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作者:楊千 作者:楊千 作者:楊千 作者:楊千
作品名稱:雙重繪畫 _8 作品名稱:雙重繪畫 _8(紫光燈下) 作品名稱:抽象-山水 _1 作品名稱:抽象-山水 _1(紫光燈下)
尺寸:150*200cm 尺寸:150*200cm 尺寸:150*200cm 尺寸:150*200cm
創(chuàng)作年代: 創(chuàng)作年代: 創(chuàng)作年代: 創(chuàng)作年代:


1959年生于四川成都 現(xiàn)居住和工作于北京



2006 今日美術館 “新繪畫-楊千作品展”
     馬蕊樂當代藝術畫廊 “楊千新作展-反射的幻影” 米蘭,意大利
     冥古藝術畫廊 “楊千新作展-鏡像” 臺中,臺灣
2005 Michael Berger 畫廊“楊千新作展” 匹茲堡,美國
2003 平遙國際攝影藝術節(jié) 平遙,中國
2000 KNOX畫廊“楊千新作展” Naples,美國
1999 ADAMAR畫廊“前奏曲” 邁阿密,美國
1997 456畫廊“反射” 紐約
1995 DAVID WOLF畫廊“楊謙近作展” 紐約
1994 SUFFOLK學院“楊謙新作展” 紐約
1993 JAMAICA藝術中心“真實與虛幻” 紐約
1992 HANSON畫廊“楊謙近作展” 紐約
1991 808 PENN畫廊“與時間的對話” 匹茲堡,美國
1988 佛羅里達大學“可觸與不可觸” GAINESVILLE,美國
     CORNWALL畫廊“楊謙新作展” 紐約


2006 第六屆上海雙年展 ,上海美術館, 上海
     藝術北京主題展,“藝術突破” 北京
     朱屺瞻美術館,“有氧群”, 上海
     巴塞爾藝術博覽會, 巴塞爾 瑞士
     何香凝美術館-當代藝術中心,“一次性消費” 深圳
     首屆5x7平遙照相雙年展,“畫幅決定態(tài)度” 平遙
     Willem Kerseboom 畫廊,“去北京的機票“,荷蘭 阿姆斯特丹
     華藝莎藝術中心,“共同連線” 北京
     索卡當代空間,“當代寫實-再發(fā)現(xiàn)” 北京
     臺北市立美術館,“展開的現(xiàn)實主義-1978年以來中國大陸油畫” 臺北
     Heyri 亞洲計劃 1“虛虛實實”- 中國當代藝術展, 韓國
     青島美術館,“重慶辣椒”-四川美院當代藝術展, 青島
     中國美術館,“穿越文化-四人聯(lián)展” 北京
     瑪蕊樂畫廊,“臭美-三人展” 北京
     中華世紀壇美術館,“第一屆中國當代藝術年鑒展” 北京
2005 第二屆布拉格雙年展,“繪畫的延續(xù)” 布拉格, 捷克
     成都雙年展,“景觀-世紀與天堂” 成都
     漢城藝術中心,“著陸現(xiàn)實-中國當代藝術展” 漢城 韓國
     連州國際攝影雙年展, 廣東,連州
     宋莊一號當代藝術中心“翻手為云 覆手為雨” 北京
     英國紅樓基金會,“好女孩-壞女孩” 倫敦 英國
     博羅尼亞文化藝術基金會“中國當代油畫展” 博羅尼亞,意大利
     (巡回至Palazzo in Poggiale 美術館 圖里羅 意大利
     英國紅樓基金會,“北京故事” 倫敦 英國
     Edwin’s 畫廊,25 周年紀念展, 雅加達 印度尼西亞
     北京現(xiàn)在畫廊“云雨” 北京
2004 四合院畫廊,“我,我,我,” 北京
     奧運藝術車大展 “加速度” 北京
     北京季節(jié)畫廊,“中國影象繪畫” 北京
     新加坡藝術季節(jié) 畫廊“中國影象繪畫” 新加坡
     密特朗文化中心,“被禁止的感覺” 佩里格,法國
     Vanessa 藝術畫廊,“中國當代油畫展” 雅加達,印尼
     FIAC 國際藝術博覽會 巴黎
     marella 當代藝術畫廊,“中國油畫的新展望” 米蘭,意大利
     Luis Serpa Gallery,“奇妙的無理-漫游者的經(jīng)驗” 里斯本,葡萄牙

