



展覽地點(diǎn) Group & Lab


策展人:渣克周(Zachariah Zhou)


主辦單位 Group & Lab

展覽介紹 Group & Lab很高興宣布空間即將呈現(xiàn)「金、木、水、火、土」主題系列展之“水”——液態(tài)金屬 。展覽由渣克周(Zachariah Zhou)策劃,呈現(xiàn)七位藝術(shù)家關(guān)于“液態(tài)”的不同詮釋。 Group & Lab are pleased to announce the upcoming exhibition of "Water" - Liquid Metal , which is the second show of the series exhibitions on the theme of「Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth」.Curated by Zachariah Zhou, the exhibition presents seven artists' different interpretations of "liquid".


Getting into the cyber-isolation of liquid metal is more than just the evolution of matter,it's the deconstruction and reconfiguration of consciousness.

泡沫,潮濕,混亂氣象;這是一個(gè)螺旋式的無底深淵,無盡的可能性在其中翻騰。 就像黑洞吞噬著舊世界,孕育著新的可能性。湯狀體是這個(gè)世界的未來,富有彈性和可塑性。它透露出一種感知,一種無法控制的力量。它是新且激進(jìn)的對(duì)未來世界的預(yù)見,在酸性理念和亞文化的交融中產(chǎn)生,將被取締的時(shí)空與現(xiàn)實(shí)聯(lián)系在一起。

Bubbles, humidity, chaotic weather,it's a spiraling bottomless abyss in which endless possibilities tumble. Just like the black hole devours the old world and breeds new possibilities. The soupy body is the future of this world, elastic and ductile. It reveals a perception, an uncontrollable force. It is a new and radical vision of the world to come, born out of a confluence of acidic ideas and subcultures, linking prohibited space and time to reality.

是時(shí)候介入一些功能性美學(xué)了! 分工合作導(dǎo)致的熱力學(xué)負(fù)熵主義沒法停下,盡管它無法建設(shè)未來,甚至無法摧毀過去。一切都在變化,一切也是靜止。我們不僅是觀察者,也是熔毀者。我們終將自噬(下載)明天的曙光。

It's time to intervene with some functional aesthetics! The division of labor leads to a thermodynamic negentropism that can't be stopped, even though it can't build the future or even destroy the past. Everything is changing and everything is still. We are not only observers, but also melters. We will eventually self-cannibalize (download) the dawn of tomorrow.

Ben Edmunds

本·埃德蒙茲,1994年出生于英國諾里奇,目前在倫敦生活和工作。他的藝術(shù)實(shí)踐包括繪畫和雕塑,同時(shí)也是2019年成立的藝術(shù)品公司Aspirational Equipment Ltd.的總監(jiān)。于2016年在溫布爾登藝術(shù)學(xué)院獲得繪畫學(xué)士學(xué)位,2018年在皇家藝術(shù)學(xué)院獲得繪畫碩士學(xué)位以及海因繪畫獎(jiǎng)。


參加群展及個(gè)展包括:“Second Mountain”, Tatjana Pieters (比利時(shí)根特, 2023),“Closer to the wind”, L21 (西班牙巴塞羅那, 2022),“Happiness”, The Shophouse (香港, 2022),“Portraits and monochromes”, ARTUAL (黎巴嫩貝魯特, 2022),“Almost Somewhere”, Choi & Lager Gallery (韓國首爾, 2021),“It won’t last forever (or maybe it will)” at Tatjana Pieters Gallery (比利時(shí)根特, 2021),“Where should I go from here?”, Kaikai Kiki Gallery (日本東京, 2019),and “Something unknown is doing we don’t know what”, County Street (英國倫敦, 2020)。

Ben Edmunds (b.1994, Norwich, UK) lives and works in London. As an artist, his practice spans painting and sculpture, and he is the director of Aspirational Equipment Ltd., an artist’s objects company founded in 2019. He received a BA in Painting from Wimbledon College of Arts (2016), and an MA in Painting from Royal College of Art (2018) where he was awarded the Hine Prize for Painting.

