
鄧箭今:面對自我與非我 對欲望的“頂禮膜拜”

來源: 2009-01-06

































































In The Face of Self and Non-self
---- Conversation with Deng Jianjin

By Yang Xiaoyan

    There’s a basic motif in Deng Jianjin’s oil painting which is the painter himself. The artist himself appears in various occasions, with various responses:some is with strange expression, some is moving suspendedly, some is with inexplicable postures, some is confronting with others, some is in the crowd but indifferent with others, some is pulling a rubber glove, some is enjoying flowers, some is numbly laughing together with others, or some is looking into the audiences but without any emotional communication. Only one piece is expressed a strong resistance in which he is shouting through a strongly aggressive flashlight. I think this piece quite has the function of bring out the theme, revealing Deng Jianjin’s intention: he has been helplessly in the face of self and non-self, in other words, he has been living in the dreamlike space between self and non-self, like acting. On the one hand, he is answering the private even embarrassing questions supposed by himself, on the other hand, he is facing the severe censure supposed by non-self. From this level, Deng Jianjin’s works are obviously different with the boredom and cynicism of the new generation. His works are of the result of a psychological illusion. They are the images present in the depth of personal dreams; they are the situations emerging in the yellow light together with a large number of bear when one is alone. It’s a silent resistance, resisting strangeness but unfortunately causing strangeness and isolation at last.
I have known Deng Jianjin for many years, and almost see him from the exploration stage to today’s achievement. In addiction to the factors of technique and style, there are the factors the painter has to deepen problems. I think his achievements should be firstly attributed to his insistence adhere to the inviolability and the territorial integrity of his painting in such an atmosphere of Guangzhou.
So far, Deng Jianjin is making unremitting efforts in the two territories of dream and reality. Either of them is essential and plays a decisive influence for the success of the works.
In the face of the struggle between the self and the non-self, Deng Jianjin is making efforts to give his most appropriate response.
The following is the dialogue with the painter.

 [The dialogue starts from a concrete piece of painting]
Yang: This piece is with an effect of the separation colors, different with the original. The modeling is of hard edge.
[There are two persons suspended.  The one wearing glasses is obviously the painter himself]
Deng: I will adhere to this way in the coming pieces. As for or the profile, I always prefer the hard edge which could be more powerful.
Yang: You drew yourself in the painting. Is it because you have more interests in yourself than in others?
Deng: It cannot be said in this way. I feel that I am not painting self-portrait. I don’t have special interests on my own image. What I want is just to find out a fulcrum for me to observe. I am this fulcrum. Actually, I am looking at you, which also reflects that you are looking at me.
Yang: You mean the reason you putting yourself in your works is just to confirm a perspective.
Deng:  Self-portrait is like talking to oneself. Self-portrait just concerns about self, but I not only concern myself. What I concern is how I look at the others and how the others look at me. What I paint is almost a dreamlike response that the individuals have to the outside world. It’s about how the individuals separate from the group and return to the group. I believe it’s a thorny issue. Fortunately, I am just a painter. I cannot resolve the problem but I can express the emotional changes caused by the issue.
Yang: It’s obviously difficult, because it’s not pondering the self’s physical features, but a judgment of a relation.
Deng: I feel I like a lonely observer, like soliloquy but is not narcissistic…
Yang: There’s a real psychological space? A psychological depth?
Deng: I prefer to describe it as dream, a floating dream, making dreams in the relationship between individuals and groups. The core theme is violation and being violated, peep and being peeped, familiarity and unfamiliarity and so on…
Yang: It’s a sociological issue.
Deng: This is also a visual issue. It’s really hard for me to pose myself into the screen, especially it has been lasted for so many years. Painting me and posing me in an appropriate place are to provide a mode and expose a common psychological privacy or an imaginary privacy?
Yang: The last sentence is very interesting, “an imaginary privacy”. But what’s the difference with personal performance?
Deng: I don’t want to be so narrow-minded that only concerned personal performance with non-stopping talking. I paint myself, because it’s a convenient choice. I chose myself and painted on the canvas more and more clearly.
Yang: How do you explain the convenience? Is it the convenience of the nearest or the compelled convenience?
Deng: It’s not necessarily about the nearest, and a bit forced. Because only personal experience is the internal driving force that I most trust, an obsession to the past things. Later I found the obsession is universal that can be dealt as an issue turned into a visual expression.
Yang:  Are you expressing a criticism of the violation of personal territory? Or a fear derived by peed which is also a fear of being peeped?
Deng: Fear is a little excessive expression, but safeguarding the integrity of personal territory is a tough mission even hard to complete. It leads to a serious and healthy play. My paintings are healthy, quite distant from the cynicism and boredom of the new generation. I don’t think I am bored. I am also lack of cynical spirit.
Yang:  Health means you have serious issues to explore and you expose the meaning of existence from the sensitive responses individuals have to groups on a psychological level. Almost everybody can experience the plight of getting along with others and self. We don’t live frankly. Anxiety generates unwittingly from the day-to-day contacts, expands everyday and covers all of the valuable lives of individuals.
Deng: Therefore, painting myself is just a kind of choice.
Yang: Is it personal expression or vent?
Deng: It’s not like that. I chose myself and keep the motif “I”. It’s as simple as that. You know, it’s not easy to keep on such a motif which is too familiar for so many years.
Yang: Do you have any interests in painting something else?
Deng: I only have interests on the familiarities. I prefer to fabricate some semi-familiar images and put them into the screens.
Yang: You painted your wife and your students…
Deng:  I asked them to be my models, but I didn’t really paint them. There are always some other symbols in my heart. I am fabricating images indeed.
        Yang: You have probably focused the interests on your own image since the 90s. What did you do before the 90s?
        Deng:  I mainly did pottery. It’s my major. I did lots of rough pottery fired. I wanted to pursue a original sense.
        Yang: Did you paint at that time?
        Deng: Yes, I did, but they are not worth of viewing. All of them are about 85 New Wave, impetuous and self-expanded. 
Yang: There’s a process. I feel you are not easy. Your major was not oil painting but you can make such a break in the field of oil painting. I think it’s the result of persistence. You were quite lonely for a period.