2003 上海多倫現(xiàn)代美術館,“打開天空” 上海
     藝術季節(jié)畫廊“城市幻覺與感知” 新加坡
     北京季節(jié)畫廊,“花家地” 北京
     四合院畫廊,“難題” 北京
      德國杜塞多夫藝術宮博物館“杜塞多夫藝術年展” 德國
     Veronique Maxe-Albert Benamou畫廊“中國女性主題” 巴黎
     FIAC國際藝術博覽會 巴黎
     四合苑畫廊“夏天聯(lián)展” 北京
2002 平遙國際攝影大展“日常態(tài)度” 平遙,中國
     南京博物院“白日夢” 南京,中國
     四川美院美術館“回顧77,78級邀請展” 重慶,中國
2001 上海海上山藝術館“中國方案,旋轉(zhuǎn)360?!?上海
     香港藝術公社“異常與日常當代藝術展” 香港
2000 成都現(xiàn)代藝術館“世紀之門” 成都,中國
     原弓美術館“異常與日常當代藝術展” 上海
1999 MONIQUE GOLDSTRUM畫廊“當代超現(xiàn)實主義” 紐約
1998 當代藝術博物館“90年代的人物藝術” 奧斯汀,美國
     VANDERBUILT美術館“世紀末的藝術” 紐約長島
1997 當代藝術中心“新形式,新藝術家” 明尼安波利斯,美國
     WALTER WICKISER畫廊“紐約人物繪畫” 紐約
     約克大學IDA畫廊“中國的轉(zhuǎn)型” 多倫多,加拿大
1995 佛羅里達大學畫廊“聯(lián)展” GAINESVILLE,美國
1994 NASSAU學院“人物” 紐約長島
     ADAMAR藝術畫廊“女人體形式研究 邁阿密,美國
     紐約市立大學“亞美藝術新表現(xiàn)” 紐約
1992 MEXIC-ARTE中心“中國新藝術” 奧斯汀,美國
     圣約翰大學“當代中國油畫異彩” 紐約
1991 圣地亞哥州立大學畫廊“中西方藝術的相會” 圣地亞哥,美國
     SALLY HAWKINGS畫廊“最后的圖畫展覽” 紐約
     圣地亞哥大學奠基人畫廊“第二個春天” 圣地亞哥,美國
1990 PSI美術館“中國新藝術” 紐約
     ACCESS畫廊“畫廊藝術家展覽” 紐約
     THE CLOCK TOWER 畫廊“公共鏡子” 紐約
1990 以前從略(詳見英文簡歷)

美國科羅拉多州NEW ERA 網(wǎng)絡公司
Cassa di Risparmio 基金會,意大利


1959 Chengdu, China.
1982-1984 Instructor at Sichuan Fine Art Institute. Chongqin, China.
1999-2001 Guest Professor at Sichuan University. Chengdu,China.
          Live and Work in Beijing.

1985 -1988 Master’s Degree of Fine Arts, University of Florida.
1978 -1982 Bachelor*s Degree of Arts, Sichuan Fine Arts? Institute, Chongqing, P.R.

2008 Poly Art Museum,Yang Qian’s Dual Painting, Beijing (scheduled)
     The Jam Jar, Dual Paintings by Yang Qian, Dubai UAE
     Red Mansion Foundation, Image in Changing-Yang Qian’s New works, London UK
2007 Zengdai Museum of Modern Art. Overlaping--New works by Yang Qian, Shanghai
2006 Today Art Museum, Neo-Painting by Yang Qian. Beijing
     Marella Arte Contemporanea, Illusion of Reflection—Paintings by Yang Qian.
     Ming Art Gallery, Mirror-Image,New Paintings by Yang Qian. Taiwan
2005 Michael Berger Gallery, New Paintings by Yang Qian Pittsburgh,PA. USA
2003 Ping Yao International Photography Art Festival Ping Yao
2000 Knox Gallery, Qian Yang, New Works , Naples,FL. USA.
1999 Adamar Fine Art, New Paintings by Qian Yang, Miami, FL.USA
1997 Gallery 456, Reflections New York, NY
1994 Suffolk Community College, Qian Yang Paintings & Drawings, Selden, NY.
1993 Jamaica Arts Center, Reality and Illusion, New York, NY.
1992 Hanson Gallery, Recent Paintings by Qian Yang, New York, NY.
1991 808 Penn Gallery, A Dialogue with Time, Pittsburgh, PA.USA
     Patricia Judith Gallery, Classical Variations, Boca Raton, FL.USA
1990 Patricia Judith Gallery, Neo-Classical Interpretation, Boca Raton, FL.USA
1989 Patricia Judith Gallery, Recent Paintings by Qian Yang, Boca Raton, FL.USA
1988 University of Florida, Tangible and Intangible, Gainesville, FL.USA
     Cornwall Gallery, New Paintings of Qian Yang, New York, NY.

