
“重生”—— 2024西南財經(jīng)大學(xué)天府學(xué)院美術(shù)館國際裝置藝術(shù)年度展征集

來源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng)專稿 2024-08-22



Art, as a mirror reflecting the spirit of the times, has the unique and keen ability to touch our hearts, guiding us beyond the boundaries of reality and fantasy to explore deep, inexpressible emotions and thoughts.

裝置藝術(shù)是當(dāng)代藝術(shù)的一種重要方式,它的出現(xiàn)是對傳統(tǒng)藝術(shù)形態(tài)的消解和顛覆;裝置藝術(shù)以觀念表達為目標(biāo),通過對各種現(xiàn)成物品、廢棄物和一切可能的媒材進行裝配、置放、拼接、組合,嵌入、編排...….進行空間和時間的重構(gòu);裝置藝術(shù)在空間上創(chuàng)造一個相對獨立,觀眾可以置身其中進行身體體驗、互動的場域; 在時間上則是片段化、臨時性的,因此大多數(shù)裝置藝術(shù)作品具有反收藏的特性。

Installation art is a vital form of contemporary art. Its emergence signifies the dissolution and subversion of traditional art forms. Installation art focuses on conceptual expression by assembling, placing, splicing, combining, embedding, and arranging various found objects, discarded items, and any conceivable materials to reconstruct space and time. It creates a relatively independent space where viewers can fully immerse themselves, engaging in physical experiences and interactions. Temporally, installation art is fragmented and temporary, which gives most installation artworks their anti-collectible nature.


Since the 1960s, Joseph Beuys has profoundly articulated the transcendence of installation artworks—they are not merely static material existences but dynamic forces capable of engaging in dialogue with the social environment, actively shaping social structures, and influencing human behavior. As contemporary art evolves, this concept becomes increasingly prominent. Installation art gradually reveals its potential to "sculpt society," with its core lying in stimulating the public's imagination and creativity, triggering deep societal engagement and widespread reflection.


Against this backdrop, installation art stands out with its unique charm. Through the diversified use of materials, the creative transformation and reuse of found objects, and its emphasis on deep viewer interaction, it completely overturns the traditional one-way viewing and being-viewed mode in art. It constructs a highly interactive social space. Artists adeptly utilize the form of installation art to transform the complexities of social structures, the diversity of cultural phenomena, and the subtle fragments of daily life into intuitive visual narratives. This guides the audience to examine their surrounding social environment and natural landscapes from a fresh perspective, prompting profound self-reflection and social critique.


In this rapidly changing world, every leap in civilization is accompanied by profound reflections on the past and boundless aspirations for the future. "Reborn," the central theme of this year's International Installation Art Annual Exhibition at the Tianfu College of SWUFE Art Gallery, is not only a philosophical exploration of the cycles of life and the transitions of nature but also a profound allegory of human society seeking breakthroughs amidst challenges and rebuilding brilliance from ruins.


"Reborn" signifies not just a physical transformation but a spiritual awakening and sublimation. It teaches us to maintain reverence and love for life when facing challenges and adversities, to break conventional norms, and to embrace innovation and change. Just like the phoenix rising from the ashes, it is only through baptism by fire that we can achieve a more radiant and magnificent reborn.


This year's International Installation Art Annual Exhibition at the Tianfu College of SWUFE Art Gallery aims to establish a global platform for artistic exchange, where creators from different cultural backgrounds and artistic styles can inspire each other and collectively explore the multiple meanings of "reborn."


We hope that artists from around the world, using the cross-cultural and cross-linguistic medium of installation art, can weave together magnificent tapestries of "reborn." We anticipate that this feast for the senses and the spirit will inspire the public to deeply reflect on life, nature, society, and the future, and collectively build a more harmonious, inclusive, and sustainable world.


Exhibition Information



Exhibition Name:

"Reborn" — 2024 Tianfu College of SWUFE Art Gallery International Installation Art Annual Exhibition




Tianfu College of SWUFE


西南財經(jīng)大學(xué)天府學(xué)院藝術(shù)與傳媒學(xué)院 西南財經(jīng)大學(xué)天府學(xué)院美術(shù)館 四川瑯琴城市環(huán)境藝術(shù)工程公司 四川富瑞精典景觀雕塑藝術(shù)有限公司 陸升陶瓷集團

Undertaking Units:

School of Art and Communication, Tianfu College of SWUFE School

Tianfu College of SWUFE Art Gallery

Sichuan Langqin Urban Environmental Art Engineering Company

Sichuan Furui Jingdian Landscape Sculpture Art Co., Ltd.

