

來源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng)專稿 2009-10-20





  漢語以「人言」 為「信」,代表「溝通」,也寓意「真誠」,是一種古老的信息傳達(dá)方式。以「XIN -信」為主題,象征「信息」 的溝通與「信念」 的傳遞,以謀求透明與互信的對話及跨界的全球合作。為創(chuàng)造公正、和諧的今日世界,2009北京世界設(shè)計(jì)大會將探討傳達(dá)設(shè)計(jì)所面臨的問題和挑戰(zhàn)。










  Dong Huiping-


  Public Relations Department

  CAFA Art Museum




  Tel. +86-10-64771619 13501283673

  Fax. +86-10-64771699











  Exhibition of Outstanding Design Works from FounderType Chinese Type Design Competition


  Date: 2009.10.24-11.15

  Opening: 2009.10.27 06:00 pm

  Location: Gallery 1F, CAFA Art Museum

  Organized by: FounderType、CAFA


  The culture of Chinese characters has long historical roots and profound meanings; it fosters China’s ancient civilization and advances the cultural evolvement of it. Kaishu (a formal script of Chinese characters), in the entire history of Chinese characters, enjoys an irreplaceable status and holds significant meanings: it embodies the Chinese humanistic spirits and demonstrates an understanding and representation of beauty.









  中國有稱“字如其人”,書畫界也倡導(dǎo)“筆墨當(dāng)隨時代”。與漢字的獨(dú)創(chuàng)原理相結(jié)合,自古以來中國的“書寫”已被賦予并成為中國廣義精神文化的基本形態(tài)之一。從上古的篇章“書法”到宋元以來典籍版本的“活字印刷”到現(xiàn)代的“工業(yè)生產(chǎn)”到當(dāng)代的知識“數(shù)字化傳播”,漢字的應(yīng)用面貌就歷史階段來說已經(jīng)在技術(shù)和面貌上經(jīng)歷著巨大的跨越和改變,同樣在世界范圍內(nèi)“文字應(yīng)用”所呈現(xiàn)的面貌與方法也異彩紛呈。1928年德國著名設(shè)計(jì)家Jan Tschichold在其出版的《新文字設(shè)計(jì)》(New typography)里主張:(文字設(shè)計(jì))與生活的統(tǒng)一:“??部分屬于并諧和于整體——對單一部分與整體的任意的孤立對我們來說是再不可接受的了。 ??文字設(shè)計(jì)也必須使其自身成為當(dāng)下創(chuàng)意世界的一部分??。”










  Beijing Typography 2009 (bt’09)


  Date: 2009.10.24-11.15

  Opening: 2009.10.27 06:00 pm

  Location: Gallery 2A, CAFA Art Museum

  Organized by: CAFA

  Theme: Typography, Unity with New Life


  In 1928, in his book entitled The New Typography, Jan Tschichold wrote "Unity of life: the arbitrary isolation of a part is no longer possible for us-every part belongs to and harmonizes with the whole. Where slackness is still the rule, we must make it our work to fight against laziness, envy, and narrow-mindedness. Typography too must now make itself part of all the other fields of creativity."


  Almost a century has passed, yet we are still able to sense a similar freshness and eclecticism in our current digitalized age. Typography as a tool for information communication not only engages traditional mediums (such as books and posters), but is also permeating into new mediums such as space, interactive media and motion graphics. Contemporary typography demonstrates new possibilities, both in terms of words and images, and form and concept. Designers are adhering to the traditional, whilst looking forward to the unexpected. As a result, various understandings of and discussions on typography have started to emerge.


  Chinese characters, for example, symbolize both word and image, indicating sound and meaning. In its five thousand-year history as a language system that incorporates pictograms, ideograms and phonograms, the Chinese language has evolved into a highly sophisticated writing culture, illustrated by the creation of the first form of (wood-based) printing. Furthermore, the idea of calligraphy as a "sophisticated art" has influenced many countries worldwide. Over the last 30 years, however, a new set of technological difficulties have been confronted and overcome, including the migration from traditional writing and mechanical systems to a digitalized one.


  Blessed with their rich typographic history, designers are simultaneously confronted with many problems. For instance, what does typography mean in the face of the technological and socio-cultural transformations of today? Can anyone become a designer when equipped with computer technologies and digitized type? In what ways has new life affected typography and designers?


  To showcase the research and international efforts of the past couple of years, as well as the re-thinking of the complex nature of typographic art, we cordially invite you to participate in bt’09, an exhibition founded on the theme of "Typography, Unity with New Life."


  This will be the most influential and largest graphics exhibition to take place in China to date. We hope that, through this visual design exchange between different cultures and languages, the Chinese language will be able to inspire a contemporary visual expressiveness informed by a cultural richness.














