
大地史詩之迎親的人們: 程叢林 藝術(shù)展









程叢林大地史詩《迎親的人們》、《送葬的人們》這組巨幅畫作——由寬松相宜、真人一般大小的多組人群組成,雕塑般的表現(xiàn)手法使他們看起來真實而具有生命力: 讓人聯(lián)想到生命的始與末。程叢林是傷痕藝術(shù)的重要代表人物,這組巨作是他傾心力作,為美術(shù)史上重要作品,由于作品尺幅的關(guān)系很難得展出。本次因為場地的關(guān)系,本組畫作將分兩次展出,此次先展出《迎親的人們》。敬請把握這個難得能看到原作的機會前來觀賞。

  婚禮,死亡和宇宙   猶如一位歐洲畫家,深得十九世紀風格,出於對彝族生活的偏愛,專程深入中國南部偏遠的山區(qū),在那兒構(gòu)思了彝族人婚禮及葬禮儀式的畫面,回來創(chuàng)作了兩幅巨型組畫。 程先生學的是西方藝術(shù),用他自己的話來說是,屬於獻身於油畫藝術(shù)的一代藝術(shù)家。居住在山區(qū)的彝族始終生活在工業(yè)化之前的文化狀態(tài),這以前對程先生來說也是陌生的。他對彝族的觀察顯然用了兩種不同的眼光:歐洲藝術(shù)的眼光和一個旅遊者好奇的目光。 這組巨幅畫面——由寬鬆相宜、真人一般大小的多組人群組成,雕塑般的表現(xiàn)手法使他們看起來真實而具有生命力:而人群一再被插入的畫面所中斷,這些畫面使人不能不聯(lián)想起宇宙空間的痕跡和原始生命的雛形。 這一沿習傳統(tǒng)生活方式的山民揭示了一個永恆的主題:結(jié)束和新的開始。通過象徵性的插入畫面使這一主題得以普遍化。正如程先生自己所說的,他在尋找,尋找一種新的藝術(shù)形式和展出方式,尋找既非純西方的,又非純東方的藝術(shù)。他的組畫不僅是藝術(shù)規(guī)模上的一種嘗試,就它本身而言也是罕見的、有魅力的。    

藝術(shù)評論:Wendel in Zimmer



Neue?? Osanbruck Zeitung

    Wedding, Death and the Universe   Like an European painter deeply influenced by the style of 19th century; with preference to the life of Yi nationality, took special trips to the remote areas in south China, composing the scenes of wedding and funeral of Yi nationality and created the two huge painting series. In his words, he’s the generation of artists dedicated in oil painting. The Yi nationality in mountain areas has been living in a cultural state before the industrialization, which was unfamiliar to Mr. Cheng. It’s obvious that he has two different angles in observing the Yi nationality: the angle of European art and the view of a tourist with great curiosity. In the paintings, there are people at the same size of the real who look lively and vigorous with the sculpture-like expression way, while the crowds are constantly interrupted by the inserted pictures, which reminds people of the spatial signs of the universe and the primitive and rudiment lives. The people in the mountains following the traditional way of life are revealing an eternal theme with their wedding and funeral, which is, the death and a new start. The theme gets common to people through the symbolic inserted pictures. As Mr. Cheng says, he’s looking for a new form of art and way of show, and as to the art, it’s neither purely western nor completely eastern. The series of paintings are not only an attempt in art scale, but rare and attractive as artworks.  

Art Critic: Wendel in Zimmer

Translate from Osnabrück Daily, May 25, 1992.

Neue Osanbruck Zeitung

    程叢林簡歷 1954 生于四川成都 1971 入成都市藝校學習 1982 畢業(yè)于四川美術(shù)學院油畫系 1986 結(jié)業(yè)于中央美術(shù)學院油畫系研修班 曾任教于四川美院、中央美院、德國奧斯納布名克大學曾擔任首屆及第二屆中國油畫展評委   1979 創(chuàng)作《1968 年×月×日雪》 1980 《1968 年×月×日雪》獲第五屆全國美術(shù)展覽二等獎 1980 創(chuàng)作《1978年夏夜》 1987 移居德國,作品多為海外藝術(shù)機構(gòu)及私人收藏 1987-1990 在德國創(chuàng)作油畫《迎親送葬的人們》(61m×2m) 1991-1996 創(chuàng)作油畫《高原圖景》、《大鳥》以及西藏題材的作品近百幅 1997 完成油畫《炎—感百年初》和《靈—味百年末》 1999 組畫《生存啟示》之二獲“第九屆全國美展”銅獎 1999 被聘為四川大學藝術(shù)學院特聘教授,擔任碩士研究生導(dǎo)師 2005 大河上下——新時期中國油畫回顧展,中國美術(shù)館,北京 2007 程叢林藏品展,山藝術(shù)·北京林正藝術(shù)空間,北京 2012 山川蒙養(yǎng)20年——山藝術(shù)文教基金會川美藝術(shù)作品收藏展,中國美術(shù)館 北京 2020 初現(xiàn)——程叢林素描展, 山藝術(shù)·北京林正藝術(shù)空間,北京   Cheng Conglin 1954 Born in Chengdu Sichuan 1971 Studied at an art institute in Chengdu 1982 Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts   1979 Created the painting Snow on Someday in 1968 1980 Snow on Someday in 1968 was awarded the 2nd Prize in the 5th National Arts Exhibition 1980 Created the painting A Summer Night in 1978 1986 Started to work in France 1987 Started to work in Germany and he is currently a free artist residing in Germany 1979 National Art Exhibition to Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Founding of PRC and granted the 2nd Prize 1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition 1987 The First Exhibition of Chinese Oil Paintings granted the Prize for Excellent Works 1992 Exhibition of Cheng Conglin’s Paintings 1994 The 2nd Exhibition of Chinese Oil Paintings 1997 Exhibition of Cheng Conglin’s Oil Paintings 1997 Grand Exhibition of Chinese Arts granted the Bronze Prize 1998 Exhibition of 5000 Years of Chinese Arts 1999 A set paintings “Inspiration of life 2”was rewarded a 3rd place in 9th National Art Exhibition 1999 Engaged as a professor teaching postgraduate students in an art college of Sichuan University 2005 30 Years of Chinese Oil Painting, National Art Museum of China, Beijing 2007 Cheng Conglin Solo Exhibition, Mountain Art Beijing & Frank Lin Art Center 2012 20 Years of Glory——Mountain Art Foundation Collection of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, National Art Museum of China, Beijing 2020 It All Begins... —— Sketches and Studies of Cheng Conglin, Mountain Art Beijing & Frank Lin Art Center  