Luzerne Ceramic Group


四川省美術(shù)家協(xié)會雕塑藝委會 四川音樂學(xué)院成都美術(shù)學(xué)院 四川省非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)保護協(xié)會 四川省雕塑協(xié)會 成都市城市科學(xué)研究會 四川音樂學(xué)院成都美術(shù)學(xué)院雕塑系、公共藝術(shù)系

Guiding Units:

Sichuan Artists Association, Sculpture Art Committee

Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Conservatory of Music

Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association

Sichuan Sculpture Association

Chengdu Urban Science Research Association

Department of Sculpture Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Conservatory of Music

Department of Public Art Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Conservatory of Music



Exhibition Duration:

Friday, October 25, 2024, to Monday, April 28, 2025




Zhong Cheng, Vice-Chancellor of Tianfu College of SWUFE.



Chief Planner:

Pu Guoyi, Director of the Tianfu College of SWUFE Art Gallery, Professor at the School of Art and Communication at Tianfu College of SWUFE, Member of the China Sculpture Society, and Executive President of the Sichuan Sculpture Association.




Wang Chunchen, Professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Deputy Director of the Art Gallery, and Director of the Center for Contemporary Art Criticism and Curatorial Research.



Academic Host:

Sun Zhenhua, doctoral supervisor at the China Academy of Art and Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, specially appointed professor at Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, and Secretary General of the China Sculpture Society.



Art Advisor:

Sui Jianguo, renowned sculptor and professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.



Art Director:

Yu Ke, Professor at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Member of the China Curatorial Committee, Director of the Institute of Art Sociology, and Executive Director of the China Sculpture Association.


李文波 李江 趙彌 黃明科 李菲 金明玉 涂秋敏

Curatorial Execution:

Li Wenbo, Li Jiang, Zhao Mi, Huang Mingke, Li Fei, Jin Mingyu, Tu Qiumin


何思敏 胡鶴瀟

Exhibition Coordination:

He Simin, Hu Hexiao


周東旭 張程 劉春會

Visual Design:

Zhou Dongxu, Zhang Cheng, Liu Chunhui


蔣潔 李璞 余江萍 馬亞楠

Media Promotion:

Jiang Jie, Li Pu, Yu Jiangping, Ma Yanan


魏長武 朱姝 劉錦霏 韓宜佟

Exhibition Execution:

Wei Changwu, Zhu Shu, Liu Jinfei,Han Yitong


鐘成 王春辰 孫振華 隋建國 俞可 蒲果毅 李文波 李江 趙彌

Exhibition Organizing Committee:

Zhong Cheng, Wang Chunchen, Sun Zhenhua, Sui Jianguo, Yu Ke, Pu Guoyi, Li Wenbo, Li Jiang, Zhao Mi


牟文虎 李樹 鄭曉幸 李治 何桂彥 唐勇 張小濤 朱成 譚云 賀陽 印洪 陳獻輝 藍慶偉 田萌 蒼鑫 任戎 康書雅博士(美國) 利亞·迪克曼(美國) 尤義斯·布拉沃·法雷(西班牙) 保羅·葛思蒂(澳大利亞)

Invited Judges:

Mou Wenhu, Li Shu, Zheng Xiaoxing, Li Zhi, He Guiyan, Tang Yong, Zhang Xiaotao, Zhu Cheng, Tan Yun, He Yang, Yin Hong, Chen Xianhui, Lan Qingwei, Tian Meng, Cang Xin, Ren Rong, Dr. Sophia Kidd (USA), Leah Dickerman (USA), Lluis Bravo Farre (Spain),Paul Gladston(Australia)

征集啟事 Solicitation Notice



Collection Object:

The first International Installation Art Annual Exhibition of Tianfu College of SWUFE Art Gallery is open to artists from around the world.


