









李家茵 Li Jiayin 1995年7月出生于廣東云浮,現(xiàn)工作生活于廣東廣州。 2013-2017年就讀于廣州美術(shù)學院油畫系第二工作室,取得學士學位; 2018至今于廣州美術(shù)學院攻讀碩士學位 個展 2021 “延遲的對峙”,廣州美術(shù)學院繪畫藝術(shù)學院油畫系研究生展廳,廣州 2016 “熔化”,廣州美術(shù)學院油畫系第二工作室E7展廳,廣州 群展 2018 “對流”,紫泥堂藝術(shù)中心,廣州 2018 “高野波生平紀念展”,廣州美術(shù)學院油畫系第二工作室E7展廳,廣州 2016 “高野波生平紀念展”,三域·匯藝術(shù)空間,廣州 2015 “源頭·惑水”,289藝術(shù)空間,廣州 Li Jiayin Born in July 1995 in Yunfu, Guangdong,China. Works and lives in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Education: Currently Studying at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts for Master’s Degree. 2013–2017 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.B.A.,Oil Painting Department. Solo exhibition: 2021 “Delayed Standoff”,Postgraduate’s Exhibition Hall of Oil Painting Department of GAFA,Guangzhou 2016 “Melting”,E7 Art Space,Guangzhou Group exhibition: 2018 “Convection”,Guangdong Zinitang Art Centre, Guangzhou 2018 “Gao yebo's life Memorial Exhibition”,E7 Art Space, Guangzhou 2016 “Gao yebo's life Memorial Exhibition”,Trealm Hui Art Space, Guangzhou 2015 “Yuantou·Huoshui”, 289 Art Space, Guangzhou 倫欣妍 Lun Xinyan 1994年3月出生于廣東肇慶 2017年畢業(yè)于廣州美術(shù)學院油畫系第二工作室 2018年就讀于廣州美術(shù)學院繪畫學院油畫系研究生部至今 2020年畢業(yè)于英國伯明翰城市大學藝術(shù)設(shè)計學院純藝專業(yè) 主要獲獎情況 廣州美術(shù)學院2013-2014年度三好學生 ,獲二等獎學金; 廣州美術(shù)學院2014-2015年度三好學生 ,獲二等獎學金; 廣州美術(shù)學院2015-2016年度“三好學生標兵”獲學校特等獎學金、國家獎學金; 獲廣州美術(shù)學院2017屆“優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)生”; 2016年作品《日?!帆@第五屆廣東大中專學生書畫藝術(shù)作品大賽高校組一等獎; 2016年作品《木欣欣以向榮》獲 “珠江潮”油畫藝術(shù)獎銅獎; 2017年獲廣州美術(shù)學院“衣戀優(yōu)秀畢業(yè)創(chuàng)作獎”; 廣州美術(shù)學院2018-2019年度研究生學業(yè)獎學金二等獎; 廣州美術(shù)學院2019-2020年度研究生學業(yè)獎學金二等獎; 個展 2021 “虛在風景”,廣州美術(shù)學院油畫系研究生展廳,廣州 2017 “光合作用”,La Cava de Laoma,上海 2016 “光合作用”,廣州美術(shù)學院油畫系第二工作室展廳,廣州 群展 2020 “廣東第七屆當代油畫藝術(shù)展” ,李鐵夫美術(shù)館 ,廣州美術(shù)學院美術(shù)館,廣州 “2020大藝博(武漢)”,武漢國際會展中心,武漢 “廣東省寫意油畫作品展”,肇慶學院美術(shù)館,肇慶 “不可避免”,英國伯明翰藝術(shù)學院2020年研究生線上畢業(yè)展 2019 “讓藝術(shù)和生活自由戀愛” , 思彥美術(shù)館,廣州 “小巴塞爾藝術(shù)展”,麗柏廣場209悅心藝術(shù),廣州 “深圳城市藝博會”,深圳雅楓國際酒店,深圳 2016 “藝品匠心——實驗教學成果展” ,廣州美術(shù)學院大學城美術(shù)館,廣州 “拾全·拾美——國家獎學金獲獎學生作品匯報展”,廣州美術(shù)學院大學城美術(shù)館,廣州 2015 “我們想要一點小情趣倫——欣妍楊壹瑋雙人油畫展”,廣州嶺南實驗空間,廣州 “源頭惑水”當代藝術(shù)群展,289藝術(shù)空間,廣州 研討會 2020年12月22日 《廣州美術(shù)學院藝術(shù)實踐與理論青年論壇》講者之一 2020年6月25日 《四校 (伯明翰藝術(shù)與設(shè)計學院 、利茲大學 、諾丁漢特倫特大學、安 格里亞魯斯金大學)聯(lián)合碩士純藝研討會》 討論小組成員之一 Lun Xinyan B.1994,Zhaoqing,Guangdong Education 2013-2017 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Bachelor 2018-2021 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Master 2019-2020 Birmingham City University School of Art, Master Main awards 2013-2014 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, second-class scholarship; 2014-2015 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, second-class scholarship; 2015-2016 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, national scholarship; 2017 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, "Excellent Graduate" ; 2016 The fifth Guangdong college and technical school students' painting and calligraphy art competition in university group, the first prize; 2016 “Zhujiang River Tide”O(jiān)il Painting Art Award, bronze prize 2017 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, “YiLian Excellent Graduation Award”; 2018-2019 Postgraduate Academic Scholarship of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, second-class scholarship; 2019-2020 Postgraduate Academic scholarship of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, second-class scholarship; Solo exhibitions 2021 Virtual Landscape, Exhibition Hall for Postgraduate of Oil Painting Department, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,Guangzhou 2017 Photosynthesis, La Cava de Laoma, Shanghai 2016 Photosynthesis, No.2 Studio Exhibition Hall, Oil Painting Department, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Group exhibitions 2020 The 7th Guangdong Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition, Li Tiefu Art Museum,GAFA Art Museum, Guangzhou 2020 Great Art Expo (Wuhan), Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Center,Wuhan Guangdong Freehand Oil Painting Exhibition, Zhaoqing University Art Museum,Zhaoqing Inevitable -- Graduate Graduation Exhibition 2020, Birmingham College of Art,UK,online 2019 Free Love between Art and Life, Siyan Art Museum Art Basel Minor, Yue Xin Art, No.209 Lipper Square 2017 Shenzhen Urban Art Fair, Shenzhen Yafeng International Hotel 2016 Artistic Craftsmanship -- Experimental Teaching Achievements Exhibition, University City Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts “Picking Up Whole, Picking Up Beauty”-- Report Exhibition of Works of National Scholarship Winners, University City Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts 2015 “We Want a Little Fun” Lun Xinyan Yang Yiwei Double Oil Painting Exhibition,Lingnan Experimental Space, Guangzhou “The Source Confused Water”Contemporary Art Group Exhibition, 289 Art Space Seminar Dec . 22, 2020 Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Art Practice and Theory Youth Forum, One of the speakers Jun . 25, 2020 Inter-Institutional MA Fine Art Symposium (Birmingham College of Art and Design,University of Leeds, Nottingham Trent University, Anglia Ruskin University), one of the panelists