2008 National Museum of Indonesia, Sichuan Painters, Jakata Indonesia
     Guangdong museum of Art, The Supplemental History, Guangzhou
     Triumph Art Space, Wandering Heart, Beijing
2007 Museum of Contemporary Art at ZKM , Thermocline of Art-New Asian Waves,
     Karlsruhe, Germany
     Beijing Today Art Museum, Today’s Documents 2007—Energy,Beijing
     National Museum of Contemporary Art, Floating-New Generation of Art in China.      Seoul Korea
     Guang Dong art Museum, Departure from Southwest-Contemporary Art from Southwest      of China, Guangzhou.
     Gui Zhou Biennale, Personal Myth. Guiyang Guizhou
     Asia Art Center,The Power of the Universe-An Exhibition of the Frontier of      Contemporary Chinese Art, Beijing
     Doosan Art Center, A Truth Beyond the Real, Seoul Korea
     Tang Gallery, Breaking Vision-Chinese Contemporay Painting, Bangkok, Thailand
     Hong Kong City Hall, What’s Next?-Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition,Hong
     Osage Contemporary Art Center,Chinese Whispers, Hong Kong
     Kwangju City Museum of Art, New Style From Beijing—Chinese Contemporary Art,      Kwangju?South Korea.
     Ming Art Gallery,Seven Plateau-Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Beijing
     Galeria Louis Serpa, Transition Territories. Lisbon,Portugal
     Tang Gallery, From New Figurative to New-Painting.?Beijing
2006 6th Shanghai Biennale,Hyper Design , Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai , China
     Taibei Art Museum, The Expansion in Realism—Paintings in China since 1978,      Taiwan
     Zhu Jizhan Art Museum, The group with Oxygen, Shanghai
     Art Beijing 2006 Thematic Exhibition, Art Unfobidden, Beijing
     Willem Kerseboom Modern & Contemporary Art, A Ticket to Beijing, Amsterdam. The
     Vanessa Art Link, Common-Link, Beijing
     First 5x7” Picture Taking Biennale Project, Pingyao
     Soka Contemporary Space, Re-excavate the Contemporary Realism,? Beijing
     He Xiangning Art Museum-Contemporary Art Center,One time consumption, Shenzhen.
     Heyri Asia Project, Unclear&Clearence-China Contemporay Art Exhibition, Paju
     Qingdao Art Museum, Chongqing Chilis-Contemporary Art in Sichuan, Qingdao
     Art Basel, Presented by Gallery Hyundai,Seoul Korea
     China Art Museum, Cross Culture-Four Artists Show. Beijing
     Marella Gallery, Vanity Beauty-Three-Men show?? Beijing
     China Millennium Art Museum, First Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition?
2005 Prague Biennale 2;? Expanded Painting.? Prague, Czech
     Seoul Art Center; Grouding Reality- New Artists from China.Seoul,Korea.
     Beijing TS1 Contemporary Art Center, Turning Hands With Cloud- Rain.? Beijing
     Red Mansion Foundation; Good Girls,Bad Girls. London,England
     Lianzhou International Photograph Biennale, Lianzhou.China
     Chengdu Biennale; Chengdu Museum of Modern Art. Chengdu. China
     Red Mansion Foundation; Beijing Story. London, England.
     Shenzhen Sculpture Academy; On Going, Shen Zhen.China
     Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna
     China-New Contemporary Painting. Bologna? Italy
     (Traveled to Palazzo in Poggiale Torino Italy
      Edwin’s Gallery ,Group Show-25th Anniversary. Jakarta Indonesia
     Art Now Gallery, Cloud Rain.?Beijing
2004 Courtyard Gallery,Posers Beijing
     Olympic Art Car Exhibition, Speed, Beijing
     Francois Mitterrand Culture Center,Forbiden Senses??? Perigueux,France
     Marella Arte Contemmporanea,New Perspective in Chinese Painting Milan, Italy
     FIAC International Art Exposition. Paris
