

來源:99藝術網專稿 作者:顧振清 2011-11-25



Hong Hao employs his scanner to constantly scan objects which he then digitally reworks into compositions he calls 'My Things.' The series is a mini-cosmos consisting of daily use objects that he has discovered over the last 20 years, each object beaming with realistic, materialistic lustre, things which as a whole form a unique mosaic that reflects the great changes taking place in people's daily lives amid the social changes in China today. Hong Hao's down-to-earth approach and unique view on space and time are engrained in his works. Like a religious practitioner doing his his daily duties in ritual fashion, Hong Hao rigorously and mechanically scans what would be otherwise insignificant articles, the familiar and the unfamiliar, day in day out. Discarding narrative, his series 'My Things' looks like a day-to-day account of ordinary matters. However, as such matters amass gradually, the indelible mark of Hong Hao's existence manifests itself. Far from being the product of narcissism or fetishism, 'My Things" is the artist's way of directly and, in a controlled way, representating the concept of time and existence. What permeates the series is an introspective humanism that transcends the value of one indidividual's ego. Viewing these irreplaceable static images, the viewer can relive the bygone days, and revivify some of the common experiences buried deep in his/her memory and the collective unconsciousness.

by Gu Zhenqing


