
CIGE2012MAPPING ASIA參展藝術(shù)家之:楊柳

來源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng)專稿 2012-04-17

楊柳 Li Chaoxiong《飛鳥 Flying Bird》 2011 木板丙烯 Acrylic on Wood 150x120 cm


楊柳 Li Chaoxiong《雁過留痕 Traces of Wild Goose》 2011 木板丙烯 Acrylic on Wood 100x 80cm


北京現(xiàn)在畫廊 Beijing Art Now Gallery(北京 Beijing)


畫廊介紹 Gallery Introduction:


北京現(xiàn)在畫廊是一家經(jīng)營中國當(dāng)代前衛(wèi)藝術(shù)的國際化專業(yè)機(jī)構(gòu),于2004年成立于北京。畫廊坐落于草場地藝術(shù)區(qū),總面積達(dá)800多平方米,展示空間為兩層,設(shè)有獨立的影像廳和資料庫,為進(jìn)一步實施實驗性、國際性的展覽計劃、積極推介新銳藝術(shù)家及優(yōu)秀作品創(chuàng)造了完美的空間。北京現(xiàn)在畫廊創(chuàng)立之初的宗旨是“把中國現(xiàn)在藝術(shù)留在中國”、“把中國現(xiàn)在藝術(shù)留給世界”。繼2004年畫廊開幕展“911之后――楊少斌個展”轟動中國文化界后,畫廊又多次舉辦了具有國內(nèi)外影響力的個展和群展,并積極展開與法國Galerie Laurent Godin,德國Arndt & Partner畫廊,Miroslav  Tichy基金會(Foundation Tichy Ocean),小山登美夫畫廊(Tomio Koyama Gallery),法國瑪格畫廊(Maeght Gallery)等國際知名畫廊、藝術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)之間的合作。隨著逐漸建立的龐大的國際交流體系、收藏和信息網(wǎng)絡(luò),北京現(xiàn)在畫廊已躋身并活躍在世界舞臺。北京現(xiàn)在畫廊參加了眾多國際博覽會和藝術(shù)節(jié),如西班牙ARCO 博覽會、意大利博洛尼亞博覽會、佛羅倫薩博覽會、藝術(shù)香港博覽會、北京CIGE博覽會、上海SH Contemporary博覽會等。此外,作為數(shù)年來首次以獨立畫廊資格入選"畫廊項目"(ART GALLERIES)的中國本土畫廊,北京現(xiàn)在畫廊成功入選2008年第39屆巴塞爾博覽會。美國大都會美術(shù)館從2008年開始悉數(shù)收藏北京現(xiàn)在畫廊的所有出版物。


Beijing Art Now Gallery is a professional international art institute for Chinese contemporary art, which was founded in 2004 in Beijing. The Gallery located in Cao Chang Di Art district in Beijing with two floors exhibition areas of 800 square meters in total. It has individual video room. It creates the perfect exhibition space for experimental and international art exhibition, and actively promotes new artists and excellent works. One of the main initial mission of Beijing Art Now Gallery is to “support Chinese contemporary art in China”, and to “archive Chinese contemporary art in the world art history”. Following the Gallery opening exhibition of “Post 911–Yang Shaobin’s Solo Exhibition” in 2004, the gallery has continually held many domestic and internationally influential solo and group exhibitions. Beijing Art Now Gallery was actively pursued the cooperation with international art institutions, It has cooperated with German Arndt & Partner Gallery, French Galerie Laurent Godin, Foundation Tichy Ocean, Tomio Koyama Gallery, French Maeght Gallery, etc. With the process of establishing the broader international communication, information networks and collection system, Beijing Art Now Gallery has played actively in the world wide art scene. Beijing Art Now Gallery has participated numerous international art fairs and art festivals: such as ARCO Art Fair in Spain, Bologna Art Fair , Florence Art Fair in Italy, HongKong Art Fair, China International Gallery Exhibition CIGE, Art Taipei and Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair, Art Basel in Switzerland. In addition, as the first independent gallery over the years eligible for selection, "Gallery Project" (ART GALLERIES) of the local Chinese Art Gallery, Beijing Art Now Gallery was selected of 39th Basel Fair 2008. Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has collected Beijing Art Now Gallery’s all publications from 2008.


CIGE 2012 參展藝術(shù)家 Exhibited Artists:


楊柳 Li Chaoxiong,1982年出生于中國四川;現(xiàn)生活和工作于中國北京(Lives and works in Beijing, China)。




Pen and ink techniques gradually throwing off a bit exaggerated for me, but hope can be a little bit honest outline can see, the so-called seeing is "real" you "real" as a sense of", and not just objects entities formed in the reflection of light, that is his mouth, the ultimate concept of pantheism, but whenever there is a painting experience, people will understand that this is almost an illusion, reproduction is not low-level, but the painting is absolutelycan not be done, almost to the last, painted paintings become the image of the mind to imagine, this is see the proceeds of the visual show. For example, if the object does not reflect light, a bird how to see things in front of it? Let the bird's eyes emit light. I think this is more interesting this way.


圖片說明 Caption:




楊柳 Li Chaoxiong《飛鳥 Flying Bird》 2011 木板丙烯 Acrylic on Wood 150x120 cm




楊柳 Li Chaoxiong《雁過留痕 Traces of Wild Goose》 2011 木板丙烯 Acrylic on Wood 100x 80cm





