

    位于北京798廠的意中藝術(shù)工作室是一個(gè)以組織和策劃 視覺藝術(shù)項(xiàng)目為主要實(shí)踐的意大利藝術(shù)空間,由羅薩利歐(Rosario Scarpato) 和莫 妮卡(Monica Piccioni)創(chuàng)立。自2002年以來,一直積極致力于推廣中國(guó)和國(guó)際的當(dāng) 代藝術(shù)。意中藝術(shù)工作室的意大利語名稱是offiCina,字面上是 “車間、工房 ”的意思,此外它還有一個(gè)引申義,即一個(gè)藝術(shù)與文化的孕育之地。而且在意 大利語中Cina是“中國(guó)”,所以在offiCina中“C”被大寫了 。我們與國(guó)際藝術(shù)家和策展人、公共團(tuán)體和私人機(jī)構(gòu)合作,策劃藝術(shù)展覽,組織文化 活動(dòng)、研討會(huì)以及影片、影像展映活動(dòng),并聯(lián)絡(luò)相關(guān)藝術(shù)媒體及大發(fā)行量的綜合類報(bào) 紙對(duì)此進(jìn)行報(bào)導(dǎo)和評(píng)論。我們也為藝術(shù)品收藏充當(dāng)顧問。


    意中藝術(shù)工作室與北京地區(qū)內(nèi)的眾多國(guó)際機(jī)構(gòu)(它們有意 大利使館文化處、歌德學(xué)院、英國(guó)文化協(xié)會(huì),以及荷蘭使館文化處等)、意大利國(guó)內(nèi) 的一些重要機(jī)構(gòu)(如:那不勒斯省政府、特爾尼、羅馬、米蘭、維泰博市政府等), 以及中國(guó)及海外的多家博物館有密切的合作。在過去的幾年里,開始與獨(dú)立策展人布 魯諾•迪•馬里諾(Bruno Di Marino)、基焦托•德爾•維基奧 (Gigiotto Del Vecchio),以及馮博一等合作組織項(xiàng)目。2003年,開始參與一些國(guó) 際短片及影像電影節(jié),如羅馬群島國(guó)際電影節(jié)(Arcipelago)和米蘭Invideo影像電 影節(jié),向世界推廣中國(guó)新興藝術(shù)家的作品。2003至2004年,策劃了展覽《光陰》,第 一次在意大利展出了中國(guó)先鋒藝術(shù)中具有代表性的影像和攝影作品(其中包括陳羚羊 的《十二花月》、海波的《黃昏》,以及尹秀珍的《尹秀珍》等);2006年,在北京 和廣州展出《觸電》,一個(gè)關(guān)于意大利影像藝術(shù)在30年間(1973-2006)的回顧,展 示了80多個(gè)藝術(shù)家的90件作品;接下來的一年,我們展出了保羅•治奧利 (Paolo Gioli,意大利實(shí)驗(yàn)攝影家及電影人)的一批50X60厘米波拉照片和影片。這 次在北京展出的其一部分 印放在紙張上的針孔攝影作品是他在1983年于巴黎蓬皮杜 國(guó)家藝術(shù)與文化中心的展覽中的創(chuàng)作。早在1993年,評(píng)論家阮義忠就在權(quán)威刊物《攝 影家》的第九期上向中國(guó)的觀眾介紹了保羅•治奧利,但在意中藝術(shù)工作室的這 次個(gè)展是第一次在中國(guó)展示這位意大利藝術(shù)家獨(dú)一無二的藝術(shù)作品;2005至2009年, 我們參與策劃了展覽《地圖游戲:變化動(dòng)力》,由24位中國(guó)和國(guó)際藝術(shù)家、建筑師參 展,其中的許多作品是專門為這次展覽特別創(chuàng)作的。展覽陸續(xù)在北京、伯明翰和特爾 尼3個(gè)城市進(jìn)行,探索了“地圖”在飛速發(fā)展的中國(guó)大都市里的角色。