  Chinese Graphic Design in the 20th Century: A Documentary


  Date: 2009.10.24-11.15

  Opening: 2009.10.27 06:00 pm

  Location: Gallery 2B, CAFA Art Museum

  Organized by: CAFA


  Chinese Graphic Design in the 20th Century showcases design objects such as Chinese posters, magazines and newspapers from the 20th century, and other graphic design-related objects, individual profiles and relevant documents. The exhibition forms a comprehensive presentation and interpretation of design development and the social life of China in the 20th century. The exhibition consists of three sections: National •Life, People, Hero, Citizen • Era.










  Exhibition of Outstanding Graduation Design Works from CAFA


  Date: 2009.10.24-11.15

  Opening: 2009.10.27 06:00 pm

  Location: Gallery 3F, CAFA Art Museum

  Organized by: CAFA


  “Exhibition of Outstanding Graduation Design Works from CAFA”, which is sponsored by Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), will be held at Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) Art Museum on October 24, 2009. The exhibition, taking ICOGARDA World Design Congress as an opportunity, concentrates great teaching achievement in recent years of CAFA to domestic and foreign well-known designers, as well as students’ solid skills and innovative artistic practice fruits. The exhibition gathered outstanding graduation works in last few years of CAFA and selected more than a hundred pieces of works over years which are highly praised. Therefore, the exhibition is the summary and retrospection of students’ work of CAFA, as well as a platform by which the creation ability of students is shown to public and an opportunity to make CAFA further known to domestic and foreign professional experts.

  AIGA 365:年度最佳作品29
















  AIGA 365: 年度設(shè)計(jì)展標(biāo)志著AIGA年度競賽獲獎作品在中國首次亮相。








  AIGA 成立于1914年,是歷史最悠久、規(guī)模最大的設(shè)計(jì)專業(yè)會員組織。AIGA 是非盈利的教育機(jī)構(gòu)。




  AIGA中國是 AIGA (美國專業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)協(xié)會) 與中央美術(shù)學(xué)院的合作項(xiàng)目,于2006年成立,旨在助力于中國建設(shè)世界級的設(shè)計(jì)教育。



  AIGA 365: Year in Design 29


  Date: 2009.10.24-11.15

  Opening: 2009.10.27 06:00 pm

  Location: Gallery 4F, CAFA Art Museum

  Organized by: AIGA

  Co-organized by: CAFA


  Design excellence results from creativity, inspiration, skill, experience, intuition and discipline. And AIGA’s suite of competitions is widely recognized as the most discerning statement on design excellence today, extending a legacy that began more than 90 years ago. By means of the competitions, AIGA creates an authoritative chronicle of outstanding design solutions, each demonstrating the process of designing, the role of the designer and the value of design.


  The selection criteria include both aesthetic judgments and an evaluation of communication effectiveness. Each piece is considered within the context of its purpose, content, objective, audience and resources. For the “AIGA Annual Design Competition”, the jury selected 155 outstanding entries from more than 4,700 entries received. For “AIGA 50 Books/50 Covers”, a jury selected the year’s best from more than 900 entries received.


  AIGA is committed to using selections from its annual competitions to demonstrate the process of design; the role of the designer; and the value of design to business, culture and society at large. Selections are published in AIGA’s virtual gallery at, and available to designers worldwide.


  The AIGA 365: Year in Design exhibition marks the first time AIGA’s annual competition selections will be shown in China.


  About AIGA


  AIGA, the professional association for design, is the premier place for design—to discover it, discuss it, understand it, appreciate it, be inspired by it.


  AIGA’s mission is to advance designing as a professional craft, strategic tool and vital cultural force. AIGA stimulates thinking about design through journals, conferences, competitions and exhibitions; demonstrates the value of design to business, the public and government officials; and empowers the success of designers at each stage of their careers by providing invaluable educational and social resources.


  Founded in 1914, AIGA remains the oldest and largest professional membership organization for design. AIGA is a nonprofit, educational institution.


  About AIGA China


  Established in 2006, AIGA China is a partnership between AIGA – the American professional association for design – and China’s Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), to enhance the opportunity for world-class design education in China.


  AIGA has developed extensive resources to support the design profession in the United States and is poised to make this information available to Chinese students and design educators.


















  Workshop Achievements Exhibition


  Date: 2009.10.27-11.06

  Opening: 2009.10.27 06:00 pm

  Location: Exhibition Hall,CAFA Art Museum

  Organized by: CAFA


  Co-organized by: CAFA, China Academy of Art, Shandong University of Art and Design, Nanjing Arts Institute, Fine Arts College of Shanghai University, Educational institution: Raffles Design Institute – Shanghai, Suzhou University, Art and Design College of Wuhan University of Technology, Urban Design Institute of Wuhan University, Mechanical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Department of Industrial Design, Fine Arts College of GuangXi Normal University, School Of Art&Design Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Shenzhen Polytechnic , Shenzhen Exhibition Industry Association, Design Department, Institute of Art, Hunan Normal University









