

開幕時間:2023-10-07 16:00




展覽地址: 北京市朝陽區(qū)酒仙橋路4號北京798藝術(shù)區(qū)









洞察NO.1 40x50cm x2 布面油畫 2022

Flame of the Universe: Prologue

“For a time, on that day with the absence of yesterday, an unreasonable big bang gave birth to everything, thus creating both you and me and providing us with the future. Curiosity about the unknown world is the DNA of each and every organism. Human beings, who view everything from the perspective of “future”, always look for the uncharted source and the guidance on life in different ways. Exploration is based on paying a price. The more one knows the more helpless and perplexed he feels. Fortunately, art and science always walk hand in hand in the long river of civilization. They help each other, providing the shelter and dignity for human beings, a solitary race.”

—Jin Han

洞察NO.2 40x50cm x2 布面油畫 2022



燃燒紀(jì)元 480x280cm 布面油畫 2023


The observation of the sky is one of the major hallmarks of human civilization. The calendar serves as the commencement of the observation of the sky as science. With alien stars as the calendar and the flame as the sequence, Jin Han, an artist, has triggered a flamboyant storm of the universe, thus becoming a new way for artist Jin Han to create the description of civilization.

燃燒星云-木衛(wèi)一 230x180cm 布面油畫 2023


燃燒星云-木星  230x180cm 布面油畫 2023

This time, more than ten works are exhibited, including the series such as “nebulae”, “star chart”, “insight” and “stars and calendar”. The exhibition, from the endless horizon to the connotation of noumenon, reflects the artist’s meditation on the lamination of different dimensions. In “start chart”, both its layered internal structure and intertwined topological lines display the artist’s solid painting attainment. Works such as Flow and Time and Spin and Time give express to the artist’s ample consideration of time and space as a horizontal dimension and a longitudinal dimension, respectively. In his works, “time” serves as the medium for discussing other media, phenomena and philosophical ideas from beginning to end. And in the manner of diptych, the works in the series of “insight”, all the more juxtapose and discuss the categories such as macro-level & micro-level, reality & consciousness and moment and flow, hence being pregnant with the elasticity of thinking.

星辰日歷NO.4 150x200cm 布面油畫 2023


異星歷法 150x200cm 布面油畫 2023

The works of JIn Han are characterized by the grandeur in keynote. In his panting, the coarse painting vestiges look like Pompeii Murals, which connect civilization and history. However, at the same time, the artist, taking astronomic incidents like the Juno probe’s active dis-orbition from the Jupiter as the blueprint, sets up the extraterrestrial calendar, with painting language as its scale. The whole exhibition is inquisitive. When did the kindling material brought in by Prometheus go after being used? Is time independent from human beings? Through making inquiries, efforts are made to explore the truth.


With his paintings as the “mother language”, Jin Han not only “translates” invisible stars, but also guides us to explore unfathomable minuteness and subtleness. “Don’t get an excessively rapid understanding” is the admonishment repeatedly proposed by Lacan while Jin Han uses it to remind the audience who are “reading” his works. “Star charts”, “storm” and “eyeballs” seen by us are all the projection of the signs provided by the artist as “the big other” for the audience. His real purpose is seemingly to suspend a priori knowledge of viewers and continuously raise questions—what is the essence.  


As a direction, the “theory” of philosophy has evolved into cosmology, ontology, the theory of being and so on. Philosophers interpret their different viewpoints between different “theories”. Compared with philosophy, the advantage of art lies in that it can tell stories and reason things out in a more intuitive and abstract manner. This advantage is augmented in Jin Han’s works. The universe with alien stars is the “other world” of Jin Han and burning red flame is his spiritual imprint. The elegy about the eventual passing of Juno probe resonates in the clouds and mists of the Jupiter. And the veil of Jupiter is still like what was described by Shelley. “Behind the veil lurk hope and destiny as twins. They are always weaving the shadow on the fissure… Above the scene, a spirit is desperately looking for genuine knowledge”. As for the audience, they can also resort to the entrance of translation offered by Jin Han before marching on and on toward the ladder of the most remote throne!


金 瀚  

生于1991年,本科與研究生分別畢業(yè)于中國美術(shù)學(xué)院版畫系和油畫系,現(xiàn)工作生活于杭州、上海。近期個展包括:《宙焰·序章》,又生空間CYCLE SPACE,2023,北京;《蔓延叢生》,南柯面廊,2023,上海;《以太情書》,PartLab,2023,上海;《風(fēng)暴獵人》,三尚當(dāng)代藝術(shù)中心,2021,杭州;《荒原日志》,1900Art Space, 2020,上海。曾在中國美術(shù)館、浙江美術(shù)館、上海展覽中心、上海世博展覽中心、寶龍美術(shù)館、年代美術(shù)館、喜馬拉雅藝術(shù)中心等機(jī)構(gòu)參加群展;作品曾被中國美術(shù)館、浙江美術(shù)館、中國美術(shù)學(xué)院美術(shù)館、廣州當(dāng)代藝術(shù)中心等機(jī)構(gòu)收藏。

Jin Han

Born in 1991, he graduated from the Department of Printmaking and the Department of Oil Painting of China Academy of Art respectively. Now he lives and works in Hangzhou and Shanghai.

Recent solo exhibitions include: Flame of the Universe: Prologue, CycleSpace, 2023, Beijing; Spread over, The Nanke Gallery, 2023, Shanghai; Love Letter of the Ether, PART Lab, 2023, Shanghai; Storm Hunter, Sanshang Contemporary Art Center, 2021, Hangzhou, China; Wasteland Journal, 1900 Art Space, 2020, Shanghai. He has participated in group exhibitions in National Art Museum of China, Zhejiang Art Museum, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Center, Baolong Art Museum, Era Art Museum, Himalayan Art Center and other institutions; His works have been collected by National Art Museum of China, Zhejiang Art Museum, Art Museum of China Academy of Art, Guangzhou Contemporary Art Center and other institutions.