    意大利藝術(shù)評(píng)論家Marcello Smarrelli、Andrea Bellini,以及中國(guó)的方振寧等,對(duì)意中藝術(shù)工作室的活動(dòng)發(fā)表 過評(píng)論并寫作有文章。意大利以及國(guó)際多家重要媒體,如Flash Art國(guó)際版、Exibart 、藝術(shù)家、中國(guó)當(dāng)代藝術(shù)新聞、藝術(shù)地圖、Domus中國(guó)、藝術(shù)財(cái)經(jīng)、意大利24小時(shí)太 陽報(bào)(Il Sole24 ore)、安莎通訊社、Diario、L’Espresso、Alias、 Liberazione、意大利電視臺(tái)RAI TG1早間新聞報(bào)道、北京青年周刊、周末畫報(bào)、中國(guó) 日?qǐng)?bào)、雅昌藝術(shù)網(wǎng)、中國(guó)藝術(shù)新聞網(wǎng)、搜狐文化頻道等都對(duì)意中藝術(shù)工作室的展覽和 活動(dòng)進(jìn)行過報(bào)道。




    “地圖游戲:變化動(dòng)力 ”,國(guó)際視覺藝術(shù)暨建筑項(xiàng),馮博一、莫妮卡、羅薩利歐、沙嫵諾聯(lián)合策展[藝 術(shù)家:艾未未、Sarah Beddington、Anna Boggon、陳劭雄、David Cotterrell、 Andrea Gotti、關(guān)矢、李巨川、林一林、Michael Najjar、白雙全、Perino & Vele、沙嫵諾(Varvara Shavrova)、唐暉、Hugo Tillman、汪建偉、吳文光、尹秀 珍、袁順;建筑師:(馬切拉Marcella Campa、思凡諾Stefano Avesani)/、馬清運(yùn)/ MADA s.p.a.m.、馬巖松/ MAD、王輝/ URBANUS、Winy Maas / MVRDV](北京今日美術(shù)館、英國(guó)伯明翰博物館和藝術(shù)畫廊、意大利特爾尼 Siri工業(yè)區(qū)藝術(shù)中心(CAOS),2008-2009)

    “輕聲”:攝影、繪畫、影像展,莫妮卡策展 [藝術(shù)家:崔秉寬(Choi Byungkwan)、方振寧、法比奧•馬西莫•雅廓內(nèi) (Fabio Massimo Iaquone)、完圭(Oan Kyu)、譚平](意中藝術(shù)工作室,北京, 2008-2009)

    “全景羅馬| 全景博洛尼亞”(意大利多媒體藝術(shù)團(tuán)體ZimmerFrei制作):講述及放映,與 布魯諾•迪•馬里諾合作(意大利使館文化處,北京,2008)

    “咖啡機(jī)與茶杯”:吉羅拉莫 •馬里裝置展(意中藝術(shù)工作室,北京,2008)

    “走遍那不勒斯日+ 意大利電影導(dǎo)演 Pappi Corsicato藝術(shù)短片放映”,與那不勒斯省旅游局合作(東京畫廊,北京,2008 )

    “Private View” : 攝影、影像展,莫妮卡策展 [藝術(shù)家:梁玥, 黛博拉•威利齊(Debora Vrizzi),汪建偉,邢丹文,楊勇、莊輝](意中藝術(shù)工作室,北京,2008)

    “藍(lán)色工房—— 手上 時(shí)光,影像中的地中海”,講述及放映,莫妮卡、羅薩利歐策展(意大利使館 文化處,北京,2007)

    “ 保羅•治奧利——三十幅50 X 60厘米波拉照片和他的五部電影 ”,與Paolo Vampa合(意中藝術(shù)工作室、意大利使館文化處,北京,2007)

    “敏感的環(huán)境 – 互 動(dòng)參與作品:關(guān)于藍(lán)色工房的歷史及創(chuàng)作學(xué)術(shù)研討會(huì)”,“設(shè)計(jì)之都、米 蘭制造”設(shè)計(jì)展 ,與米蘭市政府、省政府及米蘭商會(huì)合作(北京今日美術(shù)館, 2007)

    “第6屆羅馬國(guó)際紀(jì) 錄片電影節(jié)–中國(guó)當(dāng)代單元”:莫妮卡、羅薩利歐、張獻(xiàn)民策展[導(dǎo)演: 趙亮、于廣義、仲華、周浩-吉江紅](Trevi電影院,羅馬國(guó)家電影資料館Cineteca Nazionale,羅馬,2007)

