

1964     出生于黑龍江省
1986 - 90   畢業(yè)于哈爾濱師范大學藝術(shù)學院
1991 - 92   清華大學美術(shù)學院
2004     美國北卡羅萊納大學客座教授
2006     美國佛蒙特藝術(shù)中心訪問藝術(shù)家
         美國 Warren Wilson 學院訪問學者
目  前 :         職業(yè)畫家,北京


2009      Red Mail Gallery, 美國
2008      API畫廊,紐約
2007      鄭學武個展, 紅門畫廊, 北京
2006      Red Mail 畫廊,佛蒙特
          Hege - Cox Hall,美國吉爾福德美術(shù)學 院
2005      API畫廊,紐約
2004      Hanes 藝術(shù)中心,北卡羅萊納州
          Ackland 博物館,北卡羅萊納州
          Woo Jae-Gil 美術(shù)館,光州,韓國
2003      藝術(shù)景畫廊,上海
2000      鄭學武十年作品展,北京國際藝苑美術(shù)館
1999      無題,紅門畫廊
1998      鄭學武新作品展,紅門畫廊
1997      鄭學武畫展,Le Mistral  畫廊,香港
1996      鄭學武油畫展,紅門畫廊
1995      鄭學武 畫展,紅門畫廊
1994      鄭學武畫展,紅門畫廊
1988      鄭學武藝術(shù)展,哈爾濱師范大學圖書館 


2010      無界, 河南美術(shù)館, 鄭州
          第四屆中國當代版畫展, 白雅軒藝術(shù)中心,上海
          時間,798空間, 北京
          穿越時空, 淄博大學, 山東
          世紀, 韓國文化中心, 北京
          生命, 上上美術(shù)館, 北京
2009      聚集宋莊, BSC Gallery, 北京
          第一屆淄博國際藝術(shù)展, 淄博美術(shù)館, 山東
          大小, Nunnery Gallery,倫敦
          從自然到精神, 中國當代藝術(shù)館,北京
          實踐的力量, 800美術(shù)館,上海
          中國式樣 十人展, 空白空間畫廊,北京
2008      飄移中韓現(xiàn)代美術(shù)大展,七九八藝術(shù)區(qū)鼎峰空間,北京
          不同的視角,798 / 紅門畫廊
2007      “透明的書”大山子國際藝術(shù)節(jié), 798 / 紅門畫廊, 北京
2006      紅門畫廊十五周年展
2005      工作室開幕展,北京
2004      亞洲當代藝術(shù)展,光州市立美術(shù)館,韓國
2003      國際當代藝術(shù)博覽會,芝加哥
2002      中國當代藝術(shù)展,休斯敦 
          對話•角樓藝術(shù)展,Jan Murphy 畫廊,布魯斯班
2001      中國當代藝術(shù)展,休斯頓凈湖藝術(shù)聯(lián)合中心
          跡象未來 - 紅門畫廊十周年展,紅門畫廊
2000      平面,北京當代繪畫邀請展,中國美術(shù)館,北京
1998      再現(xiàn) - 紅門畫家代表作品精選回顧展,紅門畫廊
          Lucien  Durand Gallery,巴黎
1997      1994 - 98 澳大利亞碧海璧公司當代中國藝術(shù)掛歷繪畫作品展,紅門畫廊
1996      紅門畫廊五周年展,紅門畫廊 
         四人畫展,Lucin Durand 畫廊,巴黎
1995      紅門畫廊在中國藝術(shù)博覽會,北京
1994      四人畫展,德國大使館,北京
1993      第一屆中國當代藝術(shù)展,耶路撒冷市立博物館,以色列
1991      五人聯(lián)展,中國人民大學,北京
1990      十人畫展,齊齊哈爾群眾藝術(shù)館,黑龍江
1989      四人聯(lián)展,哈爾濱青年畫廊 

收藏  中國美術(shù)館,光州市立美術(shù)館,柏林Kaethe Kollwitz 博物館,澳大利亞駐華大使 館,BHP公 司北京辦事處,西屋公司,Woo Jae-Gil 藝術(shù)博物館,美國Ackland藝術(shù)博物館,吉爾福德美術(shù)學      院,美國Turchin視覺藝術(shù)中心,北卡羅萊納大學,北京國際藝苑及眾多國家私人收藏



發(fā)表論文    參考文章

1988            鄭學武美術(shù)作品展:自述,鄭學武 

1989            四人習作展:我們說的, 鄭學武 

1990            十人畫展:夢境,鄭學武 

1994           BHP當代中國藝術(shù)掛歷            鄭學武作品:我自獨行,鄭學武                      鄭學武在紅門畫廊,Karen Smith, 亞洲藝術(shù)新聞

1995         藝術(shù)特色:鄭學武的近作,Jessica Morely,4月(未發(fā)表) 

