


  法國是現(xiàn)代藝術的發(fā)源地之一,云水天地 所選擇的法國藝術家,都是法國當今最具有代表性的藝術家,所推介的作品都是最具有法蘭西民族文化精神的作品。如Olivier DEBRE, Paul ALEXIS, Jean-Fran?ois LARRIEU,Boris ZABOROV, Anne POURNY。透過他們的作品,讓觀者體會到塞納河畔文化的韻味,享受到異國的浪漫和諧。


  隨著中國經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展,當今的中國藝術成為最被世界所關注的部分, 我們所推介的中國藝術家不僅因其是獨具時代氣息,更是因其藝術思想根植于中國文化的土壤,其藝術作品表現(xiàn)出來的是中國文化的藝術的情趣。云水天地 所選擇的中國旅法著名畫家趙無極,朱德群,王衍成等人的作品,正是融合了中法文化之精華,中國本土藝術家夏星、馮曉東等人的作品更是典型的中國文人之情懷,集大俗到大雅,大雅于大俗。

  在推廣中法藝術交流的同時,云水天地 也致力于促進國際的文化教育與培訓,文化活動的策劃與組織,學術交流活動。我們希望更多的熱愛藝術的朋友通過云水天地 的藝術空間了解藝術,關注藝術,在藝術品中得到享受。

As an art and culture promotional organization focusing on France and China, we have a very unique taste for art works and unique angle in appreciating them. Our goal is to bring those exquisiteness of French art works to China and to present the best Chinese contemporary art and artists to the French art and culture society.

France is one of the pioneers and drivers of modern art. The French artists we choose and promote are first class and most representative. Among them, Olivier DEBRE, Paul ALEXIS, Jean-Francois LARRIEU, Boris ZABOROV, Anne POURNY are excellent. Their works we choose are representation of modern French culture and spirit. Through their fine works, appreciators enjoy the romance and harmony of a culture originated from River Seine.
Along with the economy, the development of Chinese modern art attracts more and more attentions in the world. Although the Chinese artists we promote are modern ones, they are deeply rooted from the Chinese culture. Their works clearly reflect their Chinese cultural background and a special spirit that is only Chinese. Zhao Wuji, Zhu Dequn and Wang Yancheng are an interesting combination of Chinese and French cultures, while Xia Xing and Zhang Chunji ,Zhao Heng are very intellectually Chinese.

Although we focus on the exchanges between Chinese and French art societies, we also promote international cultural education and training. We promote and organize academic activities and exchanges. We are dedicated to provide service to the art and culture lov