    “潛在的信息”:完圭個(gè)展,莫妮卡策展(意中藝術(shù)工作室,北京,2007 )

    “冰/火,省略”: 保羅•迪•卡普個(gè)展,羅薩利歐策展(意中藝術(shù)工作室,北京,2006)

    “維蘇威火山”:那不勒 斯藝術(shù)家的影像作品”,與那不勒斯省文化局合作,基焦托•德爾• 維基奧策展[藝術(shù)家:戈布里艾萊•迪•瑪泰奧 (Gabriele di Matteo)、皮 耶羅•高利亞 (Piero Golia)、瑪麗內(nèi)拉•塞納托萊 (Marinella Senatore)、勞倫佐•斯科托•迪•盧奇奧 (Lorenzo Scotto di Luzio)、盧卡•瑪泰 (Luca Mattei)、馬斯/比安科-瓦蘭特 (Mass/Biancovalente)、盧奇奧•隆高/普藍(lán)克 (Lucio Luongo/Plank)](798時(shí) 態(tài)空間,北京,2006)

    “ 觸電”:70年代至今的意大利影像藝術(shù)”,布魯諾•迪•馬里諾 策展(1973-2006)

    “光陰”:裝置、攝 影、影像展,莫妮卡策展[藝術(shù)家:陳羚羊、崔岫聞、海波、韓磊、邢丹文、尹秀珍 、王寧](維泰博、羅馬,2003-2004)

    Located in Beijing Factory 798, offiCina beijing is an Italian exhibiting space and a curatorial practice focusing on visual art projects. Founded by Rosario Scarpato and Monica Piccioni, since 2002 it actively promotes Chinese and international contemporary art. Its name translates the Italian word for ‘workshop, atelier’ and also alludes in a figurative way to a place where art and culture are fostered. We curate art exhibitions, organize cultural events, seminars, film and video screenings in cooperation with international artists and curators, public and private bodies, involving art related media and wide circulation papers. We also act as consultants for the purchase of artworks.


    offiCina worked closely with international organizations in Beijing [among them, the Cultural Office of the Italian Embassy, Goethe Institut, British Council, the Cultural Section of the Dutch Embassy], Italian institutions [such as Naples Provincial Government, the City Council of Terni, Rome, Milan, Viterbo] as well as museums in China and abroad. In the last few years collaborated with independent curators Bruno Di Marino, Gigiotto Del Vecchio and Feng Boyi. In 2003 participated to international short film and video festival such as Arcipelago [Rome] and Invideo [Milan] promoting works of emerging Chinese artists. In 2003-2004 curated the exhibition guangYIN exhibiting for the first time in Italy some fundamental video and photographic works of the Chinese avant-garde [among them, Chen Lingyang’s 12 Flower Months, Hai Bo’s Dusk, Yin Xiuzhen’s Yin Xiuzhen]. In 2006, we presented in Beijing and Guangzhou Elettroshock, an overview of 30 years of Italian video (1973-2006) showcasing more than 80 authors and 90 works. The following year, we exhibited a group of 50x60 polaroids and films by Italian experimental photographer and filmmaker Paolo Gioli. A portion of the pinhole works on paper presented in Beijing was created by the author for his 1983’s show at the Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre George Pompidou in Paris. Back in 1993, the critic Ruan Yizhong had introduced Paolo Gioli to Chinese audience in the prestigious Chinese magazine Photographers International (issue no. 9) but the solo show at offiCina was the first occasion to see in China the Italian author’s unique artistic production. From 2005 to 2009, we curated Map Games: Dynamics of Change, a show combining works – many of which were especially commissioned for the exhibition – by 24 Chinese and international artists and architects. Presented in three cities [Beijing, Birmingham and Terni] this show explores the role of the map within the rapidly expanding urban metropolis of China.


    The Italian art critics Marcello Smarrelli, Andrea Bellini and in China Fang Zhenning wrote reviews and articles on offiCina’s projects; Italian and foreign magazines and papers [such as Flash Art International, Exibart, Artist, Chinese Contemporary Art News, Art Map, Domus China, Art Value, Il Sole24 ore, ANSA News Agency, Diario, L’Espresso, Alias, Liberazione, Italian Television RAI TG1 morning news service, Beijing Youth Weekly, Spaces, Modern Weekly, China Daily, Artron Net, Art News, etc…] extensively covered our exhibition and events.


