

來源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng)專稿 2021-06-18

丁立人:雙 蟲 記 Ding Liren:TWO INSECTS 2021.06.19 - 07.25 站臺中國當(dāng)代藝術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu) - 主空間 Platform China Contemporary Art Institute 站臺中國將于6月19日有幸再次呈現(xiàn)丁立人個展《雙蟲記》,展現(xiàn)了他近兩年于特殊時期,高齡童心,以“蟲”為樂,創(chuàng)作的剪紙拼貼之作,正合其童年之趣。在此不復(fù)贅言,聽老先生說!
只有當(dāng)人是完全意義上的人時, 他才游戲; 只有當(dāng)人游戲時, 他才是完全意義上的人。


▅ 蟲 童而友之 酷首始構(gòu)其形 文 / 丁立人 常常是,在我心里,把時間倒退80余年。那時,大白天,天朗氣清的,陽光燦爛,空氣里像撒上金粉,閃閃發(fā)亮。并且,空氣里響著嗡嗡之聲, 嘶嘶之聲。嗡嗡聲是慢動作飛蟲振翅聲,嘶嘶聲是那些像子彈那樣快捷飛行蟲子身體與空氣的摩擦聲。蜂蝶一類的蟲子是慢飛飛蟲,最常見的是蚊子??祜w一類的蟲子很多,蟲子身小體弱,敵害多多,為了生存,不得不快飛。最常見的是蒼蠅一類,單是蠅類,也是多種多樣。 飛行距離有長短,蝗蟲身體粗壯而沉重,只能飛飛停停,飛一段距離, 停下歇歇。而蜻蜓一身輕質(zhì)材料組成,翅大又薄,簡直可以懸在空中, 根本不用著地。至于那些甲蟲,個子雖大,筋骨卻是強(qiáng)壯,飛勁十足。飛速甚高,小甲蟲飛過來像子彈,大甲蟲飛過去像炮彈 ...... 總之,那時的空中,尤其是在鄉(xiāng)村,全像是它們的,從早到晚,嗡嗡聲來,嘶嘶聲去,熱鬧非凡。 80多年前,上世紀(jì)30年代,我5-6歲吧,童年黃金時代,整天處在閃閃發(fā)亮,嘈雜的嗡嗡嘶嘶聲中,眼前子彈來炮彈去的空氣中度過的。童年總是漫長,童年的印象總是深刻的,這些印象深深印入我的血液、骨髓、 染色體、基因里,終生難以磨滅。 —— 稍長,上學(xué),人在課堂里坐著,心還是惦著蟲子,好在教室的窗子開著, 窗外是一片田野,飛蟲之聲,無妨聲聲入耳。 在家里,園子里,也有不少蟲子,就在室內(nèi),母親還養(yǎng)著蠶,蠶也是蟲子, 這個蠶寶寶,我國已經(jīng)飼養(yǎng)數(shù)千年了。 我們這些小學(xué)生,自己也養(yǎng)起蟲子來的。有一種小型甲蟲,甲是黑色的,黑得發(fā)亮。我們將它裝入小木匣內(nèi),木匣里放些飼料,飼料是紅棗、 便宜的高麗人參。它最愛吃高麗人參,故稱它為高麗?。小木匣可置于衣袋里,冬天可藏于內(nèi)衣口袋,以人的體溫去溫暖它,蟲子是冷血動物,也稱變溫動物,自身沒有溫度,冬天會被凍僵死的,得靠人的體溫去暖和它。 溫度適宜、飼料充足。它冬天照?;顒?。這繁殖力很強(qiáng),不多天,就會繁衍出滿滿一匣子。蟲子滿了裝不下怎么辦 ? 送人,送給同學(xué)。因此,那時,我們小學(xué)里的孩子,養(yǎng)高麗?的很普遍。
—— 初中是在鄉(xiāng)村中學(xué)里讀的。學(xué)校周圍,大樟樹成林。一到初冬,樟樹 下散落好多斷枝,約6-7厘米長,一個斷枝里藏有一條蟲子。這些斷枝便是這個蟲子咬下來的。這個樟樹蟲平時處于樹枝內(nèi)吸取樹汁為生,長到成熟期,準(zhǔn)備化蛹,便將樹枝兩端咬斷, 斷枝從樹上落于地面, 便是我們在樹底下?lián)斓降哪切嘀Α? 斷枝長短粗細(xì)不一,曲折形狀多樣,樹皮顏色紋理各異,斷枝萬千,無一相同,在我們眼里枝枝優(yōu)美好看,全值得珍藏。好在這種藏品不用花錢,只要花些時間去撿就是。有些同學(xué),便作起樟樹蟲的藏家來了。藏家有大有小,有些同學(xué)成了大藏家,收藏的樟樹蟲斷枝竟達(dá)千余根。這么多的斷枝也占有很大空間,作為寄宿學(xué)生,不可能有藏品柜。只能將自己僅有的一只衣箱出空,將樟樹蟲藏于箱里,這滿滿一箱的斷枝,便是他的寶貴藏品。我都替他操心,學(xué)期終了回家,帶回一箱樟樹蟲, 怎么向父母交待 ? 我們還不時進(jìn)行樟樹蟲交流。到時,大家聚集一起,各個藏家將藏品亮出,進(jìn)行欣賞、品評、交流心得,還進(jìn)行交換、互通有無。在寂寞而單調(diào)的鄉(xiāng)村中學(xué)生活中,增加了不少樂趣。 —— 高中時期,高一的生物課是魯富川老師上的,魯老師是我國大生物家朱洗的高足,朱洗先生是研究無性生殖的,他發(fā)明“無外祖父的蟾蜍”。一個卵,不用受精,改用一根玻璃絲刺一下,代替受精,亦會使卵細(xì)胞分裂,發(fā)育成蛙。朱先生早期已著有一套科普讀物,《人生蛋蛋生人》、《雌雄之變》等,早早使我看到迷醉了。 朱洗又是國際大生物學(xué)家巴德榮的高足。真是名師出高徒,這一級級傳下來,魯老師的生物功底有多深我們能得到他的教誨,真是大幸。魯先生的一堂遺傳學(xué)印象最是深刻。他把孟德爾的豌豆實(shí)驗(yàn)講得栩栩如生。仿佛把我們帶到奧地利的一個小教堂后院菜地,生生見到孟德爾在豆棚前親手?jǐn)[弄豌豆藤蔓。 魯先生說遺傳學(xué)不光是遺傳,還有變異,二大內(nèi)容同樣重要,缺一不可。遺傳是傳統(tǒng)、保守,沒有遺傳,不會有品種。變異是改變、異化,沒有變異,沒有進(jìn)化,不會有新品種發(fā)生。并指出,變異的最佳方法是雜交。雜交要選取優(yōu)秀親本,而二個親本的血緣以遠(yuǎn)為好。我們學(xué)的雖然是生物,但這個原理不止于生物,藝術(shù)也同樣如此。藝術(shù)上的典型例子如畢加索,他的藝術(shù)是西班牙藝術(shù)同非洲黑人藝術(shù)雜交結(jié)果,這是遠(yuǎn)緣的,故其藝術(shù)的生命力特別的強(qiáng)盛。