方案征集:即日起至2024年9月6日 24:00



展覽開幕:2024年10月25日 17:00

Program Schedule:

Proposal Solicitation: From now until 24:00, September 6, 2024

Scheme Selection: September 9, 2024 - September 15, 2024

Resident Creation: September 20, 2024 - October 25, 2024 (limited to 6 outstanding works)

Exhibition Opening: 17:00, October 25, 2024



Submission Method:

Please send your biography, contact information, and work proposal (including the work name, ready-made material, size, renderings (3D file, three-view requirements in JPG format, resolution above 300dpi, single side size not less than 42cm), creative description, etc.) to the email:





Creation Requirements:

  1. The work is required to have originality, contemporaneity, interactivity, and

environmental and ecological concepts.

  1. Due to indoor and outdoor exhibitions, the work must have a certain volume

and can be implemented on site according to the cost budget as the primary condition. The creative concept of the work should be based on the school environment, the indoor and outdoor environment of the Art Gallery, cultural history, and interactive experience as much as possible. The work should not only reflect contemporary expression but also have novelty and creativity.

  1. The organizing committee will provide ready-made materials and assembly

costs based on the selected excellent works, and will organize local art enthusiasts and students from our institute to assist in completing them. The organizing committee will also provide basic transportation, accommodation, and meals for the artists. Upon completion and the artist's signature, the excellent works will be displayed long-term both inside and outside the Tianfu College Art Gallery, as well as on campus, for public viewing.



Selection Rules:

The organizing committee and invited judges will select 20 exhibition proposals based on the solicitation plan, from which 6 excellent landing works will be chosen.



Bonus Setting:

Excellent Landing Work Award: 60,000 yuan per piece, Selected Scheme Work Award: 10,000 yuan per piece.

(Note: The above two awards cannot be won simultaneously, and the prize money is pre-tax or invoiced)





Intellectual Property Agreement:

  1. After the proposal is selected for exhibition, it is deemed that the organizer has the right to promote, publish, exhibit, and recommend the implementation of the proposal for the work.
  2. Exhibitors must be the original authors of the design proposal and legally hold the copyright. Exhibitors guarantee that the submitted design proposal will not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any other organization or individual. If any disputes arise as a result, all legal responsibilities and losses caused to the organizer shall be borne by the exhibitor.
  3. After the excellent landing works are adopted, exhibitors have the obligation to modify and improve the excellent landing works according to the requirements of the organizer, ensuring that the works are presented in a high-level exhibition style.


Note: The organizer has the final interpretation right for this event.


Introduction of the Exhibition Organizing Committee Member


教授,西南財經(jīng)大學(xué)天府學(xué)院藝術(shù)與傳媒學(xué)院院長,擔(dān)任四川省普通本科高等學(xué)校教學(xué)指導(dǎo)委員會委員、四川省高等教育學(xué)會設(shè)計專委會常務(wù)理事、第十五屆中國好創(chuàng)意及全國數(shù)字藝術(shù)設(shè)計大賽四川分賽區(qū)副主任委員、 2022四川省大熊貓數(shù)字藝術(shù)創(chuàng)意設(shè)計大賽評委等學(xué)術(shù)職務(wù)。主要研究方向:公共藝術(shù)教育、公共空間設(shè)計和社會創(chuàng)新設(shè)計。

Li Wenbo

Professor, Dean of the School of Arts and Communication at Tianfu College of SWUFE, is a member of the Teaching Steering Committee for Ordinary Undergraduate Higher Education Institutions in Sichuan Province, Executive Director of the Design Special Committee of the Sichuan Higher Education Society, Deputy Chair of the 15th China Creative Ideas and National Digital Art Design Competition (Sichuan Regional Division), and Judge for the 2022 Sichuan Giant Panda Digital Art Creative Design Competition, among other academic positions. Main research areas: public art education, public space design, and social innovation design.


四川音樂學(xué)院成都美術(shù)學(xué)院副教授、碩士導(dǎo)師,中國美術(shù)家協(xié)會會員,四川省美術(shù)家協(xié)會理事,四川省雕塑協(xié)會副會長。代表作品:數(shù)字雕塑《波動的?》、 雕塑《海藻與魚》、 裝置《忘失》、《中國式構(gòu)架》、《囧》、壁畫《成都寬窄巷?“磚”歷史?化墻》等。

LI Jiang

Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor at the Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Conservatory of Music; Member of the China Artists Association; Director of the Sichuan Artists Association; Vice President of the Sichuan Sculpture Association. Representative works include: digital sculpture "Fluctuating Heart," sculpture "Seaweed and Fish," installation pieces "Forgotten," "Chinese-style Framework," "Jiong," and the mural "Brick" Historical Culture Wall in Chengdu's Kuanzhai Alleys.


