




2010 異世同流——彭斯油畫藝術(shù)展——北京大學(xué)賽克勒考古與藝術(shù)博物館
2009 東西對話——第三屆中德當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家聯(lián)展
2008 風(fēng)——彭斯油畫展——保利藝術(shù)博物館
2007 藝術(shù)中國——全國畫展
2006 歌頌我們美好生活——新銳藝術(shù)家大展
2005 當(dāng)代視線——中央美術(shù)學(xué)院學(xué)生優(yōu)秀作品展——澳門藝術(shù)博物館
2004 《我型我SHOW》系列獲“學(xué)院之光”中央美術(shù)學(xué)院造型藝術(shù)銅獎
2003 《大衛(wèi).科白》入選第三屆中國油畫大展——中國美術(shù)館
2002 《無題I》參加2002諾基亞亞太地區(qū)繪畫大賽獲優(yōu)秀獎

Peng Si

Graduated from the Print-making department of the Central Academy of Fine Art

2007 Art China – National Art Exhibition
          Triumphant Return – Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition
2006 New Oil Painting Artists Group Exhibition
          Praising Our Beautiful Life – Young Artists Exhibition
          Spirit and Character – Chinese Realist Oil Painting Research Exhibition
2005 Contemporary Vision – Students’ Work of Excellence from the Central Academy of Fine Art, Macau Art Museum
          Beijing Century Hanmo Gallery Collection Exhibition
2004 My Form My Show series received bronze metal in “Xueyuan Zhi Guang” Central Academy of Fine Art’s award for plastic art
          My Form My Show series received the silver award in graduation artworks at the Central Academy of Fine Arts
          Dialogue selected for the Tenth National Art Exhibition
          My Form My Show No. 7 was collected by the museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts
          My Form My Show No. 2, No. 4 sent by the Central Academy of Fine Arts for Art Exchange Exhibition at Columbia University, U.S.A
2003 Untitled III, A Floating Cloud …, Laosa, Unknown Series participated in Classmates, Central Academy of Fine Arts Gallery
          David Cobain selected for the Third National Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Gallery
          Untitled selected for Chinese Prints –Triptych
          David Cobain participated in the exhibition of excellence of the Third National Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Gallery
2002 Untitled I participated in the 2002 Nokia Asia Pacific Art Competition, received award of excellence
          Untitled II selected for Annual Pedagogical Exhibition of National Academies


彭斯 1980年生于湖南衡陽 2004年中央美術(shù)學(xué)院版畫系畢業(yè) 主要藝術(shù)活動 2010 異世同流——彭斯油畫藝術(shù)展——北京大學(xué)賽克勒考古與藝術(shù)博物館 改造歷史——2000——2009年中國新藝術(shù)展 寫實當(dāng)代——藝術(shù)展 星璀璨韻悠遠——北京奔馳藝術(shù)之旅 2009 東西對話——第三屆中德當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家聯(lián)展 過渡——青年藝術(shù)家提名展 石道因緣—石、書、畫聯(lián)展 2008 風(fēng)——彭斯油畫展——保利藝術(shù)博物館 未來天空——中國當(dāng)代青年藝術(shù)家提名展 文化之后的文化——當(dāng)代繪畫十二人展——元藝術(shù)中心 夢想與現(xiàn)實——當(dāng)代藝術(shù)展 2007 藝術(shù)中國——全國畫展 凱旋——中國當(dāng)代藝術(shù)邀請展 2006 歌頌我們美好生活——新銳藝術(shù)家大展 精神與品格——中國寫實油畫研究展 2005 當(dāng)代視線——中央美術(shù)學(xué)院學(xué)生優(yōu)秀作品展——澳門藝術(shù)博物館 北京世紀翰墨畫廊藏品展 2004 《我型我SHOW》系列獲“學(xué)院之光”中央美術(shù)學(xué)院造型藝術(shù)銅獎 《我型我SHOW》系列獲中央美術(shù)學(xué)院學(xué)生畢業(yè)作品展銀獎 《對話》入選第十屆全國美術(shù)展覽 《我型我SHOW》之二、四被中央美術(shù)學(xué)院選送美國哥倫比亞大學(xué)參加藝術(shù)交流展 2003 《大衛(wèi).科白》入選第三屆中國油畫大展——中國美術(shù)館 《無題》入選中國版畫三版展 《大衛(wèi).科白》參加第三屆中國油畫大展精品展——中國美術(shù)館 2002 《無題I》參加2002諾基亞亞太地區(qū)繪畫大賽獲優(yōu)秀獎 《無題II》入選全國高校版畫教學(xué)年會展 Peng Si Graduated from the Print-making department of the Central Academy of Fine Art 2007 Art China – National Art Exhibition Triumphant Return – Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition 2006 New Oil Painting Artists Group Exhibition Praising Our Beautiful Life – Young Artists Exhibition Spirit and Character – Chinese Realist Oil Painting Research Exhibition 2005 Contemporary Vision – Students’ Work of Excellence from the Central Academy of Fine Art, Macau Art Museum Beijing Century Hanmo Gallery Collection Exhibition 2004 My Form My Show series received bronze metal in “Xueyuan Zhi Guang” Central Academy of Fine Art’s award for plastic art My Form My Show series received the silver award in graduation artworks at the Central Academy of Fine Arts Dialogue selected for the Tenth National Art Exhibition My Form My Show No. 7 was collected by the museum of the Central Academy of Fine Arts My Form My Show No. 2, No. 4 sent by the Central Academy of Fine Arts for Art Exchange Exhibition at Columbia University, U.S.A 2003 Untitled III, A Floating Cloud …, Laosa, Unknown Series participated in Classmates, Central Academy of Fine Arts Gallery David Cobain selected for the Third National Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Gallery Untitled selected for Chinese Prints –Triptych David Cobain participated in the exhibition of excellence of the Third National Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Gallery 2002 Untitled I participated in the 2002 Nokia Asia Pacific Art Competition, received award of excellence Untitled II selected for Annual Pedagogical Exhibition of National Academies