                    采訪鄭學武,與中國當代畫家對話,Lindy Lee,澳大利亞駐北京畫院

                    研修畫家,3月(未發(fā)表)            綺調(diào)別彈的繪畫,李春,中國版畫
1996          BHP當代中國藝術(shù)掛歷            

                    新材料的發(fā)現(xiàn),鄭學武, 江蘇畫刊,1月

                     鄭學武和他的藝術(shù)探索,劉織,哈爾濱 日報,1月

                     我的工作, 鄭學武,畫廊 

                     鄭學武的符號重構(gòu)與主觀世界, 周圣燃,5月

1997            BHP當代中國藝術(shù)掛歷

                     站在印刷文化與視覺文化交叉點上的鄭學武,高嶺 ,

                     畫家鄭學 武:我和我的畫,鄭學武



1998           BHP當代中國藝術(shù)掛歷,碧海壁

1999           BHP當代中國藝術(shù)掛歷,碧海壁

                   精英藝術(shù)家百人集,美的詮釋,Nicky Combs    中國藝術(shù),頑童眼中的視覺天下,宋曉霞

                  目標,畫中漫游 - 中國當代藝術(shù)家鄭學武,張寧


1964 Born in Heilongjiang Province
1986 -90 Harbin Normal University, Arts College
1991 -92 Academy of Art and Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing
2004  Visiting Professor, North Carolina University at Chapel Hill, U.S.A.
 Visiting Scholar, Guilford College, North Carolina (N.C.)
2006 Visiting Artist, Vermont Studio Center, U.S.A.
 Visiting Scholar, Warren Wilson College, U.S.A.
 Visiting Scholar, Appalachian State University, N.C.
 Visiting Scholar, Guilford College, N.C.
Present: Full-time artist in Beijing

Selected Solo Exhibitions

 2009 Red Mail Gallery,VT,U.S.A.
  BSC Gallery, Beijing
 2008 API Gallery, New York
 Turchin Center, NC
2007 Zheng Xuewu, Red Gate Gallery, Beijing
2006 Red Mail Gallery, VT
 Hege - Cox Hall, Guilford College, N.C.
2005 API Gallery, New York
 ArtScene Gallery, New York
 ArtScene China Gallery, Shanghai
2004 Hanes Art Center, N.C.
 Ackland Museum, N.C.
 Woo- Jae-Gil Art Museum, Gwangju, Korea
 China’s Shapes, Red Gate Gallery
2003 ArtScene China Gallery, Shanghai
2000 10 Years of Zheng Xuewu’s Works, Beijing International Art Palace
1999 Untitled - Untitled, Red Gate Gallery
1998 New Works, Red Gate Gallery
1997 Le Mistral Gallery, Hong Kong
1996 New Paintings, Red Gate Gallery
1995 Recent Monoprints, Red Gate Gallery
1994 Red Gate Gallery
1988 Harbin Normal University, Harbin
 Small Works, Harbin Youth Hall