涉獵傳統(tǒng)中國繪畫,綜合材料繪畫,多媒介裝置,跨媒體藝術(shù)。近年主要成就:2016年11月英國倫敦‘胡潤中國藝術(shù)排行榜’。2017年5月上海朵云美術(shù)館‘藝術(shù)資本論’。2018 年5月成都當(dāng)代美術(shù)館《新物種跨媒體藝術(shù)展》。2018年5月巴黎圣日耳曼德佩公共藝術(shù)周。2019年4月,臺灣臺北,臺南,臺中,高雄個人巡回作品展。2019.9月,成都“流動的邊界”聲音作品演繹。2020.11瑞士巴塞爾藝術(shù)博覽會“1984”主題展。2021.1.臺北凱信美術(shù)館“遺風(fēng)”個人絹本繪畫作品展。2021.11.成都雙年展“地方密碼”特別展。

Zhao Mi

Explores traditional Chinese painting, mixed media painting, multimedia installations, and cross-media art. Major achievements in recent years include: November 2016: "Hurun China Art Ranking" in London, UK. May 2017: "The Capital of Art" at Duoyun Art Gallery in Shanghai. May 2018: "New Species Cross-Media Art Exhibition" at Chengdu Contemporary Art Gallery. May 2018: Public Art Week at Saint-Germain-des-Prés in Paris. April 2019: Solo touring exhibitions in Taipei, Tainan, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, Taiwan. September 2019: Sound performance "Flowing Boundaries" in Chengdu. November 2020: "1984" themed exhibition at Art Basel in Switzerland. January 2021: Solo exhibition "Traces of Tradition" featuring silk paintings at the Kaixin Art Gallery in Taipei. November 2021: "Local Code" special exhibition at the Chengdu Biennale.


Special Guest Judge resume



Mu Wenhu

President of the Sichuan Sculpture Association, Founding President of the Sichuan Digital Media Art Association, Vice President of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, and Master's Supervisor. He has led the design and completion of dozens of sculpture works. Major works include sculptures such as "General Wang Mingzhang," "Ancient Well Salty Spring," "Folk Culture Art Wall," the series "Plowing the Fields at Noon," "Sweat Drips onto the Soil," "Who Knows the Food on the Plate," "Every Grain of Rice," as well as "Guanyin," "Dance," "City of Light," "Nurture," "Bud," "Life," "Flight," "Auspicious Vase," "Wild Geese Flying South," "Memory," and the "Chang Sumin Statue." He has participated in numerous large-scale exhibitions, winning awards, and his works have been published in major newspapers and magazines.



Li Shu

Member of the China Artists Association, Vice Chairman of the Sichuan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Vice Chairman of the Sichuan Artists Association, Vice President of the Sichuan Sculpture Society, Deputy Director of the Cultural Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the China Democratic League, and Associate Dean and Master's Supervisor at the School of Arts, Southwest University for Nationalities. His works have frequently participated in various domestic and international exhibitions and have received awards such as the Sichuan Province Bashu Literary and Art Award and the New China Urban Sculpture Construction Achievement Nomination Award.



Zheng Xiaoxing

Vice President of the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association and President of the Sichuan Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association.



Li Zhi

Chairman of the Chengdu Urban Science Research Association, Vice President and Chairman of the Economic and Medical Health Committee of the Sichuan Western Returned Scholars Association (Sichuan Overseas-educated Scholars Association), Senior Economist, and Distinguished Professor and Master's Supervisor at Sichuan University.



He Guiyan

Art critic, Ph.D. from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Art at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Director of the China Sculpture Society, and Director of the Art Gallery of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. Research areas include contemporary Chinese art movements, art criticism and theory, exhibition curation and art management, public sculpture, and public art. He is the lead of the "Art Theory" discipline at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and the lead of the national first-class discipline in Sichuan Fine Arts at the institute.



