
House of Art and Life

來(lái)源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng)專稿 作者:- 2009-11-21



  Preamble of Art Exhibition of 333 pieces of works of 85 Times • Life Impression (1979-1989)


  “Vitality is an element to maintain life activities and survival and development.” Vitality is the fundamental conditions for the existing and development of individual life. We often compare the in-organism and the basic impetus for the development of human society to vitality, from which we can feel the innovation and thriving vitality brought by metabolism of things and society. Therefore, vitality is the condition and energy core of the survival and development of all things on the earth.


  Undoubtedly, art having life. For me, the art life not only exists in the creation of art works, but also exists in the canvas with color and lines through my infinite paining passion and through my colorful individual's life experience. So that works of arts have their own lives and continually active games. By dialogue and collision with the eyes and lives of the viewers, the vitality of arts can remain at each cell and heart jumping of the viewers.


  Noise and busyness can not cover the games of my life. During my thirty years of art creation, I never stopped my exploration for my inner life force and never stopped my consideration of vitality of human and nature. Once discovered, vitality will begin to expand and develop, and become more and more polished just as the alchemist camel, until it is refined and expressed in arts. It is this kind of pure vitality enable my art works to reflects all values of depression, tragedy, love and artistic enthusiasm in way of games, without whitewash and artificial. This makes these works have both practical significance and permanent value, and permanent value will always bring about practical significance, becoming inexhaustible source and adding new vitality to the human souls.


  It is always no lack of art treasures in traditional Chinese art. While in the art creations of contemporary artists, excellent work is difficult to find for handing down. This is because we are lack of deep thought. Art technique is only an empty shell, only with life, game and blood, can it complete the mission of art, which is the noble task of art.


  From my works, you can see my life. I have the courage to face life and human nature, to cross the taboos, and to explain soul. And such kind of expansion spirit endows me with ability to control them and improve art. I would like to put my creative process and life trajectory unfolded without reservation in way of art games so as to enrich the viewers’ appreciation to and exchange with my works.


  I was nourished with pain and struggled to grow up in pain. The success of secular weakens human’s potential violent strength and destruct the artistic originality to a certain extent. Success has never bring me with happiness, what makes me become an artist is a kind of black suffering and games, I can only seize the power and release unrestrainedly between life and art. So I do not fear pain but cherish suffering. I often have to face the pain, loneliness and abandonment of torture. It comes from relation between life and physics and is the inherent tragedy of life, which is immutable and unable to get of, just like fate of life. I have to know how to precipitate the tension of suffering through frustration, persistent and life’ difficulty and how to muster the manic depression inside heart and release inner life cries through the desire expressed pens. This time, the cries hoarse sound, only have hot colors and fearless lines.


  In addition, I believe in a mysterious game. Mysterious individuals constitute a reality, and the great realities are all mysterious games. Art and life get a complete match in the mystery and then creation is out. My works are semi-illusory and dream-like, and are kind of screen drama and spirit exchange in which the soul can be free debauchery, they are mysterious games and life impressions.


  Art burns my whole life and is pouring of my heart fragment. It is not entertainment, with success as its ultimate goal. My art works can be continually refined and inputted in real life, showing an unique internal frame of mind, as well as thinking and love of life, and it can touch the most sensitive and soft part of human emotions. It expresses the essence of life and will end with life.


  Art is the last harbor of the original stream of our lives. Life is perpetuating with art as its carrier and art is gorgeous and brilliant bloom, exploding the glory of vitality in an instant and reaching the apex of art and life.


