

來源:99藝術(shù)網(wǎng) 編譯:Julia 2009-06-02

藝術(shù)家Elmgreen 和 Dragset


  在今年的威尼斯雙年展上,丹麥與挪威兩國將合作舉辦一場名為“收藏家”(The Collectors)的展覽。“收藏家”由來自兩國的藝術(shù)家Elmgreen和Dragset共同策劃并搬上展臺。

  在24位國家藝術(shù)家及藝術(shù)家團體的支持下,Elmgreen 和 Dragset將丹麥及挪威館變成一處私人住所,而觀眾則將扮演客人的角色。走進展館,飯廳,臥室,家具,壁爐,玻璃天窗,以及各種散落于家具中間的藝術(shù)品,將向觀眾揭示這想象中的房屋主人一家的離奇故事,他們的強烈性格及各種生活方式。

  觀眾將邊聽房地產(chǎn)公司介紹房屋原主人的家庭故事,邊參觀“在售”的丹麥國家館。而在相鄰的挪威館,觀眾不僅能看到來自神秘的Mr. B.的當(dāng)代藝術(shù)作品和設(shè)計品,還能看到他收藏的各任情人的泳衣。正如展覽名稱“收藏家”所揭示的那樣,此次展覽主題與收藏有關(guān),而隱藏在用展示具體物件來表現(xiàn)自己的行為后面的心理也是主題之一。



  Thora Dolven Balke, Massimo Bartolini, Hernan Bas, Guillaume Bijl, Maurizio Cattelan, Elmgreen & Dragset, Pepe Espaliú, Tom of Finland, Simon Fujiwara, Han & Him, Laura Horelli, Martin Jacobson, William E. Jones, Terence Koh, Jani Leinonen, Klara Lidén, Jonathan Monk, Nico Muhly, Norway Says, Henrik Olesen, Nina Saunders, Vibeke Slyngstad, Sturtevant and Wolfgang Tillmans.









Artist Duo Elmgreen & Dragset Stage the Danish and Nordic Pavilions for La Biennale di Venezia


The public will be guided on a tour by a real estate agent through a “For Sale” Danish Pavilion, and will be told the story of the family dramas that used to haunt this house. The neighboring Nordic Pavilion has been turned into a flamboyant bachelor’s pad. Here the audience will experience not only the collection of contemporary artworks and design from the mysterious Mr. B., but also his collection of ex-lovers’ used swimwear. As the title ‘The Collectors’ indicates, the exhibition will approach the topic of collecting, and the psychology behind the practice of expressing oneself through physical objects.

More than twenty artists and designers of all ages, ranging from established to emerging ones, will contribute to creating a different kind of exhibition format: One that will appear closer to a film set than a conventional art display. The curators aim to create a feeling of intimacy with their staged exhibition – one that counters the official spectacle and formal nature of the Biennale – and, in close collaboration with the participating artists and designers, they hope to circumvent the usual competitive aspects of the larger art event.

The Artists:
The artists and designers included in the exhibition are: Thora Dolven Balke, Massimo Bartolini, Hernan Bas, Guillaume Bijl, Maurizio Cattelan, Elmgreen & Dragset, Pepe Espaliú, Tom of Finland, Simon Fujiwara, Han & Him, Laura Horelli, Martin Jacobson, William E. Jones, Terence Koh, Jani Leinonen, Klara Lidén, Jonathan Monk, Nico Muhly, Norway Says, Henrik Olesen, Nina Saunders, Vibeke Slyngstad, Sturtevant and Wolfgang Tillmans.