Tang Yong

Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, currently serving as a teacher in the Sculpture Department and as Associate Dean of the School of Experimental Art at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. His artistic works encompass sculpture and experimental art, involving various materials such as stainless steel and fiberglass lacquer. His art practice extends beyond traditional sculpture, actively exploring experimental art by employing new technologies and interactive installations to expand the expressive possibilities of sculpture. His works often address issues of humanity, social reality, and individual existence, using art to express concerns and reflections on the real world.


畢業(yè)于四川美術(shù)學(xué)院油畫系,2010年創(chuàng)建四川美術(shù)學(xué)院新媒體藝術(shù)系,2010-2015任系主任,副教授、碩士生導(dǎo)師,2016年博士畢業(yè)于中央美術(shù)學(xué)院,現(xiàn)居住于北京?;钴S于國際與本土的新繪畫與新媒體藝術(shù)的代表人物。曾參加:第55 屆威尼斯雙年展、第7 屆亞太當(dāng)代藝術(shù)三年展、第6 屆莫斯科雙年展、第2 屆布拉格雙年展、荷蘭動畫電影節(jié)、渥太華國際動畫節(jié)、倫敦薩奇美術(shù)館、羅馬21 世紀當(dāng)代藝術(shù)館、奧胡斯美術(shù)館 、紐約Albright Knox 美術(shù)館、盧塞恩美術(shù)館等重要展覽和藝術(shù)節(jié)。

Zhang Xiaotao

Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, he established the New Media Art Department at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2010, serving as its Director from 2010 to 2015. He is an Associate Professor and Master's Supervisor and earned his Ph.D. from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2016. He currently resides in Beijing and is a prominent figure in both international and domestic new painting and new media art scenes. His participation includes major exhibitions and art festivals such as the 55th Venice Biennale, the 7th Asia-Pacific Contemporary Art Triennial, the 6th Moscow Biennale, the 2nd Prague Biennale, the Netherlands Animation Film Festival, the Ottawa International Animation Festival, the Saatchi Gallery in London, the 21st Century Contemporary Art Gallery in Rome, the Aarhus Art Gallery, the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in New York, and the Lucerne Art Gallery.



Zhu Cheng

A council member of the China Sculpture Society and Director of the Zhu Chengshi Private Art Gallery (approved by the Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics). He holds the title of National First-Class Art Master, was a Vice Chairman of the Chengdu Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a member of the Chengdu Urban Sculpture Art Committee, a visiting professor at the Sculpture Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, and an adjunct professor at the School of Media and Arts at Southwest Jiaotong University.



Tan Yun

National first-class artist, former President of Sichuan Sculpture Art Academy for two terms, former President of Sichuan Sculpture Association for two terms, currently the Founding President of Sichuan Sculptors Association, and a member of the Art Committee of the Sichuan Culture and Tourism Department. With over thirty years of experience in the arts, his works have been selected for nearly twenty national exhibitions. Since 1983, dozens of his sculptures have been erected and collected in cities such as Seattle, USA; Lausanne, Switzerland; and in China, including Beijing, Qinhuangdao, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Guilin, Xining, Wuqiao in Hebei, as well as Chengdu, Leshan, Nanchong, Suining, Jiangyou, and Panzhihua in Sichuan.



He Yang

Ph.D. in Art, Professor, and Master's Supervisor. He is the Party Secretary of the Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Vice Dean of the Art Research Institute, Vice President of the Sichuan Digital Media Arts Association, member of the Ministry of Education's Animation and Digital Media Teaching Advisory Committee for Sichuan Province, and member of the Sichuan Drama and Film Studies Teaching Advisory Committee.



Yin Hong

Vice Director of the Academic Affairs Center at the Lin Kong Campus of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Professor, and Master's Supervisor. He is the Head of the Sculpture Department at the Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, holds a Ph.D. from the China Academy of Art, a reserve leader of academic and technical pioneers in Sichuan, a member of the Art Education Committee for undergraduate schools in Sichuan, Deputy Secretary-General of the Sculpture Professional Committee of the China Arts and Crafts Association, member of the China Higher Education Society, member of the China Artists Association, board member of the China Sculpture Society, Vice President of the Sichuan Sculpture Association, Deputy Director of the Sculpture Art Committee of the Sichuan Artists Association, and Director of the Sculpture Art Committee of the Chengdu Artists Association.



