

來源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng)專稿 作者:陳穎 2009-06-09






  布魯斯•瑙曼:《拓?fù)浠▓@》 Bruce Nauman: Topological Gardens



  負(fù)責(zé)人:Carlos Basualdo, Michael R. Taylor


  最佳藝術(shù)家金獅獎:Tobias Rehberger (德國)


  杰出年輕藝術(shù)家銀獅獎:Nathalie Djurberg (瑞典)





  再創(chuàng)世界:特別表揚(yáng)Lygia Pape (巴西,1927-2004)


  策展世界:特別表揚(yáng)Michael Elmgreen ,Ingar Dragset ,丹麥及北歐(芬蘭,挪威,瑞典)策展人


  拓展世界:特別表揚(yáng)Ming Wong (新加坡國家館展出)


  翻譯世界:特別表揚(yáng)Roberto Cuoghi (意大利)


  終身成就金獅獎:小野洋子 Yoko Ono (日本)


  約翰·巴爾代薩里John Baldessari (美國)




  On 6th June 2009, the Jury assigned the official awards of the 53rd International Art Exhibition, as follows:

  Golden Lion for Best National Participation to the United States of America (Pavilion in the Giardini)

  Bruce Nauman: Topological Gardens

  Commissioners: Carlos Basualdo, Michael R. Taylor

  Golden Lion for the Best Artist of the Making Worlds exhibition to Tobias Rehberger

  (Germany, exhibited at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in the Giardini)

  Was du liebst, bringt dich auch zum Weinen

  Silver Lion for a Promising Young Artist in the Making Worlds exhibition to Nathalie Djurberg

  (Sweden, exhibited at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in the Giardini)


  The Jury has also assigned four Special Mentions:

  Remaking Worlds: Special Mention to Lygia Pape

  (Brazil, 1927-2004; exhibited at Corderie in the Arsenale: Ttéia 1, C)

  Curating Worlds: Special Mention to Michael Elmgreen & Ingar Dragset

  Curators of Denmark and Nordic Countries (Finland, Norway, Sweden)

  (Pavilions in the Giardini: The Collectors)

  Expanding Worlds: Special Mention tothe artist Ming Wong

  exhibited in the Singapore Pavilion (Pavilion in the city centre)

  Translating Worlds: Special Mention to Roberto Cuoghi

  (Italy, exhibited at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in the Giardini, Giardino Scarpa: Mei Gui)

  The Board of the Venice Biennale has this year awarded the Golden Lions for Lifetime Achievement to:

  Yoko Ono

  John Baldessari




