

來源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng)專稿 2024-04-22

Y Talent Award 2024



?? 1. 獎項延期:原定的時間節(jié)點將向后推遲一個月至2024年5月12日,這意味著你將有更多的時間來展示你的創(chuàng)意和才華!

??? 2. 現(xiàn)有的提交可以修改:如果你已經(jīng)提交了作品,別擔(dān)心!你仍然有機會對作品進行修改和完善,以確保它們能夠展現(xiàn)出你最真實、最精彩的藝術(shù)風(fēng)采。

?? 3. 歡迎新的提交:如果你還沒有提交作品,這正是你展示藝術(shù)天賦的絕佳時機,我們期待著你的作品!


Y Talent Award申請指南




具體詳細流程:點擊上述鏈接進入露絲教育網(wǎng)站 — 點擊網(wǎng)頁右上角選擇語言(如下圖1)— 點擊下面“注冊”進行注冊(如下圖2)— 需按要求填寫 “學(xué)校信息”和“個人信息”— 最后點擊“提交”完成注冊。

第二步: 提交作品

具體詳細流程:注冊完成后界面會自動跳轉(zhuǎn)到 “作品提交”頁面 — 可任選一處“上傳作品”(如下圖3)- 需按要求填寫“作品信息”和“上傳作品”進行提交(如下圖4 ), 提交后的作品可在截止日期5月12 日中午12點(英國時間)前允許修改調(diào)整。

建議:提交作品前可先查看“提交指南” 和“作品拍攝”建議。

如何找到:作品提交頁面 右下角 “更多信息” — “投稿指導(dǎo)”(如下圖5)



Y Talent Award詳細說明










• 展覽開幕和頒獎典禮:2024年6月28日,星期五

• 展覽開放:2024年7月3日,星期三,至7月26日,星期五,上午10點至下午5點










•所有入圍作品均需在2024年6月10日星期五,中午12點之前,通過郵寄或親自遞送的方式送至英國露絲公學(xué),以便納入2024年岳敏君青少年藝術(shù)獎?wù)褂[的提名。地址:Ruthin School,Mold Road, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 1EE, UK.

2024 Y Talent Award Global Open Call

We appreciate your attention and support for the Y Talent Award! In order to provide artists with more time to submit their applications, we have decided to extend the application deadline.

?? 1. Award Deadline Extension: The original deadline has been extended by one month, now set for May 12, 2024. This grants you an extended period to showcase your creativity and talent!

??? 2. Existing Submissions: If you have already submitted your work, you still have the opportunity to revise and enhance your submissions to ensure they truly reflect your magnificent artistic style.

?? 3. Welcome New Submissions: For those who have not yet submitted their work, this is an ideal opportunity to exhibit your artistic talents. We eagerly await your submissions!

Let us join hands in this art extravaganza, celebrating the boundless potential of youth creativity. We anticipate your participation and stunning performances!

Application Steps:

Application Website:

Step 1: Registration

Detailed Process Instruction: Click on the above link to access the Ruthin Education website — Click on "Register" to start the registration process — Fill in the required "School Information" and "Personal Information" as instructed — click "Submit" to complete the registration process.

**Step 2: Work Submission **

Detailed ProcessInstruction: After completing the registration, the interface will automatically redirect to the "Work Submission" page — You can choose any option to "Upload Works" (as shown in Figure 1 ) — Fill in the required "Work Information" and "Upload Works" for submission. Submitted artworks can be modified or adjusted until the deadline on 12 May at 12:00 PM (GMT).

Recommendation: Before submitting works, it is advisable to review the "Submission Guidelines". How to Find: On the work submission page, click on "More Information" in the bottom right corner — "Submission Guidelines" (as shown in Figure 2 ).

Step 3: Follow the Competition Progress and Results

After successfully submitting artworks, participants can log in to the website mentioned above and check the competition progress and the status of their artwork submissions under "My Account."

Y Talent Award Detailed Information

01: Eligibility

• Young talents from all around the world, aged between 13 to 18.

• Artwork can be on any topic or theme.

• Visual artwork can consist of drawings, installations, mixed media, model, painting, performance, photography, print, sculpture, sound based, textile or video.

• All entries must be accompanied by a short description of no more than 100 words giving insight and context to the artwork.

• All entries must be the original work of the applicant and should not be copies of existing pieces of art or recreations.

• Art created by Al will not be accepted.

02: Timeline

• Monday, 11 March 2024, 12 noon (GMT), submission entry open. Jury panel announcement.

• Sunday, 12 May 2024, 12 noon (GMT), submission deadline.

• Thursday, 16 May 2024, 12 noon (GMT), shortlisted artworks announced.

• Friday, 28 June 2024, exhibition opening, winners of nomination and grand prizes announced.

• Wednesday 3 July 2024 to Friday 26 July, 10am-5pm, exhibition open to the public.

03: Prize

•The Y Talent Award Grand Prize winner will receive £5,000 GBP in cash and a £5,000 GBP worth of 10-day Art Residency at the breathtaking resort and landscape of 'Twelve Behind' located in Guizhou, China. Twelve Behind is a dramatic landscape of waterfalls, mountains and boasts the longest cave system in Asia. It is famous for its stunning beauty and a place where artists gather from across the world to be inspired and create work.

• TenY Talent nomination prize winners will receive a 10-day Art Residency in the beautiful resort and landscape of 'Twelve Behind', located in Guizhou, China.

04: Submission

• Free entry.

• Open theme.

• One artwork per artist.

• All forms and media of visual arts are welcome.Dimensions - not limited.

• Submissions can be sent electronically.

• Shortlisted artists will be notified through Y talent Award website and email, by Friday 10 May 2024.

• All shortlisted artworks are required to be delivered by post or in person to Ruthin School to be considered for the final prizes and the exhibition, by Friday 10 June, 12 noon.Delivery address: Ruthin School, Mold Road, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 1EE, UK.


For all further enquiries, please email us at:

Scan for the submission link ??