Chen Xianhui

Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Public Art at Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts in the Sichuan Conservatory of Music. He graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute in 2001, worked at a Guangdong advertising company from 2001 to 2004, and has been teaching at the Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, since 2004. He also serves as a member of the Rock Color Painting and Mural Art Committee of Sichuan Province.



Lan Qingwei

Ph.D. in Art, art historian, and curator. He specializes in research on modern and contemporary art, contemporary art criticism and curatorial practice, and museum studies and management. He currently teaches at Chengdu University and is a specially appointed researcher at the "New Museum Studies Research Center" of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. He also serves as Vice Director of the Sichuan Provincial Art Association's Curatorial Committee, an academic committee member of the China Art Critics Annual Conference, and the founder of the One Square Meter Public Library.



Tian Meng

Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Tian Meng has long been engaged in the management of art institutions and museums, alongside her research and curatorial work in contemporary art. Her curatorial practice emphasizes case studies and thematic research and exhibitions. Recent major thematic projects include "Words and Sensations," "Childhood as a Problem," and "Local Dimensions." She served as the Art Director of Chongqing Ridge Space from May 2010 to May 2016 and as the Art Director of Chengdu Lushan Art Gallery from June 2016 to August 2022. In 2022, she co-founded the Minimal Art Center and the Jin Yue Children's Art Gallery. She is currently the Director of the Minimal Art Center and an advisor to the Jin Yue Children's Art Gallery.



Cang Xin

A contemporary performance artist, born in 1967 in Baotou, Inner Mongolia. He is the Vice President of the New Ink Painting Academy of China and an advisor at the Experimental Art Research Institute of Hebei Normal University. Cang Xin began his artistic creation in the 798 Art Zone in 2002 and currently resides in Chengdu, Sichuan.



Ren Rong

Graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts in 1986 and from the Düsseldorf Art Academy in Germany in 1992. In 1993, he received an art scholarship from the Ministry of Culture of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany. He has held solo exhibitions in Germany, the Czech Republic, Canada, Singapore, China, and other countries, and has participated in numerous important group exhibitions.



Kang Shuya (United States)

Ph.D. from Sichuan University and Associate Researcher in the Department of Ancient Literature at Sichuan University.



Leah Dickerman (United States)

Director of the Research Department at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, USA.


1992 巴塞羅那奧運會歷史街區(qū)改建設(shè)計 FAD獎項獲得者,西班牙加泰羅尼亞理工大學(xué)茹若爾研究院項目主任,西班牙巴塞羅那自治大學(xué)EINA 藝術(shù)與設(shè)計學(xué)院教學(xué)主任。

Eusebius Bravo Farre (Spain)

Winner of the FAD Award for the redesign of the historic district for the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, Project Director at the Jorull Research Institute of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and Director of Teaching at EINA University School of Design and Art, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain.



Paul Gladston(Australia)

Paul Gladston is indeed the inaugural Judith Neilson Chair Professor of Contemporary Art at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. He is also a distinguished member of the China-UK Humanities Alliance at Tsinghua University, Beijing. Additionally, he is the co-editor of the book series "Contemporary East Asian Visual Cultures, Societies and Politics" and the founding editor of the journal "Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art" .



Attached: Environmental images of Tianfu College of SWUFE, Tianfu College of SWUFE Art Gallery

德陽校區(qū):Deyang Campus:

綿陽校區(qū):Mianyang Campus:

成都校區(qū)(東區(qū)):Chengdu Campus (East Area):

成都校區(qū)(西區(qū)):Chengdu Campus (West Area):

西南財經(jīng)大學(xué)天府學(xué)院美術(shù)館鳥瞰圖:Aerial View of Tianfu College of SWUFE Art Gallery:

西南財經(jīng)大學(xué)天府學(xué)院美術(shù)館內(nèi)部場景:Interior Scene of Tianfu College of SWUFE Art Gallery:

西南財經(jīng)大學(xué)天府學(xué)院美術(shù)館中庭場景:Atrium Scene of Tianfu College of SWUFE Art Gallery:
