

來源:99藝術網專稿 作者:秦蓁 2011-07-29

















Loving Care


Loving care, I murmured to myself. Everyone likes to be loved and cared. Love is a fantasy. When I was little, love to me, means beauty and happiness. Girls would fantasize themselves to be fairies wearing butterfly ties, and boys would fantasize to be princes wearing white shirts. Everybody has that fantasy of their lives, but it’s not real life. When I grow up, I found life is not romantic at all, if any, it must be created by some romantic person. We work our butt off every day only to make a living. We go to work, we complain, we curse, and we regret. Only because we find our life is as romantic as other’s. 

But, can wealth alone make one’s life romantic?


And can’t you be romantic without having a lot of money?


Maybe romance sounds bit far away for most common people. It sounds more realistic to live an interesting life than a romantic life.  Romance sometimes, is disguised. People would say it’s childish thing, and I am not a child any more. I agree. But, I would say, keeping an interest or interests makes life more interesting. Being romantic is not necessarily interesting, and sometimes, it’s make-believe.


I may sound critical, but loving care has some problem in itself, too.  Without love, will you still care for someone?  This sounds unnatural, I know. You may love to care for someone even without love, but the thing is, do you care to care?


After dinner, I sat under the lamp light reading. I made myself fish soup for dinner. I had known nothing about cooking when I was younger, whether simple as a salad or a soup. I was never worried about what to eat as I would always have something to eat. At home, mom cooks. Going to a friend’s place, they always prepare everything. Let alone dining in a restaurant. I seem never have been bothered with cooking unless I need to eat by myself, like tonight. But eating is important, most important, like love in one’s life.

But can love be a pass to another one’s life? Some may say yes. Love does not come easy. But love on the lips is easy. But to gain someone’s heart, you need to show love, and to love. And there is no shortcut. To get a pass is simply as easy as to love with your heart, and to be truthful to your own heart. If you care to give and give up, you will get it, simply.
Love, IS simple.