  Greengaged是源起于倫敦設(shè)計(jì)節(jié)的可持續(xù)專題活動。Greengaged致力于傳播產(chǎn)品、平面、傳媒、時尚,服務(wù)等各領(lǐng)域的可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì)策略,促進(jìn)設(shè)計(jì)對環(huán)境產(chǎn)生積極的影響,激發(fā)設(shè)計(jì)師在可持續(xù)領(lǐng)域的設(shè)計(jì)和創(chuàng)新。 Greengaged 08由Thomas Matthews, [re]design, Kingston University主辦,英國設(shè)計(jì)委員會承辦,在倫敦設(shè)計(jì)節(jié)期間成功舉行,并在英國設(shè)計(jì)界引起了極大的積極反響。


  今年,Greengaged 計(jì)劃在九月從倫敦出發(fā),到世界各地交流推廣可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì)。Greengaged 希望策動一次全球設(shè)計(jì)界的聯(lián)合行動,倡導(dǎo)設(shè)計(jì)師應(yīng)具有的社會責(zé)任感和環(huán)境意識。Greengaged 09的最終目的地是在十二月哥本哈根聯(lián)合國氣候高峰會議COP15——將集中展示國際設(shè)計(jì)界在應(yīng)對全球氣候變化中的重要作用。


  在中國,Greengaged協(xié)手中央美術(shù)學(xué)院,英國大使館文化教育處(中英創(chuàng)意企業(yè)家網(wǎng)絡(luò)),社會創(chuàng)新與可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì)聯(lián)盟等國內(nèi)外伙伴,將在Icograda 北京世界設(shè)計(jì)大會上推出一系列的可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì)活動。同時,也將作為英國文化協(xié)會的創(chuàng)意企業(yè)家網(wǎng)絡(luò)的可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì)交流活動——幫助有志投身創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)的年輕人和創(chuàng)意企業(yè)家了解如何有效地結(jié)合設(shè)計(jì)創(chuàng)意和綠色商機(jī)。「Greengaged-中國」旨在匯集中國設(shè)計(jì)界的綠色力量,倡導(dǎo)可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì),宣傳綠色的生活方式和可持續(xù)發(fā)展的價值觀. 屆時將邀請可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì)領(lǐng)域最前沿的設(shè)計(jì)師和革新者來到中國,通過工作坊,實(shí)地參觀訪問,研討,論壇, 展覽多種等形式,傳播推廣可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì)的思想,知識和實(shí)踐。內(nèi)容將包括可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì)成功案例分析,綠色創(chuàng)意企業(yè)家的經(jīng)驗(yàn)分享,專家面對面指導(dǎo)如何執(zhí)行可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì),展望可持續(xù)設(shè)計(jì)的市場機(jī)遇和發(fā)展前景等。


  Greengaged Exhibition


  Date: 2009.10.27-11.06

  Opening: 2009.10.27 06:00 pm

  Location: Exhibition Hall,CAFA Art Museum

  Organized by: Greengaged

  Co-organized by: CAFA, British Council, Kinston University


  The organizing committee of Icograda World Design Congress 2009 Beijing and the 1st Beijing Design Week is glad to announce the Greengaged-China sustainable design events, a collaboration between Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), British Council (China), Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability Network China (DESIS-China) and Greengaged (UK), as part of the congress in October 2009. This series of events include a pre-conference workshop, presentations at the professional conference and an exhibition.


  Greengaged was first launched as the sustainable design hub of London Design Festival in 2008, organized by Thomas Matthews, Kingston University, [re]design and held at the Design Council in Covent Garden, London. Built on a successful programme of engaging events, Greengaged is spreading its reach for 2009 and going international!


  From September to December 2009, Greengaged will be running a new programme of design events and workshops across the world. With an intent to demonstrate the importance of using and understanding design when tackling global climate change, Greengaged will be collecting insights and conclusions from its international events and taking them to the COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen.


  In China, Greengaged are working with partners such as Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy, Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability Network China (DESIS-China) to run sustainable design events. Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), a lead organiser of the Icograda World Design Congress 2009 Beijing, is committed to sustainable design and keen to host Greengaged-China as a session of the congress. In response to the theme of the conference, Greengaged-China aims to engage the wider design industry in getting involved, becoming informed and sharing expertise and opinions. Greengaged-China will also be running as part of the British Council’s “China-UK Creative Entrepreneurs” events to explore how creative entrepreneurs can contribute to a sustainable future.


  As it has done in the UK, Greengaged-China will initiate workshops, debates, excursions and exhibitions in an exciting programme of events. Featuring some of the most forward-thinking designers and innovators in the fields of design and sustainability, the programme will cover:


  • An introduction on sustainable design thinking, knowledge and practices

  • A dialogue on sustainable design between international sustainable design experts and Chinese design community.

  • Case studies of the latest sustainable design initiatives

  • Successful experiences of creative entrepreneurs in sustainable design business

  • Explanation and discussion on how sustainability can be built into the design process

  • Good practice guidance from sustainable design experts

  • Vision on opportunities, trends and future development