—— 高三畢業(yè)班時,來了一位山東大學(xué)生物系教授尹光德先生,他是回家休養(yǎng)的,閑著無事,為家鄉(xiāng)中學(xué)作點(diǎn)事,擔(dān)任幾堂生物課。高三雖然沒有生物課,但我是生物愛好者,此間,我已閱讀了一些生物書籍, 因此,與這位尹先生很有共同語言,十分投契,常一起看顯微鏡下生物玻片,聊有關(guān)生物方面知識。這么一來,我更走近生物。高三是最后一學(xué)期,面臨投考大學(xué),是人生抉擇時刻。就在這個關(guān)鍵時刻,有這么兩位老師,對我志愿選擇生物,起到重大作用。但,這只是近期的,其實(shí),童年的小蟲子情結(jié),起的作用不小。雖然,我很愛好畫畫,我6歲就開始熱衷于畫畫了。 那年,我參加統(tǒng)考,果然考取南京大學(xué)生物系,這是師資、設(shè)備具佳的名牌大學(xué)生物系。老師陳義先生是博士,他研究蚯蚓,是世界少有的蚯蚓博士,他是臨海人,是我同鄉(xiāng),一下子拉近了。蚯蚓是低等生物, 陳先生講課也偏重低等動物方面內(nèi)容,尤其是原生動物內(nèi)容特別豐富, 給我在這方面開了一個窗,將我推入這個超視角的無比奧妙的微觀世界。使得我了解這個微觀世界的豐富性,一點(diǎn)兒也不下于高等動物。 在藝術(shù)上其實(shí)也是如此,原生藝術(shù)一點(diǎn)兒都不低于次生藝術(shù),相反的,好的原生藝術(shù)只有更高,比次生藝術(shù)有過而無不及。 —— 五十年代末,我進(jìn)入上??茖W(xué)院華東應(yīng)用昆蟲研究所工作,與好多昆蟲研究專家在一起,面對各類昆蟲進(jìn)行各種工作,我見到了各種各樣的昆蟲,像走進(jìn)昆蟲大世界。我也畫了形形色色的昆蟲,萬花筒似的,畫不勝畫。 在研究所看昆蟲,不同一般,可說大不相同,這里有儀器設(shè)備,擴(kuò)大眼睛的功能,利用解剖鏡顯微鏡,可依人需要放大倍數(shù),將小蟲子的里里外外細(xì)微末節(jié),看個通透。
一只微不足道的小蟲子,可以放得像直升機(jī)大,一只小蚱蜢可以放到航母那么大,不僅如此還可進(jìn)入體內(nèi),像參觀博物館那樣觀看蟲體內(nèi) 部各種器官、系統(tǒng)、組織。小蟲子也有消化系統(tǒng)、循環(huán)系統(tǒng)、神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)、肌肉系統(tǒng),應(yīng)有盡有。高等動物有的他也有,真是麻雀雖小,五臟俱全。 就這樣,天天昆蟲,月月昆蟲,年年昆蟲,我在蟲子世界足足呆了五個年頭。 歲月悠悠過去,三十年里也沒閑著,忙過這個忙那個,總是忙個不停, 因此把蟲子小事也就擱在一邊,近乎淡忘了。 腦神經(jīng)細(xì)胞活動,確是神奇莫測,不可捉摸。年前一天,突然想起昆蟲來了。它不邀自來,來得莫名其妙。小蟲一大片一大片的飛來,無法抑制,勢不可擋。唯一辦法便是畫它。 昆蟲怎么畫呀?畫了足足五個年頭昆蟲的我,想不到此刻竟然生起疏來, 不知所措了。是時代變了?人的心態(tài)變了?是的,是這樣,我已經(jīng)不是畫標(biāo)本畫的繪蟲者,也不是像畫戲劇人那樣舞臺人物寫生者,這些全是依樣畫葫蘆,跟著對象走,缺少主意,自然主義 。 畫,應(yīng)該不是這樣,真正的畫本來就不是這樣。 畫,應(yīng)該畫出對事物的體驗(yàn)。畫的是體驗(yàn),不是那個物形物態(tài)。 這個體驗(yàn)不是他人的,是自己的,個人的,只此一家,別無分號。 畫的本質(zhì)意義變了,畫的手段方法也跟著變,不僅如此,畫的工具材料也得一起變。一變?nèi)?。全盤變換,徹底變更。
那么采取什么手段 ? 打散構(gòu)成吧?!犉饋碛悬c(diǎn)時髦,像在搞設(shè)計(jì)。其實(shí)打散構(gòu)成不是什么新鮮玩意兒,打散構(gòu)成早已有了,并且不止是在藝術(shù)小圈子里,各學(xué)各科早早存在,就拿與人們生活最密切的衣食 住行來看 : 一,衣。一匹布是個整體,剪成片是打散,再縫成衣,便是構(gòu)成。二,食。就拿主食來說,稻麥大田是整體,收割、脫粒、磨粉是打散,再將米麥粉作成糕團(tuán)等物是構(gòu)成。三,屋。山是整體,炸成巖塊,軋成碎塊,磨成粉,燒成水泥粉是打散,澆成房屋是構(gòu)成。四,行。車子等交通工具亦是如此。 不僅人類生活所需之事物離不開打散構(gòu)成,地球上的風(fēng)云、山川、水陸變化,亦是打散構(gòu)成,乃至宇宙的星云變幻莫不如此。 可見打散構(gòu)成是整個物質(zhì)世界形態(tài)變化的普遍義。我的一把小剪刀, 幾張小紙片,剪剪貼貼,也算得上是個打散構(gòu)成的活,實(shí)在是一件微乎其微,小得不能再小的一種吧。



English Version

Playing with Insects in Childhood and Painting Them in Old Age By Ding Liren Often, I turn the clock back more than 80 years. Back then, what could be seen during the day were clear sky, brilliant sunshine and shining air as if sprinkled with gold dust. In the air sounded the buzz and hiss. The buzz came from the wing flap of slowly flying insects, while the hiss came when the fast flying insects rubbed against the air as they flied like bullets. Bees and butterflies are slowly flying insects, and the most common is the mosquito. Fast flying insects are in large quantity. They are small and weak but in face of many enemies, so they have to fly fast to survive. The most common fast flying insects are the flies, which are in wide variety. The insects can fly long and short distance. Locusts, squat and heavy, can only fly in a stop-and-go manner--after flying a certain distance, they stop for a rest. The dragonflies, however, are lightweight with large and thin wings, allowing them to hang in the air without touching the ground at all. As for the beetles, they are strong and powerful enough to fly, though they were large in shape. They can fly extremely fast: small beetles fly over like bullets, and big beetles like cannonballs...In short, the air, especially in the countryside, was full of flying insects, buzzing and hissing from morning till night. How boisterous they were! More than eight decades ago in the 1930s when I was about five or six years old, I had my best years of childhood. I spent my days in the glittering, buzzing and hissing air, with “bullets and cannonballs” flying around. Childhood is always so long and impressive that it has been deeply imprinted into my blood, marrow, chromosomes and genes. It is stamped indelibly on my memory.
—— I went to school as I grew older. Sitting in the classroom, I could not help thinking about insects. Fortunately, the classroom window was open, outside which were the fields. I could hear the sound of flying insects. There were a lot of insects at home and in the garden. My mother also kept silkworms indoors. Silkworms belong to worms, which have been cultivated in China for thousands of years. We, the pupils, raised insects ourselves as well. There is a small beetle whose armor is shiny black. It was put in a little wooden box filled with red dates and cheap Korean ginseng. It loves to eat Korean