unlived by What is Seen” at PACE Gallery (2014). She is a founding member of the “@rt Dang” collective (2012). Hu lives and works in Beijing.