Selected Group Exhibitions

2010 No Borders, Museum of Henan Province, ZhengZhou
 the 4th Chinese contemporary printmaking exhibition, Baiyaxuan Art Center, Shanghai
 Time, 798space, Beijing
 Cross space, Zibo University, Shandong
 Century, Korea Culture Center, Beijing
 Life, SunShine Art Museum, Beijing
2009 Congregate-Songzhuang, BSC Gallery, Beijing
 1th Zibo International Art Exhibition, Zibo Museum, Shandong
 BIGsmall, Nunnery Gallery,London, UK
 From Nature to Mind, Museum of Contemporary Art, Beijing
 Pathway-State-Whisht-Cleansing, BSC Gallery, Beijing
 Sanbao Internation Printmaking Exhibition, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi
 Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Engraving Masterpieces, Beijing
 Recombine,Redgate Gallery, Beijing
 City,Tsinghua Univercity,Beijing
 Our Books,Our Lives,North Europe Center,Beijing
 Chinese Contemporary Engravings,Nanjing Museum,Nanjing
 The Power of Practice, 800Museum,Shanghai
 Chinese Forms, White Space, Beijing
 Power of Practice the 3rd Chinese Printworks Documents Exhibition, Nanjing Museum, Nanjing
2008 Migration China and Korea Modern Art Exhibition, China Space, Beijing
 Asian contemporary Art Fair, New York
 3 Persons’ Different Perspectives in Modern Chinese Art, Nine Gallery, Korea
 Dangcing with the Dragon, Turchin Center, USA
 Red Gate Strats, Red Gate Gallery
 Melbourne Art Fair, Australia
 Art Hampton, New York USA
 China-Korea Exhibition, Arbazaar Art Museum, Busan, Korea
 Chinese Character Biennale, HuanTie Art district, Beijing
 2th China Printmaking Document, Nanjing Museum, Nanjing
 China Scene, Galerie d’Art du Theatre d’Esch in Luxembourg
 Different Perspectives, 798 / Red Gate Gallery
2007 Translucent Text, 798 / Red Gate Gallery, Dashanzi International Art    Festival, Beijing
2006 Red Gate Gallery’s 15th Anniversary
2005 Open Studio, Beijing International Art Camp, Beijing
 The National Art Museum’s Collections of Printmaking, China National Art
 Museum, Beijing
 Century of Chinese Characters, China Millennium Monument, Beijing
 Impact 4 Printmaking, Kathe Kollwitz Museum, Berlin
 Caravancafe(Strong), Espace d’art Contemporain, Antibes, France
 21st South Korea International Exhibition, Gwangju Art Museum, Korea
 Noah’s Ark, Tsinghua University, Beijing
 Seven Pairs of Hands, Pickled Art Center, Beijing
2004 Asia Contemporary Art, Gwangju Art Museum, Korea
 Art Museum of Capital Normal University, Beijing
 ArtScene China Warehouse, Shanghai
2003 Art Chicago at Navy Pier, U.S.A.
 Prayer Beads and Brush Strokes, Beijing Tokyo Art Project, Beijing
 Kwangju Art Museum, Korea
2002 Chinese Contemporary Art, Huston, U.S.A.
 Dialogue with the Watchtower, Red Gate Gallery; Melbourne Art Fair;
 Singapore Art fair; Jan Murphy Gallery, Brisbane
2001 Art Alliance Center at Clear Lake, USA
 Clues to the Future – Red Gate Gallery’s 10th Anniversary
 Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, U.S.A.
2000 Flat Surface, National Art Museum, Beijing
1998 Retake: A Selection Reviewing Red Gate Artists’ Signature Works,   
 Curated by Carolyn Fitzpatrick, Red Gate Gallery
 Lucien Durand Gallery, Paris
1997 National Art Museum, Beijing
 Works Featured in the 1994-1998 BHP Calendars, Red Gate Gallery
1996 Red Gate Gallery 5th Anniversary
 Four Artists, Lucin Durand Gallery, Paris
1995 Red Gate Gallery, China Art Expo, Beijing
 National Art Gallery of China (NAGC), Beijing
1994 Four Artists, German Embassy, Beijing
 Red Gate Gallery, China Art Expo, Guangzhou
1993 1st Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art, Jerusalem Museum, Israel
1991 Five, People's University of China, Beijing
1990 Ten, Qiqiha'r Gallery, Heilongjiang
1989 Four, Harbin Youth Gallery,Harbin
China Central Television, China Beijing Television, BBC

NAGC; Gwangju Art Museum, Korea; Kaethe Kollwitz-Museum, Berlin; BHP; Australian Embassy, Beijing; Westinghouse; Woo Jae-Gil Art Museum, Korea; Ackland Art Museum, U.S.A.; Guilford College; The Turchin Center for Visual Arts, the North Carolina University at Chapel Hill; Beijing International Art Palace and Private Collections by many countries.        

Reference Material
1988   Zheng Xuewu, Zheng Xuewu Art Show: His Explanation
1989   Zheng Xuewu, Exhibition for Four: The Things We Want to Say
1990   Zheng Xuewu, Exhibition for Ten Artists: Dream Filled
1994     BHP Calendar of Contemporary Chinese Art
            To the Tune of a Different Drum -- The Paintings of Zheng Xuewu,
            Li Chun, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, September
            Karen Smith, Zheng Xuewu at Red Gate Gallery, Asian Art News,
            Vol. 4 No. 6, November/December
            Li Chun, The Other Kind of Printing, Chinese Printmaking, No. 9
1995     Jessica Morely, The Character of Art: Recent Works by Zheng Xuewu,
            April (Unpublished)
            Lindy Lee, Interview with Zheng Xuewu, Australian Artist-in-Residence, 
            Beijing Art Academy, March (Unpublished)
1996     BHP Calendar of Contemporary Chinese Art
            Zheng Xuewu, Discovering New Materials, Jiangsu Art Monthly, Jan
            Liu Zhi, Zheng Xuewu and His Artistic Creation, Harbin Daily News, Jan
            Zheng Xuewu, My Work, Gallery Magazine, Jan/Feb
Zhou Shengran, Zheng Xuewu’s Symbols, Structures and Personal     Ideologies, May (Unpublished)
1997      BHP Calendar of Contemporary Chinese Art
     Gao Ling, Zheng Xuewu: A Meeting Point Between the Printer’s Craft and
   Visual Art, (Unpublished)
   The Dictionary of the Achievements of World Chinese Artists
   Zheng Xuewu, Artist Zheng Xuewu: Me and My Painting
   Zheng Xuewu, Artist Zheng Xuewu: Self-Talking Number 1
1998      BHP Calendar of Contemporary Chinese Art
1999        BHP Calendar of Contemporary Chinese Art
  Nicky Combs, Hundred Essential Artists, Annotations of beauty
  Song Xiaoxia, Chinese Art, Visual World in an Urchin’s eyes
Zhang Ning, Object, Wandering in the Painting – Chinese Contemporary Artist Zheng Xuewu
2003         Collective Authors, Zheng Xuewu, I Walk Alone, Red Gate Gallery
2004         China’s Shapes, Exhibition Catalogue, Red Gate Gallery