ginseng, so it is called Korean beetle. Small wooden boxes could be placed in pockets, and we hid the beetle in the underwear pocket in winter, in order to warm it with our body heat. Insects are cold-blooded arthropods, also known as ectotherm. They cannot warm themselves and will be frozen to death in winter. So we had to keep them warm with body heat. With appropriate temperature and adequate food, it could live normally in winter. The beetle was extremely fertile, and reproduced a full box of babies. What if the space in the wooden box was not enough to hold them? Give them to the classmates. As a result, many children in our primary school kept Korean beetles.
—— My middle school was in the countryside. Around the school were lots of camphor trees. At the beginning of winter, many broken branches dropped down from the trees. They were about 6-7cm long, each of which hid a worm. It was the worm that gnawed and broke these branches. This camphor tree worm lived on the juice of the tree. When it grew to maturity and was ready to pupate, it would gnaw through the branch, falling to the ground. That is what we picked up under the trees. Broken branches were of different length and thickness, with varied twists and turns. The multicolored bark had different texture. Those varied branches were beautiful in our eyes, all of which were worthy of collection. This kind of collection did not require money, and we just needed to spend some time picking the branches up. Some students also collected camphor tree worms. The collection could be in large or small scale. Some students collected as many as a thousand branches with worms. Ample space was needed, but for a boarding student, it was impossible to have a collection cabinet. He had to empty the only suitcase to hide the camphor tree worms. This was his precious collection. I was once concerned with his collection: if he brought back home a case of camphor tree worms at the end of the semester, how should he explain to his parents? We also communicated on camphor tree worms from time to time. Together, each collector would show his/her collection, and we appreciated and evaluated the worms and exchanged experience. Sometimes, we exchanged worm with each other. These activities added much fun to the lonely and monotonous middle school life in the countryside.