His practice is deeply rooted in his background as a sailor and windsurfer, and his work focuses on the crossover between these adventure sports, luxury lifestyle pursuits and colour field painting. He is interested in the possibilities of abstraction as a transcendental experience, likening it to climbing a mountain or sailing in open water. He questions the assumed anti-utilitarianism of painting, proposing the artwork as a form of equipment.

He has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions, including “Second Mountain”, Tatjana Pieters (Ghent, 2023),“Closer to the wind”, L21 (Barcelona, 2022),“Happiness”, The Shophouse (Hong Kong, 2022),“Portraits and monochromes”, ARTUAL (Beirut, 2022),“Almost Somewhere”, Choi & Lager Gallery (Seoul, 2021),“It won’t last forever (or maybe it will)” at Tatjana Pieters Gallery (Ghent, 2021),“Where should I go from here?”, Kaikai Kiki Gallery (Tokyo, 2019),and “Something unknown is doing we don’t know what”, County Street (London, 2020).

Thilo Jenssen

蒂洛·詹森,1984年出生于德國道恩,現(xiàn)生活和工作于維也納。他在卡塞爾藝術(shù)學(xué)院同弗洛里安·斯洛塔瓦(Florian Slotawa)學(xué)習(xí)雕塑,在克里斯蒂安·菲利普·穆勒(Christian Philipp Müller)指導(dǎo)下探索表演雕塑的更多可能性(2010-2015),于維也納藝術(shù)學(xué)院跟隨丹尼爾·里希特(Daniel Richter)研習(xí)繪畫(2015-2017)。


Thilo Jenssen was born 1984 in Daun, Germany, lives and works in Vienna.He studied sculpture with Florian Slotawa and performative sculpture with Christian Philipp Müller at the Kunsthochschule Kassel (2010-2015), as well as painting with Daniel Richter at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Vienna (2015-2017).

Artist’s works incorporate sign structures, pop culture, and physical appropriation. What is clear is that Thilo Jenssen playfully recodes unusual objects and prefabricates multiple media, simultaneously intervening and erasing their original materials and functions to achieve a perfect fragility, ultimately presenting them as a painting which might be considered as an installation.




Jin Yanan (b. 1986, Hangzhou, China) graduated from China Academy of Art, with a MA in Sculpture. Currently working in Sculpture from China Academy of Art.

From these years’ work, we can find Jin Yanan’s interest in generating all kinds of dialogues. His work form is relatively complex. Earlier, he took participation in art groups or group creation as a way to explore the relationship between individual checks and balances in groups. Then try to work in publicutilities, in community design, urban planning to explore the failure of consultation between all levels and the logic behind the dislocation. In recent years, he has paid more attention to the differential performance of individual or group units in collusion mechanism, aiming at the metaphorical design of mechanism architecture to strengthen the aggressiveness of dialogue. At present, some of his designs are presented through the narrative clues and participatory experience of his works, and the other part is carried out through project planning.


劉勁祎,1995年生于中國北京。2018年在馬里蘭藝術(shù)學(xué)院獲得學(xué)士學(xué)位(Maryland Institute College of Art, BFA),2022年研究生畢業(yè)于于紐約視覺藝術(shù)學(xué)院純藝專業(yè)(School of visual art, MFA)目前生活于北京。



Liu Jinyi (b. 1995, Beijing, China) graduated of Maryland Institute College of Art, with a BFA in 2018,and School of Visual Arts, MFA Fine Art in 2022. Currently living in Beijing.

Liu Jinyi's works are playful interpretations of artistic creation and daily life. Focus on the cultural conflicts in the Internet age, as well as the mutual confrontation and interdependence behind the cultural conflicts. The artist believes that our current information environment is beyond human perception. Images, videos, and graphics are embedded and proliferated, rapidly occupying every corner of the online world in a seemingly endless number. He adopts the concept of biological integration. He regards different symbols from different cultures as biological cells, and allows them to be organically combined in his paintings, transforming them into a new language and narrative.

"I collect pictures from this cyber universe. Video games, comics, pop music, and web novels. I combine them as a symbolic image with my drawing traces. I use them to make something misunderstood but fun at the same time. Dialogue and narrative."