Deng: Absolutely right. I always want to come up with something. But as what I just said, they were too impetuous and easy to be boring.
Yang: I think we should see these issues historically. When the door was just opened, the sun was too shining that no one could open his eyes. When we become used to it, we can see clearly the outside world. I always feel that we shouldn’t make too many demands and blames on history. Well, return to your painting. You gradually put yourself into it, even observe yourself from a strange place…
Deng: I think the word used well, “Observe”. I think I am a spectator; sometimes I am even proud of my observation, although more is nervous. There’s always a helpless nervousness in my picture…
Yang: We return to the floating dream now, a heavy float. If let me locate your pictures, I think what you expressed is a floating illusion between individuals and groups, something like the “sub-consciousness” for early Freud. Be careful, note that rather than “unconsciousness” or “consciousness”, it’s spiritual state between these two, a moment of trance.
Deng: I want to add a point: my painting has continuity. I feel I enter into the role step by step, gradually posing myself on the position between peep and being peeped. The position is like the “sub-consciousness”, a moment of trance. But I really never heard about this word… I am always painting myself, but I am afraid that it would become self-portrait. I don’t like the others ask me, “why did you always paint youself?” I have to explain again and again, “I am not painting myself. I am painting a relationship.”
Yang: Can you explain the intense sense of suspension in your screen?
Deng: I think it’s a special psychological state, a strong response to stimulus. Actually, not only do I paint the people suspended, I paint the running people aimlessly, the crowed people led by a nameless interest…
Yang: I have some other questions to ask.
Deng: Sure.
Yang: There are few artists in Guangzhou can insist on their own styles for so many years like you, because it could face two attacks: one is economical satisfaction, the other is the desire of fame. Due to the atmosphere of Guangzhou, few painters of our generation are famous in the country, but many mainland painters are being exposed. What’s your opinion of the problem here?
Deng: How should I say? It’s hard to answer. It may be because of a bit closure. Another reason is the lack of continuity, without enough insistence. In fact, many issues are about insistence.
Yang: How do you think your position in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts?
Deng: It’s ok. The key is that all of the people think I keep on painting, so they rest assured. I also feel no pressure. The key is not to envy the others making money. Anyway, everyone has his own living style. I am responsible for myself. The only thing I want to do is painting.
Yang: It’s caused by your personality.
Deng: Right.
Yang: I think whether a personalized art has effect on a group depends on how far the issue inside can cover. Why are someone’s ideas so pale and the other’s ideas so richly expansive? I think it depends on whether the issue inside is big, in other words, the cultural depth. It’s easier to understand in this way.
Deng: I think only the issue hidden in the motif related to groups can bring a broad prospect for the extremely personalized art.
Yang: Many artists paint during a whole lifetime, but don’t know what they want to paint. It’s saddest. Without a cultural node or issue cannot make the artist’s personality become meaningful to the others. If it’s only soliloquy, what’s the relation with me? But for you when you soliloquize you also reflect my potential plight and express my expectation. Can’t I concern or being nervous? Especially when we cross the obstacle of style, we can be convergent in the text of art works. I accept your discourse; I am moved by the power of your discourse and I become your object.
         Deng: I know what you mean.
         Yang: I am always against the alleged theory of “self-entertainment” popular in the Guangzhou art world which advocates painting is my own thing and only entertaining myself is enough.
          Deng: If so, why do they have exhibition and publication? 
          Yang: You know there are many ways of entertainment. Just being happy for one’s own is not difficult. But art has to influence one level of life rather than for one’s own requirement of soliloquy. In my opinion, the theory of self-entertainment is more like an excuse to cover the paleness, weakness and disability on art. I think you hope to ascertain a discourse system in the motif you chose from the beginning, finding a channel of a certain style to achieve a communication on a higher level.
         Deng: Self-entertainment is a kind of escape; narcissism is too mean. The premise of art is self-reliance. My point is that: find a free state of floating and gain a drive from own experience. Take oneself as a starting point to complete the shape of style.
         Yang: This is a simple summary.