—— In the first year of high school, Mr. LU Fuchuan taught us biology. Teacher LU is the outstanding student of ZHU Xi, a famous biologist in China. Mr. ZHU was dedicated to the research of asexual reproduction and he invented “the toad without grandfather”. Without sperm, an egg can developed into a frog by pricking with a glass fiber to enable egg cell division. In his early days, Mr. ZHU had written a set of books on popularization of science, such as Egg to Human and Human to Egg and The Change of the Male and Female, which made me fascinated. Mr. ZHU is the student of great international biologist Batarllon. An accomplished disciple owes his accomplishment to his great teacher. Hence, teacher LU had solid foundation of biology due to knowledge inheritance. We were so lucky to be his students. A lecture on genetics was the most impressive. The animated narrative of Mendel’s pea experiment was delivered as if we were guided to a vegetable field in the back yard of a small church in Austria and saw Mendel moving the pea vines in front of a pea shed. Mr. LU said that genetics is not only about heredity, but also variation, both of which are equally important. The heredity is traditional and conservative, without which there will be no species. Variation means change and alienation, and no new species will appear without variation and evolution. He pointed out that the best method of variation is hybridization. Good parent plants should be selected for hybridization, and two parent plants should be as far as possible in terms of consanguinity. This discipline can be applied not just in biology, but also in art. A typical example in art is Picasso, whose art is the result of hybridization between Spanish art and African black art. Such hybridization is a distant one, so Picasso’s art is particularly vigorous.
—— In the third year of high school, Mr. YIN Guangde, a professor from the Department of Biology of Shandong University began to teach us. He went back home to recuperate and had nothing to do. So he wanted to make contributions to the high school in his hometown and served as a teacher in several biology classes. Biology class was not available in the third year of high school, but I was a biology lover and had read some biology books. So, I had a common interest with Mr. YIN and we often observed the slides under the microscope and chatted about biology. In this way, I got closer to biology. Grade three in high school was the last semester, when we were going to take the college entrance exam. It was moment to making choice. At such critical moment, these two teachers played a significant role in my choice of biology. Of course, it was only a recent factor; indeed, my love for insects also played a major role. Although I was very fond of painting, an interest cultivated since I was 6 years old, I finally chose biology. I took part in the unified examination that year and was admitted to the Department of Biology of Nanjing University, which is a famous university with excellent teachers and equipment. My teacher Mr. CHEN Yi studied earthworm, and he held the rare doctor’s degree in earthworm. Native in Linhai, we are fellow-townsmen. This relationship brought us closer. Earthworms are lower creatures, and Mr. CHEN’s lectures focused on lower animals, especially the rich content of protozoa, which broadened my horizon in this aspect and led me into this extremely mysterious microscopic world with multiple perspectives. I came to understand the richness of this microscopic world, which is as colorful as the world of higher animals. For art, the same is true--raw art is not interior to derivative art at all. On the contrary, high-quality raw art is superior to secondary art.
—— At the end of 1950s, I joined East China Institute of Applied Entomology, Shanghai Academy of Science & Technology, where I worked with a pool of experts on various insects. I saw a variety of insects, as if I was wandering in the world of insects. I also painted all kinds of insects, with so many objects for painting. A small insect could be magnified as big as a helicopter, and a small grasshopper could be as large as an aircraft carrier. I was also able to see their internal part, and observed the organs, systems and tissues like wandering in a museum. An insect also has the digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system and muscular system. It has everything that are possessed by the higher animals. Despite its small body, it has complete functions. In the institute, I studied insects every day and stayed in the world of insects for five years. As time passed by, I had been busy with lots of things all the time. Trivial matters such as insects were laid aside and I have almost forgotten it. The cranial nerve cells behave mysteriously and unpredictably. One day in last year, I suddenly thought of insects. It came uninvited, without any reason. Blocks of insects flied in, unstoppable and overwhelming. The only thing I can do is to paint them. How to paint insects? To my surprise, with five years of experience in painting insects, I was a little rusty and at a loss. Has the era changed or my mindset changed? In fact, I’m no longer a painter creating specimen drawings, or a stage personage painter depicting the drama actors. Previously, I just painted mechanically following the subjects, lack of creation and naturalism. The painting should not be like this, and the real painting is never like this. Painting should reflect the experience of objects. It’s about the experience, rather than the shape and form. This experience is not someone else’s, and it’s yours, unique and exclusive. The essential meaning of painting has changed, so has the techniques and methods. Besides, tools and materials also need to be changed. A change leads to changes in all fronts, completely and thoroughly.