Liu Wenguang (Gone), born in 1993 in Guangzhou. Currently lives and works in Shanghai.

Gone's painting practice evolved from the graphic invasion of others' skin. The artist grabs ideological readymade products from the Internet and translates them into horizontal narratives with absurd logic in an exploitative manner. By emphasizing the order of things and the formula of humor that must exist behind it, he absolves the disguised history through dark and empty painting grammar. Even though playing with reality was his passion, the artist insisted on maintaining the privilege of the body through the act of seeing and touching.





Wu Linghao, graduated with a Bachelor's degree from the Second Studio of the Oil Painting Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 2020.

The artist develops his work in an "assemblage" approach, studying images and linguistic symbols while integrating monitor visuals, applying the "interface experience" into painting, and substituting creation with operation. By exploring the fragmentation of images, the artistattempts to establish a new cognitive system based on the dissolution of the original painting subject, thus developing a set of 'self-emotions' derived from the interpretation of images.

Recent works have focused more on the internal sentimental experience at the level of image translation. Within the framework of a re-evoked modernist structure, the artist links the image to mysticism, exploring the relationship between heterogeneity, power, and ideology within a variation of self-reference. In the decree of 'definition as power', the artist's practice fuses alienated emotions into the image like a 'mantra,' constructing grotesque and uncanny images and romanticized screenist spectacles.




Born in China, 1995. currently living in Los Angeles. 2020-2021 Master's degree in Art Department of Claremont Graduate University, USA 2014-2018 Bachelor's degree in Oil Painting Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, China.

His current works focus on the invisible world, and much of his inspiration comes from his dreams. He is interested in humanity’s relationship to the cosmos, particularly as it plays out here on Earth, in the relationship between individuals and nature. He hopes to explore his interior world more deeply while expanding outward, to engage society and beyond. Xu Shuai's recent works originate from the black dots appearing in dreams, branching out in two interconnected directions. One is the Land Art project, and the other is oil painting. Dreams serve as the starting point for contemplating "existence," while the sense of unknown between "illusion" and "reality" extends to the vastness of the cosmos. Xu Shuai's works continually explore the relationship between the abstract and concrete aspects of one's internal bodily activities and the enigmatic connection between humans and the universe. Amidst the certainty of conscious thoughts and visible worlds, the ambiguity of distant, chaotic cognition tugs at the self through each creative endeavor.


2023 AACYF ‘TOP 30 UNDER 30’,2023 Contemporary Art Curator Magazine ‘Collectors Art Prize’,2022 Contemporary Art Curator Magazine ‘Faces of Peace Art Prize’,2022 CFA Artist of the Month Competition Excellence Award,2022 Contemporary Art Curator Magazine ‘Voices of Tomorrow Art Award’,2022 ATIM'S Top 60 Masters Award,2021 Claremont Graduate University GSC Travels and Materials Awards (TMA),2021 Bronze Award of Camelback Gallery all abstracts 2021 painting awards,2021 Circle Quarterly Art Review Magazine Contest Artistic Excellence Award,2021 Claremont Graduate University Friedman Award,2020 Artavita Online Contest with the theme "Covid Dreams" Finalist Award,2020 Art Ideal Magazine Contest Finalist Award,2018 Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Excellent Graduation Works Award,2018 Top 10 College Students of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts 2018,2017 Los Angeles Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, and the mayor of Los Angeles Diamond Bar issued a congratulatory letter.



Zachariah Zhou


He received his undergraduate degree in Strategic Design and Management from Parsons School of Design in New York and his master's degree in Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies from Central Saint Martins in London.

He has curated numerous conceptual electronic music events and contemporary art exhibitions both domestically and internationally. 2019, he intentionally held a solo exhibition at Tate Modern in London, and the works were permanently collected. 2020, he founded SIMULACRA, a gallery represents more than 20 artists, and maintains long-term cooperation with mainstream galleries and independent art spaces in Europe, the US, and the UK for talent exchanges and artistic communication, aiming to deterritorialize a deeper dialogue between China and the rest of the world. He has been active in major leading streaming media platforms since 2022, lecturing on contemporary art and business theories, with currently almost one hundred thousand art-related followers throughout the entire network.