繩結(jié)的“結(jié)”作為物象名詞,在中文里經(jīng)常被用作形容內(nèi)心難解的、郁結(jié)的意象。早在魏晉時,社會的黑暗使一些有良知的知識分子內(nèi)心充滿了痛苦,因此,諸如“胸中塊壘”的詞匯就常出現(xiàn)在他們的詩中。此后,“塊壘”也多被歷代文人所喜用。塊壘即“結(jié)”,著名的蘇東坡也曾在他的繪畫中用“樹結(jié)”比喻他心中的結(jié)。“結(jié)”變成通俗漢語即是“疙瘩”,口語里也常說他心里有“疙瘩”。塊壘、結(jié)、疙瘩,即是形容物象的詞匯,也是描繪內(nèi)心感受的語言,這是漢語的一種特征,也是中國藝術(shù)的一種特征,所謂比、興、意象化之類。其實,英文中同樣的名詞結(jié)“knot”也作心之結(jié)解:Knots in the mind(思想上的疙瘩)。看來人類在使用文字語言表述自身的感覺上有共同之處,也許西方美學(xué)上的“模仿說”過于強大,在二十世紀(jì)以前的藝術(shù)中,我們鮮有見到類似中國比、興一類的作品。






Indissoluble Knot--- Deng Jianjin’s Works and Others

By  Li Xianting

“Indissoluble Knot” is the title I prepare to use for one exhibition, intending to summarize a discourse phenomenon in contemporary art, that is the wart-like knot shape emerging in varying degrees in the expressions of the artists regardless of their paintings are about people or other stuffs. The comparatively famous ones such as Tianjin based artist Cai Jin, Anhui based artist Chen Yufei, Sichuan based artist He Sen and Zhao Nengzhi, and so on, and Guangdong based artist Deng Jianjin this article will describe.
 “Knot” as a noun of object is often used to describe the undissolvable and pent-up emotion. Early in Wei and Jin dynasties, the dark of society made the intellectuals’ hearts full of pain, therefore the words like “a block in chest” often appear in their poems. “Block” is “knot”. The well-known poet, Su Dongpo once metaphorizes the knot in his heart by “tree node”. “Knot” in the popular Chinese means “lump (GeDa)”. In spoken language, it is frequent to say that we have lumps (GeDa) in hearts. Block, knot, and lump are the words describing objects but also the words describing the inner feelings. This is a character about metaphor in Chinese and Chinese art. In fact, the “knot’ in English also has the understanding of “Knots in the mind”. It seems that there are many common characteristics for people’s use of language to express feelings. Perhaps the theory of “imitation” in the western aesthetics is too strong. In the art before the twentieth century, we seldom see the works of metaphor in Chinese definition.
       In Deng Jianjin’s self-portrait period, the touch of “knot” has emerged. His works since 1996, especially Adolescent, Taste, The Love Song of Dream, Breathing and some other works in the same period, have the key factors through the brushes showing the knot-like shape. Naturally, the primary factor of Deng Jianjin’s works is “what he painted”, in which the activities of the figures about the sexual desire are obvious. These activities are direct. For example, the activities of stretching tongue in A Piece of Afterglow, Breathing, Evanescent Landscape in A Flash, The Love Song of Dream, the activities of closing eyes, opening mouth and slightly vibrating nose in Taste, the activity similar to masturbation in Adolescent No.2, etc. However, these activities didn’t directly express sex, but express sexual desire or express the inside oppression by sex, because all of these activities are of single person’s private movement. Even in the picture with two persons, it’s also a kind of inaccessible depression. The background of the activities is the second “factor” of the discourse of Deng Jianjin’s paintings, such as a crowd of heads above the surface like hypoxic fish in the background of Breathing. Here the work is transformed to be a discourse of image, metaphorizing the feeling of oppression by the crowded and hypoxia. Most of the others works also adopt this method. The background of Evanescent Landscape in A Flash with aircraft and lumps of cloud might metaphorize the feeling of being separated with his wife. The third discourse factor in Deng Jianjin’s works is “how to paint”. Back to the focus of this article—knot of brushwork, this is the most irreplaceable factor in the modeling language.  Deng paints most of the images in the form of knots. It’s just because knot has a synaesthesia with pent-up emotion, then the painter can express the inside knots by the image of lumps. The Chinese traditional literati paintings always use this method, which benefits from the precocity of the aesthetics of calligraphy.  The ancient literatures have more records, such as Ni Zan’s little pen and his solitary mind and Shi Lu’s brushwork of lumps and the plums in his later years. Of course, color is also a kind of discourse. Deng often uses strong colors, and uses them in a raw, vigorous and scorched way. In particular, he uses the “scorched” colors taboo for others in common sense, lack of moist and transparency. For example, the scorched red, green and yellow always give audiences a feeling of nausea.  However, so far he can express indescribable the pent-parched and thirsty desire. The scorched color and the burned psychology here is also a synaesthesia. This feeling was entangling in the painter’s heart for a long time, becoming a indissoluble knot and being expressed through certain activities, backgrounds, brushwork and color.
In Deng Jianjin’s recent works, Taste is quite special. It is about the emotion of experiencing sex--- closing eyes, opening mouth and slightly vibrating nose. The color is totally different with the scorched color usually use but turn into the soft and warm grey. What special is the brushwork: heavily using oil, and the more fluent brushwork than usual make the screen has a liquid-like sense of flow. The figures here are beyond realism and become the image of sex that the painter has. The key inside is that the painter takes the making process as the process of his own experience, and then the knot in heart is dissolved in this experience. The knot of brushwork is thus dissolved as peristaltic liquid which is sticky and wet.
      The above is just reading not judgment. Judgment is putting the work in certain context to find its significance. When sexual repression becomes the common sense of people in a certain environment, it also becomes a cultural context. The expression of personal feeling the artist has therefore gains a sort of contemporary consensus. In so far the discourse of Deng’s works has certain contemporary meaning. However, his works are a bit monotonous, because behind the sexual repression of human being, there should be more complicated and rich sense of survival. Second, art nature is language, so it is necessary to put the works waiting for evaluation into the whole art context to measure its creative quantity contained. Deng’s discourse basically comes from the two language clues: expressionism and surrealism of symbol and imagery. In this way, there is a large amount of works in either world art or Chinese contemporary art. The Chinese works of this kind mainly tend to the “strenuous” sense, which directly features Chinese arts in the international contemporary art. I think it’s because the Chinese artists gained too many shackles from the training of realism and realism is not perfect in general. They cannot help doing realism, so they cannot free themselves. The second most important reason is that the generally spiritual depression causes an overall sense of tension on language. Deng Jianjin’s work is especially tense. Of course, this is only limited to the scope of painting. Expanding to the worldwide contemporary art, the Chinese works of this kind seem too dependent on the traditional linguistic structure of realism and short of creativity on language.  In the process of globalization of contemporary culture, it almost hard to find local contemporary art unless it’s not contemporary art. Therefore, on one hand, the geographical features of contemporary art needs to find a cultural focus in the geographical context, on the hand it has to find its location of creativity in the whole context of art history.







Deng Jianjin: Pay Homage to Desire

By Jia Fangzhou

Since Deng Jianjin’s works have the nature of readme of experience and memory, he has to face a real “self”. However, the real “selfness” often departures because of the conflict between human nature and cultural rationality. The desire is blocked and the violence is bred between people and people in the spiritual zone where men and women cannot communicate. “All violence originates from sex”. The real “selfness” in helplessness and anxiety finally held firearms sleepwalking to the “dark fantasy” with abuse, violence and crime. (See the series of The Sleepwalking Records About Witness). The elegant and magic illusion makes Deng Jianjin to doubt himself when he is looking for the value and significance of life. The spiritual crisis originates in being as a flesh man. “Men,” the birthright and unchangeable gender identity, as he said, its “mandatory and aggressive quality” “always leaves people in the ultimate and passive confusion.”