     Luis Serpa Gallery,Sublime Audacity-he Stroller Experiences Lisbon Portugal
     Beijing Seasons Gallery,Hua Jia Di Beijing
     Art Seasons Callery? Hua Jia Di??? Singapore
     Courtyard Gallery,Me,Me,Me, Beijing
     Beijing Seasons Gallery,China Photographic Painting Beijing
     Vanessa Art Gallery,China Avant Garde Jakarta Indonesia
2003 Shanghai Duoland Museum of Modern Art.,Open Sky? Shanghai
     Museum Kunst Palast Dusseldorf,Grosse Kunst Ausstellung Dusseldorf Germany
     Art Seasons Gallery,Urban Illusion and Perception Singapore
     Courtyard Gallery,Summer Invitational Exhibition? Beijing
     FIAC International Art Exposition, Paris
     Galerie? Veronique Maxe- Albert Benamou,Femmes de Chine Paris
2002 Nan Jing? Art Museum? "Day Dream"? Nan Jing,? China
      Ping Yao? International? Photography? Exhibition "Daily? Attitude" Ping
     Art Museum of Sichuan Fine Art Institute; Invitational Exhibition for 77and
     78 Chongqing?
2001 Hong Kong? Art Commune? "Unusual and Usual" Hong Kong
     Shanghai Paragold? Int'l Art Center "Chinese? Plan: Rotate 360
2000 Yuan Gong Museum: Unusual And Usual ,Contemporary Art Exhibition Shanghai, China.
     Museum of Modern Art: Door Through the Century; National Art Exhibition
1999 Monique Goldstrum Gallery: Surrealism New York, NY.
1998 Center of Contemporary Art: Figurative Art in 90 Houston, TX.
     Vanderbuilt Museum: Art at the End? of the Century?? Long Island,? NY.
1997 Center For Contemporary Art: New Form ,New Artist? Minneapolis, MS.
     Walter Wickiser Gallery: Figurative Paintings in? New York?? New York,NY
     IDA Gallery/York University: China Turns Ontario,Canada.
1995 University Gallery: Group Show, Gainesville, FL.
1994 Nassau Community College: Figuration, Garden City, NY.
     Adamar Fine Arts: The study of The Female Form, Miami, FL.
     Graduate Center, City University of New York: New Expression in Asian American
      Art, New York, NY.
1992 Mexic-Arte China June 4th, 1989 Austin, TX. (Travelling to Cleveland Institute
     of Art, Cleveland, OH.)
     St. John*s University: Spectrum of Modern Chinese Painting, New York, NY.
     Graduate Center, City University of New York: Friends of Lin Lin, New York, NY.
1991 University Art Gallery, San Diego State University: Chinese Art Meets West, San      Diego, CA.
     Founders Gallery, University of San Diego: Second Spring, San Diego, CA.
     Sally Hawkings Gallery: The Last Picture Show, New York, NY.
1990 PS1 Museum: China June 4th, New York, NY.
     Access Gallery: Gallery Artist Show, New York,NY.
     The Clock Tower Gallery: The Public Mirror, New York, NY.
1989 Blum Helman Warehouse: China June 4th, New York, NY.
1987 Sarah Lawrence College: Artists from China-New Expression, Bronxville, NY.
     Chinese Institute: Chinese Overseas Artist United Show, Boston, MA.
     Harkness House: Contemporary Oil Paintings from the People*s Republic of China,
     New York, NY.

National Museum of Art, Beijing, China.
K21 Museum for Contemporary Art,Germany
Franck Cohn Museum of Contemporary Art,UK
Guang Dong Art Museum
Beijing Today Art Museum
Shanghai Zheng Da Museum of Modern Art
Museum of Art, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China.
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
IBM? International Corp. New York.
New Era of Networks Corp.? Englewood, CO.?
Bell Atlantic Corp.?? Hicksville, NY.
The Chase Manhattan Bank, New Hyde Park, NY.
Hang Seng Bank,Hong Kong.
Annie Wong Art Foundation,Hong Kong.
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna,Italy.