So what technique shall I take? Disintegration-rearrangement. --It sounds kind of trendy, similar to a term in design. In fact, disintegration-rearrangement is nothing new. It has existed not only in the small circle of art, but also in various schools and subjects for a long time. Let’s take examples from the clothing, food, house and transportation, which are most closely related to people’s life. First, clothing. A bolt of cloth is a whole, cutting into pieces is the disintegration, and then sewing into clothes is the rearrangement. Second, food. Take the staple food for example. The rice and wheat field is the whole, harvesting, threshing and grinding stand for disintegration, and then making the rice and wheat flour into cakes means rearrangement. Third, house. The mountain is the whole, blasting into rocks, rolling into pieces, grounding into powder and burning into cement constitute disintegration, and building into house is rearrangement. Fourth, transportation. The same is true of means of transportation like cars. The things needed by human life as well as changes of wind and cloud, mountains and rivers, land and sea on the earth cannot be divorced from the disintegration-rearrangement. Disintegration-rearrangement even applies in the changes of the nebulae in the universe. It can be seen that disintegration-rearrangement is the universal principle for the morphological change of the whole material world. Cutting and pasting with a pair of scissors and a few pieces of paper can be regarded as my work of disintegration-rearrangement. It is really an activity with a minimal degree of disintegration-rearrangement. 2021.5 ▅ 藝術(shù)家介紹

丁立人,1930年出生于浙江省臺州市海門鎮(zhèn)。幼時就曾受到過西方現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)啟蒙,青年時期師承劉海粟、關(guān)良等老先生,工作后深入地接觸到了中國民間藝術(shù),其質(zhì)樸的美學(xué)趣味對丁立人的創(chuàng)作影響至深。任上海剪紙學(xué)會副主席,中國民間工藝學(xué)術(shù)委員會委員,上海理工大學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)藝術(shù)學(xué)院教授。 近期主要個展:《雙蟲記——丁立人個展》,站臺中國當(dāng)代藝術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu),北京(2021);《西游南行——丁立人個展》,廣東美術(shù)館,廣州(2020);《手無止境——丁立人個展》,站臺中國當(dāng)代藝術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu),北京(2019);《尋脈·造山》,寶龍美術(shù)館開館展,上海(2018);《回歸之心——丁立人個展》,浙江美術(shù)館,杭州(2018);《非由述作 發(fā)于天然》——丁立人、王劼音、尚揚(yáng)、夏陽四人展,上海(2018);《丁家畫展——故鄉(xiāng)行》,浙江臺州市,(2012) 作品收藏于中國美術(shù)館、中央美術(shù)學(xué)院、中國國家大劇院,上海美術(shù)館,上海劉海粟美術(shù)館,澳門文化司署、香港大一學(xué)院、河北教育出版社、人民美術(shù)出版總社等,及國內(nèi)外藏家。 Ding Liren, Born in Haimen town, Taizhou, Zhejiang province, 1930. When he became a young man, he studied under Liu Haisu and GuanLiang who were very important and famous artists in Chinese art history,and he began to study both the traditional Chinese art and the folk art. Therewas no doubt he was deeply influenced by the special aesthetic taste of Chinese art. He is the deputy director of Shanghai Paper-cut Association, the member of China Folk Craftwork Committee, the professor of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Main exhibition: “Ding Liren: Two Insects”, Platform China, Beijing (2021); “Ding Liren’s Solo Exhibition: A Southbound Trip of The Journey to The West”, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou (2020); “Ding Liren: The Hand Infinite”, Platform China, Beijing (2019); “Tracing Past and Shaping The Future”, Powerlong Museum, Shanghai (2018); “A Heart for Return — Ding Liren’s Art Echibition”, Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou (2018); “Natural Creation from Narration — Ding Liren Wang Jieyin, Shang Yang, Xia Yang Group Show”, Shanghai (2018); “Natural Creation from Narration — Ding Liren”, Taizhou, Zhejiang,(2012); Works are collected in:National Art Museum of China, Central Academy of Fine Arts, National Centre for the Performing Arts, Shanghai Art Museum,LiuHaisu Art Museum,Instituto Cultural de Macau、Hong Kong School of Design, Hebei Education Publishing House, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House,etc.Works are also collected by international collectors.