    Selected projects:

    Map Games: Dynamics of Change. Visual art and architecture project 2005-2008. curated by Feng Boyi, Monica Piccioni, Rosario Scarpato, Varvara Shavrova [artists: Ai Weiwei, Sarah Beddington, Anna Boggon, Chen Shaoxiong, David Cotterrell, Andrea Gotti, Guan Shi, Li Juchuan, Lin Yilin, Michael Najjar, Pak Sheung Chuen, Perino & Vele, Varvara Shavrova, Tang Hui, Hugo Tillman, Wang Jianwei, Wu Wenguang, Yin Xiuzhen, Yuan Shun; architects: Marcella Campa, Stefano Avesani /, Ma Qingyun / MADA s.p.a.m, Ma Yansong / MAD, Wang Hui / URBANUS, Winy Maas / MVRDV], [Beijing Today Art Museum, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, CAOS (Centro per le Arti Opificio Siri), Terni, 2008-2009];
? Sottovoce: photography, painting, video exhibition curated by Monica Piccioni [artists: Choi Byungkwan, Fang Zhenning, Fabio Massimo Iaquone, Oan Kyu, Tan Ping], [offiCina, Beijing, 2008-2009];
? Panorama Roma | Panorama Bologna by Italian multimedia group ZimmerFrei: presentation and projection in collaboration with Bruno Di Marino [Italian Embassy Cultural Office, Beijing, 2008];
? Coffee Machines and Tea Cups: Girolamo Marri’s installations [offiCina, Beijing, 2008];
? Nonsolonapoli day + projection of short films on art by Italian film director Pappi Corsicato [Tokyo Art Projects, Beijing, 2008];
? Private View: photography and video exhibition curated by Monica Piccioni [artists: Liang Yue, Debora Vrizzi, Wang Jianwei, Xing Danwen, Yang Yong, Zhuang Hui], [offiCina, Beijing, 2008];
? Studio Azzurro: The gesture in harmony with time - A visual itinerary through the Mediterranean, presentation and projection curated by Monica Piccioni and Rosario Scarpato (Italian Embassy Cultural Office, Beijing, 2007);
? Paolo Gioli: Thirty 50 x 60 Polaroids and Five Films, in collaboration with Paolo Vampa [offiCina and Italian Embassy Cultural Office, Beijing, 2007];
? Sensitive Environments - Interactive and Participative Works: Seminar about Studio Azzurro history and production. Within the framework of the exhibition Milano Made in Design [Beijing Today Art Museum, 2007];
? VI Edition Romadocfest, programme of documentaries on Contemporary China curated by Monica Piccioni, Rosario Scarpato, Zhang Xianmin [directors: Zhao Liang, Yu Guangyi, Zhong Hua, Zhou Hao-Ji Jianghong], [Cinema Sala Trevi Cineteca Nazionale, Rome, 2007];
? Subliminal messages: Oan Kyu’s solo exhibition curated by Monica Piccioni [offiCina, Beijing, 2007];
? Ice / fire, omissis: Paolo Di Capua’s solo exhibition curated by Rosario Scarpato [offiCina and Italian Embassy Cultural Office, Beijing, 2006] ;
? Vesuvius: video works of Neapolitan artists curated by Gigiotto Del Vecchio [artists: Gabriele di Matteo, Piero Golia, Marinella Senatore, Lorenzo Scotto di Luzio, Luca Mattei, Mass / Biancovalente, Lucio Luongo/Plank], [798 Space, Beijing, 2006];
? Elettroshock: video in Italy since the 1970s’ curated by Bruno Di Marino (1973-2006) [Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing; Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 2006];
? guangYIN: installations, photography, video exhibition curated by Monica Piccioni [artists: Chen Lingyang, Cui Xiuwen, Hai Bo, Han Lei, Xing Danwen, Yin XiuZhen, Wang Ning], [Viterbo, Rome, 2003-04].



電話:+86 10 59789462
傳真:+86 10 59789463
開放時(shí)間:周三至周 日,11am-6pm
rosario scarpato 羅薩利歐:
monica piccioni 莫妮卡:
zhao dong 趙冬