

來源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng)專稿 2009-04-15




首展:北京 798力透空間
開幕:2009年5月30日 下午:3:00 
Organizer: 798 Litou Space
Opening Event: 15:00-18:00, May 30, 2009
Exhibition Dates: 2009.5.30------2009.6.30 (11:00am-18:00pm)
ADD: 798 Art zone ,Sevevstar Main Street, No.4 Jiuxianqiao 
Road,Chao Yang District, Beijing,   Tel: 82251369/13901130508; 


開幕酒會:三里屯 Village Karaiya [憑邀請函進(jìn)入]
酒會時間:2009.5.30     晚18:30-21:00
Exhibition Dates: 2009.5.30------2009.6.30 (11:00am-18:00pm)
Reception time:SanLiTun Village South, 3rd Floor S8-10, No.19


主辦:TIME OUT雜志社
協(xié)辦:北京宋洋美術(shù)文化發(fā)展有限公司 798力透空間 Village Karaiya
特別感謝: 北京創(chuàng)意設(shè)計協(xié)會 TOUCH 0086 城市畫報 花溪 城市中國 1626



       宋洋藝術(shù)作品展覽于2009年5月30日在798力透空間和三里屯Village Karaiya同時展出,與TimeOut每年一度的聯(lián)展"買得起的藝術(shù)"(Affordable Art Beijing)同時開幕,這個特別展將在開幕之后在兩地分別展覽1個月。


      這些作品的創(chuàng)作是宋洋對生活觀察的產(chǎn)物,也是其參與生活的一部分。宋洋是著名的80后動漫創(chuàng)作人,但他不是80后的宅男,他用電腦畫畫,也用筆和油彩畫畫;他在電腦上工作和生活,也在現(xiàn)實社會中與人交往。“song yang*s people”正是那些與宋洋生活在同一個城市里萍水相逢的普通人,宋洋在現(xiàn)實中關(guān)注他們,宋洋在他的電腦上,用色彩和線條,用熱情和奇想描述他們,他在這樣的創(chuàng)作中也將自己還給了日常生活本身。有興奮、也有煩惱、有問題、也有成效,有悲哀、也有希望。。。。。。盡是瑣碎的點滴,也是有伏有起的篇章。“宋洋的朋友們”作品選自近3年來為Time Out創(chuàng)作的作品,如果說宋洋創(chuàng)作的“Bad Girl”系列是一種語不驚人死不休的態(tài)度,那么“宋洋的朋友們”則帶著現(xiàn)實生活的余溫,是宋洋創(chuàng)作的重要部分。數(shù)碼技術(shù)的應(yīng)用給繪畫帶來了許多變化,宋洋是一個CG繪畫高高手,他擅長并熱衷用電腦涂寫,我們用藝術(shù)微噴的手段將這些數(shù)碼作品制作成限量復(fù)制的版畫,也使大家有了一個收藏宋洋這些藝術(shù)品的機(jī)會。




      幼年即顯露繪畫方面的才能,大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)時期出版多部風(fēng)靡一時的漫畫作品,并陸續(xù)被譯成英、法、意、德等文字在歐洲出版。他的作品還在世界各地巡回展出,在許多重要的繪畫展覽上獲得眾多獎項,被當(dāng)時的媒體稱為“風(fēng)頭最勁的漫畫家”,“最具明星氣質(zhì)的漫畫家”。08出任世界大學(xué)生運動會最年輕評委。獲得08北京創(chuàng)意•設(shè)計“年度青年人物”金獎。宋洋還曾灌錄自己作詞并演唱的唱片,出席一些非商業(yè)的演唱活動。他還應(yīng)邀參與NIKE、HUGO BOSS、Tiger Beer、Swarovski、羽西等多個國際品牌的創(chuàng)作和設(shè)計活動。他的油畫及雕塑作品參加了國內(nèi)外多個個展及聯(lián)展。油畫作品在07年華辰國際拍賣中更是拍出31.3萬的成績。

      宋洋在〈Time Out Beijing 〉長期開設(shè)美術(shù)專欄,采訪并創(chuàng)作了北京各個階層人物的生活側(cè)影,無論是看電梯的外鄉(xiāng)人,還是漂亮的北京女歌手,他都投入了同樣關(guān)注的熱情,在他眼里這些人物命運的變化構(gòu)成了北京的都市風(fēng)貌。在展出的作品中,既有敘事的說明,又有渲染的表達(dá),體現(xiàn)了宋洋對現(xiàn)實生活參與的熱情。作品曾被國內(nèi)外眾多媒體轉(zhuǎn)載。




The introduction of Song Yang
Except oil painting, Song Yang is engaged in comic, design, writing, photographing, and music and other fields.
Song Yang has rich and varied experiences on arts. When he is a child, he has already showed his talent in drawings. When he is in the college, his comic books are published and gain good results for a time. Then the comic books are translated into English, French, Italy and other languages and published in Europe. His works are made the rounds exhibitions in China as well and gain many awards in many important Comic and Animation festivals.
Song Yang is regarded as the most publicized artist, and the artist who has the making of a star by the medium at that time.
What’s more, Song Yang made the music record, which he wrote the lyrics and sang the songs all by himself. And he attended the infomercial performances, too.
In the magazine “Time Out Beijing”, there is his long-term special column on fine arts. For the column, he produced many drawings to reflect the lives of different people in different levels in Beijing after interviewing them. And those drawings have been reprinted by various mediums at home and in abroad.
Moreover, Song Yang is invited to take part in the creation and design activities for many international brand products, such as NIKE、HUGO BOSS、Tiger Beer、Swarovski and Recently, Song Yang is active in Chinese modern arts creation. His works fly his own colors.


公司地址:北京市朝陽區(qū)裕民路12號 華展國際公寓A座902
電話: 010 82251369    傳真: 010 82250867

Room A-902,Huazhan International Apartment
No.12 Yumin Road Chaoyang District,Beijing100029,China
Tel:8610-82251369  82251368

