

來源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng)專稿 作者:- 2009-06-25



  Section One: Absolute Principles (1983 – 1989)


  在“絕對原則”時(shí)期(1983—1989),尋找中國文化的整體解答方案是藝術(shù)思考的中心課題,柏拉圖-黑格爾式的形而上學(xué)的宇宙論模式、尼采的超人哲學(xué)、盧梭的新權(quán)威主義的和雅斯貝爾斯、海德格爾的存在主義混合熔煉出了“北方寒帶文明”這種浪漫主義的文化 方案,而中世紀(jì)教堂的造型理念、籍里柯的“形而上繪畫”和蒙德里安的“新造型主義”則孕育出了“理性繪畫”這種抽象冷峻的視覺匹配形式(《無窮之路》、《絕對原則》 、《涉向彼岸》),由于這一繪畫理論正好契合了80年代啟蒙主義的時(shí)代需求,它成為 ’85新潮美術(shù)運(yùn)動的主流性繪畫思潮,按藝術(shù)家自己的說法,“理性繪畫”完成了中國繪畫由“情態(tài)寫作”向“意態(tài)寫作”的轉(zhuǎn)向。


  In the “absolute principles” period (1983 – 1989), the search for a universal key to Chinese culture serves as the central topic of artistic thinking. The Platonic/Hegelian metaphysical model, Nietzsche’s superman philosophy, Rousseau’s revision of political authority and the existentialism of Jaspers and Heidegger came together to form the romanticist cultural manifesto known as the “Northern Frigid Zone Civilization”(Beifang Handai Wenming); the plastic concepts of medieval churches, the “metaphysical painting” of Géricault, and Mondrian’s “neo-plasticism” gave birth to the abstract and cold visual forms of “rational painting” seen in works such as Endless Road, Absolute Principles and Wading Towards the Opposite Shore. Since this theory of painting fits the criteria of the 1980s enlightenment, it became a mainstream school of thought during the ’85 New Wave movement. According to the artist, “rational painting” completed the shift in Chinese painting from “mood composition” to “manner composition”.




  Section Two: Out of the Sublime (1990-2004)




  The roughly decade-long “out of the sublime” period (1990-2004) marked the antithetical phase in Shu Qun’s “rationalist” art career. He calls it the “fall of the sacred”. The retreat of the Chinese modern art movement in the 1990s and the conundrum faced by classical humanism in the new cultural setting (mainly the postmodern deconstruction trend and consumer culture) sent Shu Qun into a phase of revision on his “rationalism”. Readings into logical positivism linguistic analytical philosophy, critical rationalism and even deconstructionism led to massive changes in his thinking. The theoretical and political significance of criticisms of traditional humanism by analytical philosophy and the philosophy of science led him to focus on the connections between discourse and discursive circumstances. In his words, he moved from being an existentialist to being a positivist and then a structuralist. This change in thinking was embodied in his art through the emergence of analytical, even pop linguistic composition. Works such as The Dispersal of Absolute Principals, Voices of Identity – Order of Religious Discourse, Voices of Identity – Post-Vanguard Doctrine, Four Basic Operations, Cultural Pop Cui Jian and World Art Anthology implied “a shift from the ideologically embellished Absolute Principles to the wholly unembellished Voices of Identity”, but all of these changes did not change his “rationalist” leanings or macroscopic mode of thinking; the main phase of his “absolute principles” thinking came to a close with the demonstrative performance of “a tribute to the sublime” in 1994. He calls this period one of transition from “mood composition” to “vocal composition”, a shift from cultural criticism to linguistic criticism.













  This departure from pure metaphysical modes of thinking was not solely due to the artist’s profound disappointment with the “superficial epistemological anarchism” of political pop and cynical realism. In fact, it was more the result of introspection and rethinking of the classical humanist standpoints of “rationalism”. Research into the neo-Marxist critical theory of the Frankfurt School, Foucault’s discourse theory and Derrida’s deconstructionism had revealed the ideological totalitarian nature of universal, unitary classical idealism, and because of these changes in thinking in theory, his art entered into the microscopic living practice of individual idealism, something that became a spiritual transcendence and liberation in his move from the abstract ideas of “rationalism”. In the nearly eight years that followed, he even gave up on painting, taking part instead in the design and operation of private museums. His theoretical reading also expanded from philosophy into management and design history. This lasted until 2002, when the “impulse to return to original experience” and an interest in the archaeology of thought led him to create somewhat expressionist works such as Monotone Workers Peasants and Soldiers, and Red Mao Zedong, and it was this antithetical process that completed the shift in Shu Qun’s artistic thinking from ontology and epistemology to linguistics.


  第三單元:象征秩序(2005—2009 )


  Section Three: The Symbolic Order




  Beginning in 2005, thoughts about consumer culture marked by the “symbolic order” gave Shu Qun’s art a reason to return to the metaphysical path, and brought his art into the “symbolic order” period (2005 – 2009), where he engaged in a rethinking of the value of “rationalism”in forming a critique of reality. Works from this period, such as The Symbolic Order, were in terms of image form, a replication of the “absolute principles” period, but the issue it was directed at changed from the construction of an abstract cultural model to specific “social criticism”, which made for a suitable synthesis of Shu Qun’s “rational painting”: a rethinking of the historical pitfalls of Chinese modernization and the rational countermeasures required in facing these pitfalls. Of course, just as in the first phase, the logic created in Shu Qun’s art during the “symbolic order” period was clearly marked by characteristics of “image utopianism”.




  The exhibition “Image Dialectic: The Art of Shu Qun” is comprised of three sections, “Absolute Principles”, “Out of the Sublime” and “The Symbolic Order”, which will give a comprehensive presentation of the historical path and rationale of Shu Qun’s art. The exhibition will include nearly 50 representative works from Shu Qun’s three phases. This is both a case study on Shu Qun’s art and an academic revision of the history of contemporary art thinking in China since the 1980s.












